Every FaZe Video Ever #karnageRC | MrBeast

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what’s up guys welcome back to another

live commentary that’s a teammate I

almost quit sumed um and before I do

anything make sure you like the video

subscribe comment favorite sell your

soul to the devil do all that good

shenanigans and I don’t forget discount

code phase blah blah blah temper set off

your stuff your gamma your G fuel now

here’s why you need to buy G field G

feels really important guys as I take

out this target right over here Oh hit

marker hit marker I’ve got your

overreact because I know most you guys

are 12 years old but you need to buy

some G field because water is healthy

for you and if you drink water then

you’ll be healthy and you want to

socialize but if you drink G fuel you’ll

become fat and if you’re fat you’re not

gonna socialize and not socializing will

give you more time to play Cod and hit

you know those insane five man on screen

so that’s why you need to buy a G field

discount code phase blah blah blah in

description and go ahead and buy that

stuff and I got a pretty cool story for

you guys today

umm you see my mom saw a plant and so

she went to Lowe’s and she bought a

plant yeah that I know so can we get

20,000 likes for that ridiculous story

actually no one I’m in a good mood today

let’s get 25,000 likes like it’s been a

while since I had a story that good for

you guys

I’m not everyday do you buy plant oh

that should have hid but yeah for the

plant let’s get 25,000 likes

and yeah oh there’s rocks falling from

the sky I’ve never played this map

before but um let’s keep going so

yesterday I hit 300 thousand subs or

maybe I was four hundred thousand I

don’t know so many 12 year olds

subscribed to me it’s hard to keep track

of it now but I hit some hundred

thousand subs thank you guys for that I

appreciate the support I know you’re

only subscribing to me because I’m in

phase oh and he got rekt oh oh darn I

missed by 360 no-scope but yeah I

appreciate it like I said I appreciate

it for whatever a hundred thousand subs

I just hit that means a lot to me but

I’m gonna wrap the video up here this

video was so entertaining I know and

like I said 25,000 likes for that insane

story I’m gonna try to hit a trickshot

for you guys end it Oh quick Scavo o get

rekt 720 ends to swab oh wait

wait a minute wait a minute do you see

that guys

he killed me with bullets he killed me

with bullets I have to freak out because

I know the 12 worlds will eat it alive

if I do he killed me with bullets that’s

you can’t do that how how this is that’s

game breaking oh oh the knife is so

broken Vonderhaar fix please

oh my noscope that was on point oh ok

what’s this guy doing I’m generally

confused how am I still alive what’s

going on oh I’m so bad ah alright well

that’s pretty much the video guys and

yes in case you couldn’t tell it’s

making fun of face clear what you do to

get back