DeepLearningAI - ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers - Transforming

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Large language models are very good at transforming its input to a

different format, such as inputting a

piece of text in one language and transforming

it or translating it to a different language,

or helping with spelling and grammar corrections,

so taking as input a piece of text that may not be

fully grammatical and helping you to fix that up a bit,

or even transforming formats such as inputting HTML and

outputting JSON. So there’s a bunch of applications that I used to write

somewhat painfully with a bunch of regular expressions that

would definitely be much more simply implemented now with a large language

model and a few prompts.

Yeah, I use Chad GPT to proofread pretty much

everything I write these days, so I’m excited to show you

some more examples in the notebook now. So first we’ll import

OpenAI and also

use the same getCompletion helper function that we’ve

been using throughout the videos. And the first thing we’ll do

is a translation task. So large language models are trained

on a lot of text from kind of many sources, a lot

of which is the internet, and this is kind of, of course, in many

different languages. So this kind of imbues the

model with the ability to do translation.

And these models know kind of hundreds of languages

to varying degrees of proficiency. And so we’ll

go through some examples of how to use this capability.

So let’s start off with something simple.

So in this first example, the prompt is

translate the following English text to Spanish. Hi,

I would like to order a blender. And the response is Hola,

me gustaría ordenar una licuadora. And I’m very sorry to all

of you Spanish speakers. I never learned Spanish, unfortunately,

as you can definitely tell.

OK, let’s try another example. So

in this example, the prompt is, tell me what language this is.

And then this is in French, Combien coûte la lampe d’air. And

so let’s run this.

And the model has identified that this is French.

The model can also do multiple translations at once.

So in this example, let’s say, translate the following text to

French and Spanish.

And you know what, let’s add another an English


And the text is, I want to order a basketball.

So here we have French, Spanish, and English pirates.

So in some languages, the translation can change

depending on the speaker’s relationship to the listener. And

you can also explain this to the language model. And

so it will be able to kind of translate accordingly.

So in this example, we say, translate

the following text to Spanish in both the

formal and informal forms. Would you like to order a pillow? And

also notice here, we’re using a different delimiter than

these backticks. It doesn’t really matter

as long as it’s kind of a clear separation.

So, here we have the formal and informal.

So, formal is when you’re speaking to someone who’s kind

of maybe senior to you or you’re in a professional situation. That’s when you

use a formal tone and then informal is when you’re speaking to maybe a

group of friends. I don’t actually speak Spanish but my dad does and he says

that this is correct. So, for the next example, we’re going

to pretend that we’re in charge of a

multinational e-commerce company and so the

user messages are going to be in all

different languages and so users are going to be telling us about

their IT issues in a wide variety of languages. So, we

need a universal translator. So, first we’ll just paste in a list of

user messages in a variety of different languages

and now we will loop through

each of these user messages. So, for issue in user messages

and then I’m going to copy over this slightly longer code block.

And so, the first thing we’ll do is ask the model

to tell us what language the issue is in. So, here’s the

prompt. Then we’ll print out the

original message’s language and the issue and then we’ll ask

the model to translate it into English and Korean.

So, let’s run this.

So, the original message in French.

So, we have a variety of languages and then

the model translates them into English and then

Korean and you can kind of see here, so the model says this is French.

So, that’s because the response from this prompt is going

to be this is French. You could try editing this

prompt to say something like tell me what

language this is, respond with only one

word or don’t use a sentence, that kind of thing, if

you wanted this to just be kind of one word. Or

you could kind of ask for it in a JSON

format or something like that, which would probably encourage it to

not use a whole sentence.

And so, amazing, you’ve just built a universal translator. And

also feel free to pause the video and add kind

of any other languages you want to try here, maybe

languages you speak yourself and see how the model


So the next thing we’re going to dive into

is tone transformation. Writing can vary based on kind

of an intended audience, you know, the way that I would

write an email to a colleague or a

professor is obviously going to be quite different

to the way I text my younger brother. And

so ChatGBT can actually also help produce different tones.

So let’s look at some examples. So in this first example, the

prompt is, translate the following from slang

to a business letter. Dude, this is Joe, check out this spec on

the standing lamp.

So, let’s execute this.

And as you can see, we have a much more formal business letter

with a proposal for a standing lamp specification.

The next thing that we’re going to do is to

convert between different formats. ChatGBT is very good at translating between

different formats such as JSON to HTML, you know, XML, all

kinds of things. Markdown.

And so in the prompt, we’ll describe both the input

and the output formats. So here is an example. So

we have this JSON that contains a list

of restaurant employees with their names and email.

And then in the prompt, we’re going to ask the

model to translate this from JSON to HTML. So

the prompt is, translate the following Python

dictionary from JSON to an HTML table with column headers and titles.

And then we’ll get the response from the

model and print it.

So here we have some HTML displaying all

of the employee names and emails.

And so now let’s see if we can actually view this HTML. So

we’re going to use this display function from this Python library. Display HTML


And here you can see that this is a properly formatted HTML table.

The next transformation task we’re going to do is spell

check and grammar checking. And this is a really kind of

popular use for chat GBT. I highly recommend doing this. I

do this all the time. And it’s especially useful when you’re working in

a non-native language. And so here are some examples of some

kind of common grammar and spelling problems and

how the language model can help address these.

So I’m going to paste in a list of sentences that have some kind

of grammatical or spelling errors.

And then we’re going to loop through each of these sentences.


ask the model to proofread these.

Proofread and correct. And then we’ll use some delimiters.

And then we will get the response and print it as usual.

And so the model is able to correct all of these grammatical errors.

We could use some of the techniques that we’ve

discussed before. So

to improve the prompt, we could say proofread

and correct the following text.

And rewrite the whole…

And rewrite it.


version. If you don’t find

any errors,

just say

no errors found.

Let’s try this.

So this way we were able to… Oh, they’re still using quotes here. But

you can imagine you’d be able to find a way with a little

bit of iterative prompt development to kind of

find a prompt that works more reliably every

single time. And so now we’ll do another

example. It’s always useful to check your text before you

post it in a public forum. And so we’ll go through an example

of checking a review.

And so here is a review about a stuffed panda.

And so we’re going to ask the model to proofread and

correct the review.

Great. So we have this corrected version.

And one cool thing we can do is find the kind of

differences between our original review and the model’s output. So

we’re going to use this

RedLines Python package to do this. And we’re going to get the

diff between the original

text of our review and the model output

and then display this.

And so here you can see the diff between the original review

and the model output and the kind of

things that have been corrected. So the prompt that we used was, uhm,

proofread and correct this review, but you can also make

kind of more dramatic changes, uhm, kind of changes to tone

and that kind of thing. So, let’s try

one more thing. So in this prompt, we’re going to ask the

model to proofread and correct this same review, but

also make it more compelling and ensure that it follows APA style

and targets an advanced reader. And we’re also

going to ask for the output in markdown format. And so

we’re using the same text from the original review up here. So let’s execute


And here we have a expanded APA style

review of the SoftPanda.

So this is it for the transforming video.

Next up we have expanding where we’ll take a shorter prompt and

kind of generate a longer, more freeform response from

a language model.