Epic Ghost Multiplayer EasterEggs! (PrisonBreak, Sovereign, and Flooded) | MrBeast

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how’s it going guys i got three pretty

cool multiplayer easter eggs i want to

show you real quick um they’re all

really simple small easter eggs i just

felt like sharing with you guys and so

the first easter egg is on the map

prison break uh just follow the path i’m

following right now and go to this tree

and on a branch you will see a monkey

holding a chainsaw and i thought this

was pretty cool i didn’t know this was

here till this morning and uh yeah

there’s a monkey sitting on a branch

holding a chainsaw and i’m not gonna

ruin the surprise you can go into a

match and shoot them and see what

happens i do not show what happens when

you shoot them in this video but yeah

there’s a monkey sitting on a branch

right here on prison break you can find

out what happens when you shoot them on

your own now the second easter egg i

want to show you is on flooded and this

one’s actually kind of cool um i didn’t

know you could get where this teddy bear

is but anyways you come over here you

stand on top of this bus and as you’re

about to see in a second i’m gonna jump

to this pipe and actually climb on top

of this pipe and i had no idea you can

get up here this makes for a pretty epic

sniping spot uh as you can see you can

climb on top of the pipe um yeah i had

no idea this was here and if you climb

up you’ll see there’s a teddy bear right

there which is the second multiplayer

easter egg i thought that was pretty

cool you know you can come up here snipe

some people

uh get some pretty easy kills so anyways

the third easter egg i want to show you

real quick is on the map sovereign and

if you come up to this o on the sign up

here you’ll see a little teddy bear

looks like he’s holding a bottle of

alcohol in his hand and yeah so every

time you play on this crappy horrible

map you can know that at least the teddy

bear is watching you and hopefully he

gives you good luck so those are the

three easter eggs i want to show you

guys hope you enjoyed hope you

learned something new and see ya later