Learning Dexterity | Alex Ray | 2018 Summer Intern Open House | OpenAI

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last hi folks I’m Alex Rey I’m on the

robotics team here and this is gonna be

a different sort of talk this is an

overview of a recent large team result

and instead of being these like really

great in turn projects unfortunately

they’re they’re limited on people and

limited on time this is about 12 months

worth of work for about 12 people so

there’s a lot to get through I’m only

going to scratch the surface of it if

you want to learn more we have a really

well produced three-minute video it’s on

YouTube in our website it’s really cool

overview we have a blog post that’s a

nice like human readable format as well

as like a longer research paper on it so

lots of different levels of detail but

for now I’m gonna give you an overview

of what we did and sort of like a peek

into the inside of it so quick outline

of like I’m gonna break down my tiny

amount of time is describe the task the

sort of problem we try to solve the

research process itself sort of like

what solving it looked like the systems

we built which were actually very very

simple and what results we got from them

so our task we have this five finger

dexterous robot hand it’s under actuated

it’s got 20 degrees of control and 24

degrees of freedom for reinforcement

learning folks that deal with continuous

control that is an awful lot and we have

objects in the hand that we would like

it to be able to manipulate and for us

manipulate means achieve arbitrary

rotations so if you imagine holding a

small object in your hand can you point

it in arbitrary direction without

dropping it so our primary goal this was

sort of our North Star we want to

manipulate this object of the robot hand

and specifically we want a sequence of

50 independent randomly drawn rotations

some secondary goals that we wanted to

hit but weren’t exactly necessary where

we would like to solve it from vision

which means you don’t need a specialized

object you can just drop the object in

the hand and like as long as your vision

model can see it you’ll be able to

related we want to manipulate diverse

objects so not just cubes that say the

letters have opening on them and we want

to Train using a physics simulator

without any real data and so again our

North Star is a primary task the rest of

it or things that are sort of reach

goals so here like fish demonstrated

here’s an example of our physical setup

there’s this giant cage with a robot

hand in it and on the other side is our

simulation rendered with our simulation

renderer the robot is a giant bag of

unmodeled effects it has backlash it has

transmission problems it has creep and

stretch in the tendons and the simulator

has none of that here’s our secondary

goal of the the cameras is just sort of

showing where the cameras are in the

cage our secondary goal of diverse

objects this is manipulating a

octahedral prison which is kind of cool

and then trading purely in simulated

data so this is all the stuff we have

during training is we both have a

renderer that simulates our vision data

and a physic simulator that simulates

our physics data and sort of the process

that we want to do it is a lot of

dealing with robot hands it’s not all

training models but it starts with

training models so we really just over

and over for 12 months did this

iterative cycle that got faster and

faster as we got better at it it used to

take you no more than a month and now

we’re able to do this in like a few days

we train a totally new model with

reinforcement learning that controls the

policy of the robot and a totally new

model for vision that is able to

localize the object inside the hand we

try running it on the real robot we

observe that it fails and we observe how

it fails and then try to improve it and

repeat so with all of these systems like

reinforcement learning with robotics

with deep neural networks with physics

emulation all of these are sources of

complexity so in all cases largely we

are trying to focus on building the

simplest thing Network

in the simplest possible solution so one

of the things we did was we started very

ambitiously and then eventually had to

break it down to a much much simpler

task we initially started with trying to

achieve six degrees of freedom on the

object so not only where is it not only

what direction is appointed but where is

it like lifted up off the palm and

things like that we simplified that to

be just rotation we simplified that to

be just major axis aligned rotation just

like get the x axis to be up then we

just tried spinning it around Z and then

when we had trouble doing that we just

tried reaching the fingertips to

arbitrary positions in space um

eventually we were able to climb back up

this ramp but this was a big part in

like unlocking a bunch of research

project progress quickly earlier in the

project another sort of thing we learned

along the way is that you have to try

lots of things at once in the blog post

and the the paper we describe two of our

vision tracking systems but we don’t

really describe all the ones that we

tried that didn’t work here’s just some

I’m probably missing some we tried opto

optic tract like retro-reflective

infrared tracking dots these are common

in the motion picture industry we tried

depth cameras like a real sense or

Kinect we tried magnetic treat field

tracking like Palomas or like the sort

of early virtual reality controller

setups we tried active illumination

targets the face base those are those

red dots that you see on the fingertips

that actually did work we tried fiducial

and barcode tracking like a ruku and and

finally we tried the vision cameras and

while the paper sort of like is here’s

the simplest thing that worked there’s

quite a lot of things that didn’t work

ahead of that and the final research

ingredient for like how we were able to

solve this task was lots and lots of

domain randomizations

we found that like instead of trying to

accurately model the robot simulating

the robot with with all of its basically

bagramon model defects would have been

effectively impossible and definitely

would have run much much slower than

real time and we want a fast simulator

so we added lots of domain

randomizations where instead of

accurately modeling the world you just

have to model the noise of the world and


the noise the world is more efficient to

sample from so for example we don’t know

the exact friction on the hand we had

actually we didn’t even really know what

units of friction were or what same

values were so additionally there are

things on the hand that might

approximate themselves as friction like

ridges due to machining or a little

screw holes that objects could get

caught in so additionally there’s

different types of materials so instead

of like trying to accurately model these

we just took all the parts of the hand

which visually you saw sort of like

being different colors and we assign

them all very different frictions during

this time so somewhere along the project

we actually started we contracted a

professional roboticist to come in and

fix the hand whenever it broke because

we were breaking it so often and when we

told them what values of friction we

were using they were surprised it worked

at all but again these these these

simple systems are able to learn very

