How To Do A High School or College Paper! | MrBeast

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all right guys so i just recently

finished doing my research paper for

school and i thought i’d give you guys

some tips and tricks on how you can do

yours so uh obviously as you can see

right here in this paper i’m going to be

doing the cell so let’s go ahead and

open up google real quick and uh oh you

were not supposed to see that that’s all

right just ignore that so uh start off

by taking your topic and googling it so

we’re doing the cell right now and uh

just go to wikipedia it’s pretty

reliable even though anyone can go on

you know wikipedia and change whatever

they want it’s still a really really

reliable source uh pick something that

looks kind of interesting uh yeah that

looks interesting we’ll we’ll take this

and uh yeah we’ll do that head back over

to your word document control v saves

you a little bit of time because i know

right clicking hitting paste can take

forever to do and then go back get

we’ll just take all this and we’ll take

these two the pictures with them why not

i mean pictures will bring your paper to

life and uh there you go oh dude this

looks beautiful um

yeah i think i’m done there you go

that’s how you do your paper now

obviously that was a joke everyone knows

you can’t use pictures in your research

paper i’m just kidding with you guys now

it’s just something that i’ve been

thinking about because i just finished

mine not too long ago like yesterday i

finished my research paper and i

actually did it legit like i went

through a bunch of websites i cited

everything and i you know i didn’t copy

and paste i actually typed it all out

and it’s and it looks kinda good so

legit paper but i kind of thought to

myself once i was done i was like

couldn’t i have just copied and pasted

something i found off the internet and

by the way since i’m talking about paper

on a website called you can

pay like college teachers or people that

used to be college professors uh to look

at your paper and correct any typos and

make sure all your sentences have proper

flow and things like that and they’ll do

it for only five dollars i don’t have

any money right now where i would but i

just thought i’d throw that out there

since i’m talking about papers but yeah

like you could literally get any paper

on any subject off the internet and i

don’t know i just i mean obviously

you’re not going to copy and paste it

because the teacher could just type in a

random phrase and see that you copied

and pasted it just by typing in you know

part of it into google but what if you

legitimately took a paper like what if

someone did a paper you downloaded it

and then you changed like you changed a

lot of words i’m not talking about just

changing like every uh like one or two

words ever since you changed a lot of

words but use the same structure and

outline i mean you can pull that off and

not get caught i didn’t do that i

probably should have it would have saved

me a lot of time but i just something i

didn’t think about like

it’s all out there on the internet like

you think there’s so many papers that

people have written they can’t get you

for copyright if you just download

someone’s random paper change a couple

words i don’t know i feel like i’m

making sense but i feel like i’m not i’m

pretty sure you understand what i mean

though like there’s so many people have

done papers and there’s so many papers

on the internet you can find one done by

a random 15 year old like halfway across

the united states uh change a couple

sentences here and there just change up

the structure a little bit and then just

use his paper it’s not what i did but i

don’t know i feel like you could if you

wanted to and i feel like it would make

doing a research paper extremely easy if

you’re just that lazy

to be honest i didn’t think about it

earlier but actually i’m not even going

to say if i would have done it or not if

i would have thought about it earlier

but i don’t know i just wanted to talk

about that i guess that would make doing

papers in college a lot easier but

you know in college you really have to

be careful because if you get caught

played with plagiarism in college then

you’ll get kicked out and you’re screwed

out of a lot of money so are not kicked

out you’ll just you know get out of the

class not out of college or i hope not

out of the college and you’ll just lose

a lot of money but i don’t know just

felt like throwing that out there let me

know what you think i’m curious like has

anyone out there ever just completely

ripped off a research paper or paper or

anything and just used it as their own

and gotten away with it because like

that’s awesome if you have i mean the

amount of time that would save you and

especially if you got a good grade on it

that’s pretty cool