Universal Adversarial Perturbations and Language M… | Pamela Mishkin | OpenAI Scholars Demo Day 2020 | OpenAI

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great thank you hi everyone I’m Pamela

welcome to this production of Hamilton

on Disney plus today we’ll be talking

about that is the laugh line no I got

we’re talking about adversarial attacks

on NLP models so a lot of my work in the

program has been about critically

thinking about how we motivate this work

this talk will mostly be a commentary

and analysis about the state of the

literature on adversarial attacks in NLP

so as some background the image space

has robust literature I’m using targeted

manipulations and model interpret

ability to understand and things like

adversarial attacks controllable

generation and intersectional bias these

push there’s also push from policy

makers to understand how marvelous work

and what failure states exist models

exist in the wild we’re beholdin for

their bias and their failure States

everyday and so I sort of wanted to

strengthen my understanding of how we

quantify those failure States so a lot

of this work is motivated from a 20-19

paper from Alan AI led by a team with

Eric Wallace where they define they call

a universal adversarial trigger which is

a short phrase that can cause a specific

model prediction and when concatenated

to any input from a dataset and the kind

of productive

fresh your slides so that we get the

most updated one as it seems to be stuck

stop is that there there we go okay

well if you try so the paper

demonstrates the triggers transfer

between models they’re both model

agnostic and inferred agnostic what does

this look like so let’s say we have a

sentiment classifier can you see the


okay um so let’s say we have a sentiment

classifier um given the input the movie

was awful we’d expected to classify that

as negative um but a trigger would look

like something like and this is a

trigger we found when we ran this some

of you uh invigorating captivating um so

that appended to the movie was awful

would flip the resultant classifier from

negative to positive it seems like we’re

still having a little bit of trouble

with your slides I’m not showing a blank

it takes a little bit to show now you’re

finally know I’m fine okay can you see

them now still okay I might have to do

you might have to see my whole browser I

guess is the punchline does that is that

right yeah slide and if it doesn’t

refresh really quickly we might move

your slides for you okay so so this

would flip the output from negative to

positive and they sort of clear why this

is a failure in the case of the

classifier right we know what the output

should be this is this is changing the

output to the wrong answer in a language

model it’s a bit less clear so what a

language model does is given an input

like the movie was we’d expect it to

complete that text in a way that makes

sense given the contact so the movie was

a great film yeah okay response from a

language model what a trigger would do

here is when we append some tokens wrap

you know fun basketball football all

sports words to the movie was the

language model would instead complete

that with text about sports and it’s

kind of less clear whether we should

consider this a failure this trigger in

particular prepended or appended to the

input may not be content preserving on a

simply this many words about sports

might change the meaning or intent of

the original input that’s another

example adding a six token string to the

end of any Shakespeare play shouldn’t

result in hate speech even if the play

is the Merchant of Venice so we want to

sort of understand how stealthy we need

to make these triggers to make the

the language model qualify as a failure

um and that question is clearer in other

spaces like audio or vision we can use

whether a trigger is perceptible or

imperceptible by humans as a guide we

don’t have a tool to easily assess in

perceptibility for language um but one

thing we may want to try is making

trigger stealthier so both as short as

possible and constrain to language that

makes semantic or natural sense if I saw

this trigger in the wild I’d say

something’s up you don’t just throw a

bunch of sports words together

um whereas well it’s difficult so where

it’s difficult to say whether the

behavior in this slide should be

considered a mistake or not something

like this

we’re just dependent cats - the movie

was and language models except dogs we

could probably say is wrong so how do we

find these triggers great questions um

so we can’t apply the techniques develop

in the vision space directly to this

problem for one language is discrete

whereas images can be continuous as a

way of seeing that think about a rainbow

goes from red to orange to yellow we

touch every color in between we don’t

have the language to describe all of

those colors in between so we

approximate this is the hot clip attack

and this slide is which you can

hopefully I’ll see it um it’s taken from

the original paper so we come up with a

neutral trigger in this case the the and

we’ll append that to a batch of examples

we then back prop on the gradient

maximized and we’ll likelihood at the

class we’re trying to flip - so here you

see a bunch of positive examples of that

film and we’re trying to flip those to

negative and we do this for some number

of iterations we go from the two movie

Apollo spider to zoning tapping themes