robust policies we also tried adding a

glove to the road trying to solve it the

other side so instead of solving it with

the AI solve it with the physical world

and it turns out gloves didn’t end up

working which is sort of surprising to

us but the domain randomization did so

here’s a quick overview of the system we

built a bigger graphic sort of from from

the one you saw from fish earlier we

have on the top left we have our policy

which is a very very simple recurrent

model and then in the middle we have our

vision model we trained both of them

separately they’re not actually trained

together we tried that once and it

turned out to not help so it’s

computationally cheaper to train them

both we did that and then when they’re

rolled out on the real world we just

sort of like slap them both together we

take camera images from the camera we

pass them to the vision model it

generates observations for the position

of the object we add that to the sort of

observations to the robot give it to the

policy act and repeat for the neural

network nerds out there here is a rough

diagram of the vision model it’s very

simple we like we’re sort of surprised

this worked sort of like fish described

three combinational towers

that that all shared parameters you slap

them together and then you guess the

position from and rotation off them and

fishes work did a bunch to like improve

this result it turns out that we were

able to just use this and get it to work

on the real robot the policy

architecture is also very simple like

normal actor critic setup we have noise

observations and a goal that are given

to the actor the actor is the

interesting one the one on the left

because that’s the one that actually

runs on the real robot

it’s a Floyd connect layer and hose to

him and the output actions that’s all it

took to achieve something that the field

of Robotics hadn’t been able to achieve

before and then the value network has

more observation that’s not noise so it

has basically more things going on but

mostly it’s used to calculate advantages

during training so it’s not actually

used on the real robot and we don’t care

that it doesn’t have to model the domain

randomization noise as much so this the

training architecture is like an

interesting part of the paper most of

what’s involved in this is this is how

you get to training a simulated robotics

policy on more than 6000 CPUs and eight


most of this is in support of just being

able to do that training this turned out

to be the simplest thing that worked and

not only was it the simplest thing that

worked for us we actually sort of

inherited it from a different team at

open AI a system we call a rapid and

it’s the same system that powers the

dota bots so they have a lot of things

in common in in our paper we compare

both software actor critic and PPO but

the PPO is basically the same PPO that’s

playing very very well against really

good players that dota 2 and then for

our robotic specific system we have our

robotic specific things and for the dota

specific system and they have their data

specific things sort of alright results

what we found out I guess the most

important result is that yes we are able

to do this task we were able to do

simple object manipulation we can learn

a policy from a division model purely

from simulated

data which transfers to the real robot

hand and then sort of our sub results of

other things we talked about is site

volt earlier we’re able to act from

sparse observations so the actor again

the policy networks that thing on the

left is the one that runs on the real

robot that little X with note 4 is

interesting it’s listed in the paper we

meant to include this we didn’t as a

software bug and it still worked so I

was kind of surprising it turns out that

the we talked about some of the

surprising findings in the blog post

there’s a lot of things that like are

counterintuitive to what traditional

roboticists would think that we are able

to figure out I’m going to go through

these real quick we are able to track

objects from cameras we have a very low

positional and rotational error lower

than real images part of it is that

gathering real data is really really

really hard and unstable if you like

bump something in a set up where you

change the how it curtain is hanging

your real data gets old fast but

simulator keeps on going we’re able to

manipulate different objects we were

able to manipulate this octagonal prism

we tried a couple other objects that

around large round objects it has

trouble manipulating we’re still trying

to understand that we’re able to train

in a simple simulator even with all of

our innovations it still trains we’re

able to show that the randomizations

that we added improved performance in

the real world I’m just going to skip

this because I’m out of time having an

LS TM is better than having a confident

is better than just being fully

connected running with more GPUs gives

you better performance yeah


oh man there’s lots and lot

yeah they’re all enumerated in the paper

the short answer is as many things as we

could for the visual we actually used

unity which is a video game renderer

instead of the default render because

video game render is give you lots like

in in pursuit of being more

photorealistic they give you many more

dials they you can adjust the metallic

nasur glossiness or like the the color

of the reflectance we randomized

everything we could on the physics side

we randomized as much as we that was a

more manual process it turns out physics

emulators mostly want to be accurate

they don’t want to be inaccurate um and

a bunch of the effects were expensive to

model so we tried to simulate backlash

and we explained a little this in the

paper we don’t get it exactly right

modeling backlash is a really really

hard problem but we can sort of randomly

move motors in the opposite direction

and that’s close enough sometimes and so

the face base dots the dots on the

fingertips if you curl them all the way

in they can’t be seen by the vision

system and they go away and it’s hard to

model exactly which states those dots

disappear in but we can just have them

disappear for 25% of the time and it

roughly approximates it so yeah many of

it is is the things that we can figure

out that are easy to randomized we just

randomized by default and for things

that we think would help them that we

noticed on the robot and have hypotheses

about will you manually add every single

one does that sort of answer your


some so some randomizations help some

randomizations hurt some randomizations

sort of break-even in basically every

case were able to solve the task in

simulation this is something that’s sort

of different than like normal academic

reinforcement learning in like mature or

simulated physics worlds is they care

that they can solve in simulation

basically everything we did we were able

to solve in simulation the only thing

that counted is if it worked on the real

robot and we’re very very limited by how

many runs we can for every trial we

would have to run our baseline policy so

a policy with known performance just to

make sure the robot wasn’t broken in was

behaving the correct way for a bunch of

times and then we’d have to run our

experimental policy a bunch of times

there’s a bunch of domain randomizations

we’re not sure if they improved because

we added them all at once and they

helped so we kept them all