Characterizing Test Time Compute on Graph Structur… | Kudzo Ahegbebu | OpenAI Scholars Demo Day 2021 | OpenAI

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uh hi um my

talk is going to be about characterizing

test time compute on graph structured


um most of my scholars project has been

spent thinking about

uh this question of whether we can uh

create models

that continuously improve their outputs

the more compute that we give them at

test time

this is something that i’ll call the

test time compute dream

and i think there’s much anthromorphic

motivation here after all as humans when

we’re being evaluated our answers

tend to become better the longer we’re

given to think

machine learning models for the most

part don’t exhibit this ability which

seems a little weird so i tend to bucket

this test time compute stuff

into two general categories one is


improvement mechanisms which deal with

the question of how can we create models

that use test time compute to learn more

general algorithms instead of learning

simple statistical associations and data

ideally we’d like these models to use

the extra compute

to resolve ambiguity and to correct and


their own answers the second side of

this coin

is efficiency stuff and this deals with

the question of how we can

decouple the amount of parameters that a

model has

from uh the amount of time that it takes

to run the model at inference with the


here being that if we can construct

models that are larger

but that don’t incur a larger

computational cost for those extra

parameters than we would okay so how did


tackle this question

um the overwhelming vast majority of

this project was actually spent

on something i’ll likely only spend a

single slide talking about

in the interest of time and that’s the

shortest path task

the shortest path is a sequence to

sequence modeling task in which i give

the model a pair of

tokens representing pairs of u.s cities

and i expected to output

a sequence of target tokens that

represent the

shortest path between the destinations

the stuff i’ll mostly be presenting on

only really took shape in the past three

or four weeks and it involved

investigating some of these test time


on uh graph neural networks operating

over the game of sudoku

okay like i said most of my project was

spent on the shortest pathwork

in which we were trying to answer this

question if we control the

flop the total flop budget of um

our models is there ever a point where

the test time performance of models like

the one that you see on the left

which use this sort of top layer


ever begins to approach or match the

performance of models that don’t have

this recurrence but maybe are larger

have been trained for longer the way we

did this was by keeping the training


budget in terms of flops fixed for all

the models and then training these

recurrent models

with a fixed number of time steps during

training with loss evaluated at every

single time step

and then during test time evaluating

them with more steps of recurrence

see if it ever reaches a point where the

extra compute

allows them to in some sense catch up to

the larger models that were trained

without this

recurrence long story short it largely

doesn’t seem

to work we never really see this sort of

phase transition

recurrence alone doesn’t seem to be


to be clear if you run a linear probe on

the embedding space for these models

they actually seem to learn something

like the locations or something at least

isometric to the locations of the cities

fairly quickly which indicates that the

problem isn’t actually learning where

the cities are

it seems to be that even with the extra

recurrence the extra compute

learning a general shortest path


is difficult occurrence alone doesn’t

seem to be enough

we need additional structure on top of


which is where the graph neural network

stuff comes in

so graph neural networks or networks

that operate on graph structured data

there are a few main parts the first

part is this input representation phase

where you pass in

your graph structured data x here

represents the nodes

in your graph which contain the features

that you care about

these could be the locations of u.s

cities or the values of cells on a

sudoku board

a represents the adjacencies which

encode some concept

of the edges of the graph in other words

what relationships

nodes have with each other the gnn

processes this graph by iteratively

performing a learned message passing

operation between the nodes where it

attempts to refine

its internal representation of those

nodes at the end

of this refinement phase we can then run

classification tasks on either the

individual nodes

or if we aggregate the nodes we can run

classification on the entire graph

okay a key feature of these gnns is this

graph refinement equation which i’ll

come back to

at least twice in this presentation um

it looks wild in its general form but

all it really is is

just three parts um it says that the

hidden state

for a node i is updated by a function

that takes in

the node embedding for that node and all

pairs of that node’s neighbors

passed through some function and then

aggregated using your favorite

