Black Ops 3 First Impressions, My First Game | MrBeast

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what is going on guys this is my first

black ops 3 game I got like in a game

before but I was like pretty much

halfway over and so yeah here we go

first game on black ops 3 one thing I

need to say is the jump thing the thresh

jump is nothing like the EXO jumps and

advanced warfare it’s not annoying and

yeah i thought i should go ahead and get

that out of the way

but i have no idea where we’re going

that’s a tent in a corner that’s pretty

cool i’m guessing that’s referring to

camping and corner and yeah we’re gonna

just throw a nade and see what happens

and i’ve died from behind i don’t know


alright we got that kill I have a

suppressor on this gun in case you’re

wondering I like it I like the

suppressor I don’t feel like it took

away that much damage from the gun the

graphics on this game are so good like

the graphics are actually insane

compared to advanced warfare Treyarch

really outdid themselves with the

graphic symbol and look at that flank oh

okay I should kill him

oh my guns red what does that mean I

don’t know what that meant

maybe recount or something someone

targeted me I don’t know oh he killed

all right specialist streak I’ve used

this once now everyone was complaining

that specialist Opie I don’t think it’s

Opie ok I don’t even know how to use

this gun to be honest I have no idea

what I’m doing is not going my plan oh

alright I know the thing about this game

is you actually take fall damage and

advanced warfare there’s no such thing

as fall damage in this game there is

thought I’d let you guys know about that

okay it actually does make a difference

it’s like you can rack up some serious

fall damage so that’s just something to

keep an eye out for something I’m not

really used to like I said Oh give me

that kill all to piece wow I thought I

was actually gonna die and then a

hellstorm killed me that was super Opie

I have my guns red again not quite sure

what that means

Wow okay so first thing I need to say is

there’s like when you’re getting shot at

your gun moves randomly you know like

react out I don’t know what it’s called

just yeah the recoil and whatever when

you’re getting shot at is really

annoying and also there’s no amesys so

like you actually have to aim yourself

that doesn’t snap onto the targets for

you that’s also pretty annoying I’m you

know really you stay and assist and yeah

that’s not in this game

give me that but obviously with no aim

assist that’s you know more skill you

actually have to aim yourself the game’s

not aiming for you I’m just not used to

it that’s actually gonna take a while to

get used to you know get outplayed Oh

give me that

we got a UAV we’re on a kill streak boys

and the game ended so just you know

brief over you overview the graphics are

good it seems fun I can’t really

determine that yet

guns seem pretty balanced obviously this

is only a bit like 1/2 games I play and

specialist not ope I don’t even think I

died to specialists this game that’s you

know my brief review over it after one


take it as you want to I think the

game’s fun and specialist is not Opie

like many people have been saying oh

what if specialist Opie is not so that’s