in the end so we do it for some of our

iterations or until we don’t see any

changes in the loss and just to note in

the language model case our loss might

maximize for example the likelihood of

the target outputs we’re trying to find

a trigger for so one condition on it any

user input we should reach those target

outlets and using this we replicated the

results in the original paper across

of tasks so sentiment analysis natural

language inference squad and GBD two

attacks on these tasks we see that

accuracy drops close to zero and you can

see also that we when we allow the

trigger length to increase attack

becomes more potent so the less selphie

the trigger the better it is a viewing

this increasingly the results on the

right is with random attacks rather than

hop flip and it also works pretty well

so it’s unclear whether we need to do

all of this maximizing the feature space

great so why would we want them attack

like this

that’s a good question um I think this

is where my work deviates from Wallace

is a bit the motives for an adversary to

engage in this kind of attack or weak

the clearest use of universal trigger is

that we may not have access to the

target model or the particular input at

runtime because Universal attacks do not

require a white box access and work on

any input they can be easily distributed

even without technical knowledge but

it’s still kind of unclear how you to

use them so for example the threat model

is posed by a very deliberate and

unlikely attack you come up with the

universal adversarial trigger you hack

into a GPT to server you append the

trigger to all inputs come and go for

the server and you kind of watch a wreak

havoc but if your real goal is to wreak

havoc you could also just write some

hate speech and post it online which is

far easier in a car as far less

technical know-how and if we look at how

G adversaries use gbg to it in the model

in the wild not that many people were

really engaging in text like this just

as one example if you search for GPT 2

on YouTube some of the first results are

people being like how do I use this to

boost my channel but with largely

neutral comments not with how do I

attack someone else’s channel with hate

comments so as another motivation we can

sort of think about what triggers as

examples of failure states of our model

so we’ve approached if not reached human

level accuracy on a number of tasks

returning to the sentiment analysis we

were talking about before here you see

that we’re approaching 100% accuracy


  • um what a few questions remain in this

like 3% that we’re missing what are we

missing how robust are these models and

what has the model really learned and

how generalize generalizable is it so -

dick on on the first question our robust

er models in real life language

undergoes perturbations all the time you

might say your friend wow that movie was

so good and they might miss the sarcasm

and check someone’s game she said the

movie was really good and the classifier

will then say that that was a positive

review these deviations could take

multiple forms they can be adversarial

triggers they could be random noise a

typo they could be structured nuanced

tone is an example sarcasm obfuscation

hedging a lot of questions along the way

or sort of data set bias second question

how generalizable our models how prone

are they to memorization we know that

Elam’s learn from any potential data

sources the model design also influences

how likely they are to generalize from

that data or memorize that data so we

see in low resource languages on google

translate given kind of nonsense

triggers the language model will devolve

into sort of satanic verses from the

Bible and this can be weird when it

comes to Bible verses but also creepy

when it means to memorize personal data

as it came from Berkeley showed so we

want to sort of like see triggers as

examples or ways to sort of get at

answering these questions so I tried to

do that first I looked at the

stealthiness question of just like how

good can we make the trigger given this

threat model and how and what happens

when we try and do it so we were able to

replicate the results of the original

paper the decreased accuracy on

classification tasks top tasks and

random attacks tended to work as well

when we tried to force the triggers to

be more stealthy by sampling directly

from GPT - instead of using hot flip the

results were less promising so I don’t

want to say definitively that there

don’t exist

stealthy triggers that will flip SSD -

for example but we weren’t able to find

them in the few techniques we tried

as another one movie sort of looked at

these results in the paper that were

forcing triggers to get G B D G to

devolve into generating hate speech in

our experiments coming up with triggers

to generate hate speech wound up with

triggers that were largely hate speech

in and of themselves notably these

triggers transferred to GPT three as

well you saw that there are twenty

percent of cases they also create a cape

speech on GP g3 and they also regularly

highlight particular people so I’m not

going to show examples of hate speech

right now but at a lot of the racism

triggers we saw the word Coulter

presumably my friend and Poulter you saw

Hannity presumably referring to Sean


and so while these are public figures

and we don’t necessarily just be

concerned about that being private

information about them it is interesting

