What is Ulcerative Colitis? – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment by Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about ulcerative colitis a very nasty condition

where you have inflammation in your colon which is the last part of your

digestive tract and the rectum with ulcers with bleeding

and the problem is there’s only really two solutions medically

one is surgery and the other one is steroids

so i don’t like these two solutions because as soon as you do the steroids

you might feel better but then the next time you do it

you need more and more and more and more until the point where you become

resistant to steroids and has a lot of side

effects as well and of course surgery is not the ultimate solution because the

purpose of the colon is to absorb water and electrolytes

so if you’re not able to reabsorb water and recycle water you’re going to be

dehydrated not to mention the importance of

electrolytes as well on the heart also the colon houses most of your

microbiome so if you don’t have that flora there to help you make

vitamins help your immune system you’re gonna

have a lot of issues and a lot of skin issues

as well so i want to give you some other things to do

naturally to help if you have ulcerative colitis it’s an autoimmune

condition which means your own immune system

is creating a constant irritation and inflammation to the colon

creating ulcers so the most important thing if you’re new to my channel

maybe this is a new thing to you if you’re not this is

what you need to do fasting fasting is the most important thing

when you eat six meals a day this is very very bad for ulcerative colitis

because you never give it a chance to heal

so fasting will drop inflammation it will increase the diversity of your

microbiome okay which is interesting you’re gonna

not feed these microbes but then they become more diverse they become stronger

they survive better if you feed them too much they get lazy and fat

also you’ll have an increase in something called small

chain fatty acids and this is an anti-inflammatory compound

and it helps with insulin resistance it helps with your immune system

so fasting is very very important if you’re new to my channel i put a link

down below of how to do intermittent fasting and periodic

prolonged fasting number two zinc zinc is necessary

for any type of ulcers so if you have a zinc deficiency you it increases your

risk of getting an ulcer so you want zinc number three vitamin d and i know

you’ve probably heard this many many times in fact i had one

comment today on one of my youtube videos that said dr

berg do you recommend fasting and vitamin d for

every single condition and i said just about simply because

it’s very very important and if the condition involves

inflammation which is a large percentage of conditions then

these two things are are necessary so vitamin d in higher amounts i’m

talking about 40,000 IUs per day maybe even more for ulcerative

colitis vitamin d is an immune modulator it

controls the immune system it helps to put the

fire out it’s a very powerful anti-inflammatory and it

acts like cortisone prednisone but without the

side effects so this is very very important cabbage

juice has some interesting research i’ll put a link down below in fact i’ll

put a link down below for all the research that i’m

talking about right now cabbage juice certain phytonutrients in cabbage juice

has known properties to help with ulcers

and gastritis and any type of damage in your colon especially

inflammation in fact if you have ulcerative colitis

or celiac or some type of inflammation

in your gut cabbage as a vegetable seems to be

something you probably will be able to digest more than other vegetables

um but for a great majority of people consuming vegetables will irritate their

colon so in that case they have to go more

carnivore for a while maybe two months maybe longer to help

reset and heal the colon because the fiber acts

to irritate the colon but they might do fine with

cabbage but the cabbage juice is something you can actually take

so you want to juice it fresh all right number five

vsl number three this is a very uh powerful probiotic you can get it from

the health food store you can get it online

there’s eight strains you would want to take four to eight capsules not right

away you take a very small amount initially

and gradually work up to it because it can create an immune reaction but it

has a count of 900 billion compared to other probiotics which at

the very most it’ll be like 20 billion so there’s

it’s super concentrated and you’d have to take it for

at least a month two months to really start seeing the change because it’s a

slow process it’s lactose free but it’s very very

powerful for ulcerative colitis in any type of inflammatory condition

wheatgrass juice powder has also some interesting studies that i’m going to

put down below to help with any type of

lesions inflammation ulcers on the internal part of your skin the lining

either in the esophagus the stomach the small intestine the large intestine

or apple cider vinegar wheatgrass juice and wheatgrass juice powder is very

beneficial to help the inner skin of the

gut so i think really if you did these things right here

you’ll be in a lot better shape and there’s very minimal side effects of

these items right here so give it a shot and comment down below

before you go if you have a question about a product or you’re new to keto

and you want to know how to begin keto or you’re on

keto and you need a debug because it’s not going as smooth

i have a keto consultant standing by to help you

this is just for the people in the US hopefully in the future we’ll be able to

answer everyone’s call but i put the number down below so you

can call and get some help