aggregation function

cool okay so how do we do this for


well every cell on the sudoku board

corresponds to a node

on the graph this node on the graph

the nodes on this graph refine their

representations by passing messages to

themselves or

or their neighbors using that graph

refinement equation we just saw

and now what’s typically done is that

you run this graph refinement phase for

a fixed number of times let’s say 10

time steps

and then at the very end you run your

linear projection and you make a


what we do a little differently here is

that we make a prediction at every point

along the graph refinement phase and we

evaluate the loss at every single point

as well

this allows the model to be more robust

to being evaluated during the graph for


to being evaluated with more graph

refinement iterations at test time than

it was trained on

um at training

okay so how does this actually look like

in practice here’s one solving sudoku

this is real data by the way what’s cool

about this is that it appears to

prioritize spending the extra compute


on attending to and refining tokens that

have assigned a

low probability high uncertainty to in

the previous time steps

the red things become more green and the

green things stay green

okay this is cool because it’s a sign

that the test time computer dream is at

least in principle

possible if we look at this graph which

shows the gnn

operating over two data sets one is

normal and the other is hard

we see generalization in two different


one as we increase the amount of

iterations or test time compute

we see that the accuracy of the network

improves in an almost

monotonically increasing way by the way

the accuracy here is measured on the

sequence level which means that

i only count it if it gets the entire

board correct

the other sense is that if we give the

network problems that are harder

than the ones it was trained on it still

performs well okay

so if the argument here is that more

test time compute more iterations is


what would happen if we could evaluate

this model at infinite depth

in other words could we do better in

order to answer this question we need to

steal the machinery of deep equilibrium


now i don’t have a whole lot of time to

go into the details

of deep equilibrium models but i suggest

that you check out

the paper by xiao zubai or the europe’s

workshop from this past year the gist is

that deep equilibrium models

are inspired by the observation that we

can often rewrite

a standard neural network as an implicit


that instead of specifying explicitly

how to compute

the layer’s output as a function of its

input we instead specify the conditions

in which we would like the layer’s

output to satisfy

after rewriting these layers as implicit

functions it turns out

that most of them converge to a fixed

point which allows us to

instead of keeping track of the

intermediaries that graph refinement

phase in our auto grad library we could


use an arbitrary black box root finding


and to evaluate this convergence point

this is equivalent to running an

infinite depth weight tied feed forward


but has the notable advantage that we

can analytically back

propagate through this equilibrium point

using something called the implicit

function theorem

cool um yeah how’s this relevant to gnns

well if you take a look at that graph

refinement equation from earlier

it looks exactly like a fixed point

equation which means that we can apply

the machinery of deep equilibrium nuts

here if you try this out it actually

works really well with a big caveat that

i’ll related to early stopping that i’ll

get to in the next slide

these early training curves are

preliminary but kind of dramatic

the deep equilibrium sorry the deep


gnn trains a lot faster than the

traditional gnn

further because we’re using the

machinery of d people agreements to save

us from having to keep

track of the intermediate steps of that

graph refinement phase

in our auto grad library the memory

usage of the dp equilibrium

is smaller than the regular one as well

okay so what’s the caveat

well uh as far as i can tell every

single time i’ve been

uh i’ve run this i’ve run into this

weird collapse

that happens where it starts training

and it’s doing really great

and then it dies and i haven’t quite

been able to figure out why this happens

i suspect it has to do with the growth

of the spectral norm of the operators

inside the gnn

as it’s being evaluated by the fixed

point iterator but it also

just could be a bug in my code um

stopping training early when this

degeneracy begins is proven to be fine

and i’m still investigating the problem

but i just wanted to point this out for


okay shifting gears a little bit can we

do better

still in another way gnns are fine as

we’ve seen they seem to do well

on these relational reasoning style

tasks but one potential oddity is that

we must be explicit about the network

the structure of the network of the

graph that is we must explicitly tell

the network which nodes are connected to

each other nodes

for sudoku for instance we must be

explicit about saying that things that

are in the same row

