Milestones And Plans For My Channel | MrBeast

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so in this video i kind of just wanted

to talk about my channel what i plan on

uploading and uh some milestones i’ve

hit it’s going to be a rather short

video but now that i think about it most

my videos are short i generally upload

videos between like two and a half to

four minutes i usually don’t go past

four minutes which i think is good by

the way i don’t i don’t like really long

videos like people who make seven eight

minute videos especially like

commentaries no one watches them all the

way through people usually get bored

around that three minute mark but

anyways um one of the first things i

want to talk about is milestones one of

my videos hit a thousand likes my video

where i talk about how much money

pewdiepie makes hit a thousand likes

which is just ridiculous that a thousand

different people like that video and uh

i don’t know i just that’s pretty cool

to me and then i also hit 1700 subs

which is another you know really awesome

milestone especially because i haven’t

been uploading the fact that people are

still subscribing to me just uh makes me

feel really good and i’m approaching 300

000 views i haven’t hit 300 000 yet but

i’m approaching it which like i said is

awesome due to the fact that i really

have not been uploading that much but

i’m gonna start talking about that now i

uh i plan on uploading again i looked at

my channel i noticed how many views i

have and i remember just how much fun it

used to be to upload videos and see what

people said so i plan on uploading but

i’m probably not gonna upload daily even

though i’m just doing commentaries

things that aren’t that complicated and

hard to produce i’m probably gonna

upload every other day so probably get a

schedule like monday wednesday friday

and sunday i don’t know i’m gonna try to

upload four days a week and obviously

i’m gonna have to upload back to back

one day and uh see how you know see

where that takes me um definitely not

daily though especially because i do

sports which is why um i stopped

uploading i think it was october that i

legitimately went on youtube like two

times the entire month and uh like the

beginning of november i logged onto my

youtube account and there was literally

200 comments that i had not read and

needed to reply to which is really crazy

and uh i don’t know i just been looking

at my channel and like i said earlier

wanted to start uploading again because


i feel like i could actually take my

channel somewhere i feel like my

commentaries are interesting enough and

enough people want to watch them that uh

i could actually grow this channel and

get somewhere so uh i’m going to keep

the video short like i said at the

beginning i just want to let you guys

know i’m probably going to start

uploading on a schedule soon and i’m

going to start producing some more

videos so if you could be active that

would be greatly appreciated i noticed

the last two videos i uploaded i

uploaded a video the day before

yesterday and the day before that

i didn’t get as many views as i used to

but i can’t expect to not upload for a

month and a half and then come back and

have the exact same amount of viewers i

know i gotta slowly uh rebuild my fan

base but hopefully you guys enjoy the

content that i’ll be uploading and i’ll

have fun making it so that’s pretty much

that let me know what you think and i’ll

see my next video