to note there’s sort of aspects of those

particular people but G PDQ has learned

in Sanko sucked we also saw the hate

speech triggers target at a particular

protected class produced outputs against

other classes as well so racism and

sexism triggers on GPT three produce

ablest at homophobic text so we also

were considered how they applied to

charge but slightly less polarizing text

so we showed that triggers exist for

other top fixed looked at vaccines and

brexit um though our evaluation

suggested that they’re slightly less

potent so here are two of the triggers

we found for vaccinations and and we

appended them to we used generate on

their own we use this first seven lines

of the Merchant of Venice and the first

one at the Merchant of Venice prepended

and appendage to trigger and here are

some of the results so you can see that

the first one it has to do with vaccines

which is expected but in and of itself

is not an SI backs whereas all of the

text in the target text was an tee box

um the second appended to the merchants

in Venice you sort of lose the meaning

of the trigger altogether um we see that

this is not Shakespearean language but

is a key PDQ approximation of it

but a penalty just one line we do sort

of still see a mixing up the queue so

this isn’t the best example but we saw a

lot of examples of kind of Shakespearean

talk about sickness or illness for the

things you expect vaccines to be

associated with so whereas a racism

trigger would always produce racist

content an auntie backs trigger won’t

always please auntie backs on it

so in conclusion um

targeted perturbations are a rich area

in the image space and if you used to

create generative models and as a Terp

rebill ’ti tools they are to apply this

language this method to language we need

clear normative goals for LMS and and

all these systems we did show that

models are still brittle even some of

the best trigger is transferred to gbg3

in more study of the triggers we find

would be an interesting direction to

take this so why do they behave in this

way and why do they tell us about how

models learn in general in this one way

one direction we might take this for

gbg3 and few shot learning you’re given

a task description and a number of

examples but the class description is

written by humans with an idea of how

they would bring that task we can

instead consider the task description as

a trigger and back up on these examples

to find sort of maximize the likelihood

that the model will be able to perform

this task um so my thinks everyone

particularly my mentor Alec who I’m sure

is did not want me to thank him it’s

great and my fellow scholars were great

and Christina Mariah and everyone I

chatted with on slack throughout the day

really fun program so you and I time


it is there a way to represent languages

continuous I mean we sort of cast

language into a continuous space using

word vectors but it’s and we can sort of

see a continuous like aspects learned of

that language so for example we take one

of these vectors for king - Queen and we

might get man - woman um I was

representing the same thing but that’s

all what approximation so yeah if you

think of a language while senator

Specter couldn’t attacker be motivated

by changing the sentiment um I think

they could it’s just again and like if

you were to knock into a system and

upend this trigger to any task by the

time you’re in assist them doing that

you could just force the output you want

um I don’t know why it’s lower I have a

sense of why it worked which is we were

using a very brittle classifier or just

looking at simple lsdm

um sorry I guess I should read the

questions why do you think the rate at

which the accuracy drops off in terms of

the trigger length is lower for random

than non-random fares um I don’t have a

sense of why it’s lower I think it works

because we were using a pretty brittle

classifier we’re tagging sentiment on

pretty short sentences anyway so do like

the classifier is just getting

distracted by the additional words

regardless of what those words are

seemed to be uncommon or even

nonsensical phrases

on the inputs every means of trigger or

out of distribution detection I think

that’s definitely a reasonable question

I think that’s why that’s all another

reason I think it’s that you can to

frame this work as these triggers aren’t

going to be seen in the wild though

absolutely if you did encounter one in

the wild you automatically be able to

talk to them I’m wary of anything that

sort of like suggests we just build it

attack the detector on top of a bottle

because if you look at the image space

every defense you come up with for one

of these attacks another attack just

emerges in its place I think we can

instead see the full class of things we

consider attacks or defenses and sort of

say that actually tells us something

interesting about how these models work

and we can recache the problem in that


hope there’s nothing okay could you

experiment with the granularity of the

triggers um

did a little I also tried to do more or

and it didn’t work so we did I did for

the GPD to trigger is try and sample

directly from GPD to unique language

that didn’t feel jarring to encounter in

the wild and they don’t work nearly as

well and when they do it sort of makes

sense that they work um we think it’s an

example of the language model doing what

we’d want them to be wouldn’t what we’d

want it to do