things that are in the same column

things that are in the same cell

are connected could we instead learn the

adjacencies from scratch from the raw

unstructured data here’s the idea

okay transformers seem to be pretty good

at learning how

how relevant pairs of tokens are to each


on the other hand gnns are good at

operating over

structured data what if we could use the

tension head from a standard transformer

to extract an adjacency matrix which we

then feed into

the gnn here’s how it works we first


a small transformer our input with a

small modification that at the top

layer we use the probability scores to

categorically sample the top k

indices which are the most relevant to

that particular token

that extracts k neighborhoods for each

token which we can then feed into our


now sampling indices is a

non-differentiable operation

however we can compensate for this by

using the surrogate loss thing outlined


this is taken from a paper by john

shulman and

uh it just provides a general framework

for gradient estimation through

stochastic compute graphs

the formulism just gives us a way to

convert stochastic compute graphs into

deterministic compute graphs

and evaluate a surrogate loss using

standard back propagation that provides


unbiased estimator of the gradient

through the stochastic node

cool okay so if you try this out it

works kind of um the reality is that it


trains much slower than the standard gnn


you know vanilla policy gradients are

high variance they’re kind of messy

but and the performance actually is

worse than the standard gnn but it does

show that in principle we could train a


from scratch that learns the adjacencies

from scratch as well which is

kind of cool okay

conclusion yeah so uh test time compute

mechanisms i think are largely

underexplored but hold much promise they

have the potential for improved

generalization mechanisms

potential for improved sample efficiency

i think

recurrence plus message passing seems to

be a really interesting combination

and if the methods of this presentation


uh contrived that’s because they are but

ultimately like i’m

while the specific methods are kind of

crude i’m bullish on the idea of test

time compute in general and i think that

the next few years we’ll see

critical breakthroughs that make use of

ideas that have test time compute at

their core

that’s it i’d like to thank my mentor

will gus and i’d also like to thank

uh the program organizers and my cohort

and uh all the people that um gave me

early feedback

on uh some of this stuff and thank you

and now i’ll take questions

uh let’s see let me stop sharing

okay so this first question here


how do i extend this gnn setting to

sequence modeling

like the language modeling loss in uh


yeah so um you could imagine that each

output token corresponds to either

uh yeah you could do this in a couple

ways like you could imagine like an auto

regressive type thing

where like you’re at each point

evaluating the state of the entire graph

and outputting an output sequence and

then feeding that output sequence into

uh the sort of beginning of the model

and then running this again

doing this sort of auto aggressively is

one way um

and then yeah but i’m sure there are

other ways that i’m just not

familiar with but yeah so what type of

problems you expect test time to

compute to really shine in yeah this is

a great question i think

sorry my dog gets really excited here uh

i think ultimately

uh test time compute will shine in

problems that really have sort of these

relational reasoning style tasks where

we need to

relate our previous outputs to

things that we’re currently processing

or problems where we need to condition

the amount of computes that we do on the

complexity of our inputs

okay uh does the stochastic compute

graph mean that gnns can be applied to

settings without inductive biases

that’s the ultimate hope i think this is

just very crude early work that shows

that you could

potentially also just learn the

adjacencies without

hand uh baking the inductive bias though

i mean i think part of the appeal of

graph neural networks is that like

they’re so easy to bake in inductive

biases that you just

feed in the graph as

it is and that is the inductive bias for

your data

so there’s definitely a trade-off here

and it’s not like super clear that doing

this is like

always the right thing to do okay last


what does it look like if you threshold

the learned adjacency

weights to produce a discrete graph

structure is

is this roughly right threshold the

learned adjacency weights

oh right so yeah that’s that’s a good


these are discrete that’s the whole

point of the sampling thing

is that the adjacencies are the indices

for each token which correspond to the

other tokens that are

are um they’re near it so this isn’t

like a tension where we’re doing like a

soft max over

over um over the other output tokens


we’re using the transformers probability


and then we’re discretely sampling like

which we’re using the transformers


uh scores asks our weights

for our discrete sampling if that makes


um but yeah cool

i think i’m over time so um

yeah i’ll hand it back over to francis i
