Insane Black Ops 2 HACKER!!!! | MrBeast

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what is going on guys this is a video

where i was in a game and i was playing

it against a hacker now as you can see

he’s floating right there i slowed down

certain parts so you can see what he’s

doing now keep in mind this is not cod 4

this is not what i wore this is black

ops 2 the newest call of duty and i’m

playing against a hacker it is

ridiculous some of the things he was

doing in fact let me list some of the

things he did in this game alone he was

flying he was invincible he was

invisible he could make our screens

purple he could teleport us all into one

room and kill us he could shoot 100

killers out of his gun he could shoot

stealth chopper bullets and he could

kick us all from the game whenever he

wanted to and that was just a couple of

things there were probably other things

i missed as you can see right there in

that kill cam he is just ridiculous what

he was doing and

to be honest it was kind of funny i

enjoyed being in this lobby um but if

whatever he did to get this hack as you

can see right there if uh that gets

exploited and a lot of people start to

do it

that would be really annoying so david

vondahar i hope you fix this um every

once in a while a hacker is fine but if

a lot of people start to do this it’s

gonna get really annoying so um yeah i

have no idea how he did this i don’t

know who he is but i’m gonna expose him

i’ll put his gamertag somewhere on the

screen as you can see he’s flying right

there it’s like his guns the paralyzer

from buried zombies he’s using his gun

to fly it’s just it’s ridiculous some of

the things he was doing in this game but


yeah i haven’t seen hacks like this

since cod 4

call of duty joke right there so um

and later on in this video he does some

pretty funny stuff um so anyways if you

could you know show a couple your

friends this video that would be pretty

nice because i think it’s pretty cool

and yeah it’s just ridiculous some of

the things he was doing in this and i

don’t know how hard hacking is um

i actually i don’t know anything about

hacking so i don’t know if i should give

him props if like he spent weeks trying

to code the game to change something and

to get all this stuff i don’t know how

we did it but uh it’s pretty cool in a

way and i’m sure he’s kind of proud of

it but watch this round inning kill cam

it’s actually kind of funny he is flying

with an aimbot shooting stealth chopper

bullets out of his a in and you can see

the end of his a n is rotating and look

how quick he snaps onto this next target

it is obvious he is using an aimbot um

i don’t know how much he’s charging but

i could use an aimbot like that i’m just

kidding oh and as you saw right there my

screen flash purple and yellow uh

previous games he was doing that he

would just make our screens go purple

for a couple of seconds whenever he

wanted to it was pretty pretty random

and kind of annoying and the first

couple times it scared us because we

were like what’s going on as i was

playing with the full team and uh look

at that he’s running jumping

and that’s the true halo jump right

there but it’s just

i don’t know what to say i don’t

understand how he did it but it’s pretty

cool to watch and see

so look at that right there he’s halo

jumping with his aimbots snapping onto

targets killing us through walls and

things like that and

yeah david vondahar you should get on

fixing this look at him just floating

right there i slowed that down so you

could see him

so that’s um pretty much it you’ll see a

couple of cool things he did later on in

the game um

one cool thing i really liked is when he

teleported us all into a room and we

couldn’t move that was

really cool and uh

again i don’t know how he did it but it

was pretty fun to watch and me and my

friends were going crazy this whole game

we’re like oh my god there’s a hacker on

the other team and a couple of my

friends backed out and then rejoined and

got on his team and they said they could

actually see him when we couldn’t

because he was going invisible halfway

through the game



by the way i can already see a lot of

people asking no this is not on the

playstation 3 this is not on the pc this

is actually on the xbox 360 and whenever

i see a hack out i automatically assume

it’s on the pc and then i if it’s not on

the pc i assume it’s on the playstation

3 um

those are normally hacked but

this is actually on the xbox and i

probably should have mentioned that

towards the beginning because i can tell

a lot of playstation 3 fanboys and xbox

fanboys are going to be like oh the xbox

is hacked oh the ps3 is hacked this and

that but yeah this is actually on the

xbox which is actually kind of

surprising and this is what i was

talking about earlier he teleported me

and my whole team into this room we

could not move and then he shoots us

with a hail storm bullet that is

that is pretty cool that made me laugh

he teleports our team in a room makes it

where we can’t move and then kills us

with a hailstorm bullet out of his gun

that is just that is too funny that

really is and he’s sitting in the corner

behind me actually and he’s invisible as

you’re about to see and he shot another

hailstorm bullet and killed the entire

team just sitting in the corner

invisible and then kills us so this is

just some pretty crazy hacks um gotta

give props to whoever made all these

hacks because it probably took forever

and it was kind of cool to watch it made

me laugh but as i said earlier i don’t

want to see a lot of people running

around with these

lobby like this every once in a while is

okay but if it starts to become a lot of

people it’s going to be annoying and

here’s his stats like i said earlier he

dashboards at the end of every game so

it doesn’t count any of the hacked lobby

towards his stats they’re all pretty

normal his kill streak kills are normal

and i’ve tried to look at his recent

games but i couldn’t see him it’s

because he dashboards all the games and

he probably turned off theater mode

recording but anyways thanks for

watching um

his gamertag is on the screen if you

want to send him a message or something

and yeah hope you have a nice day hope

you enjoyed