What is Crohn's Disease????? | MrBeast

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what’s up guys hopefully you’re having a

nice day before I move on to the topic I

just got to mention something real quick

someone’s mowing our lawn right now so

you might hear a lawnmower sorry about

that kind of doing something later so I

can’t really do this video later so I’m

pretty sure you understand but I just

wanted to talk about what Crohn’s

disease is and the reason I wanted to do

a video on it is because every week

thousands of people are diagnosed with

it and hundreds of those people are

teens and I know a lot of people

searched what is Crohn’s disease on

Google on YouTube and the stuff that

pops up um there’s nothing really from a

teenager’s standpoint you know like a

teenage person who’s currently going

through it just you know telling you

what it is and how it affects them a lot

of the stuff that pops up I don’t know I

just don’t like it so I decided I’d do a

video on it so in case you know you’re

searching for this video because you

have a relative who got it or in case

you were just diagnosed with Crohn’s

this is gonna be my video on it I guess

I’ll start off by telling you my story

with Crohn’s

I got it in ninth grade and I was going

to the bathroom like seven times a day I

had unbelievable pain every time threw

up like every other day and I lost

thirty pounds spent an entire summer

laying in my bed

um tons of fatigue bunch of problems

yada yada yada give me your sympathy and

then I got on Remicade and I’m still on

Remicade right now I’m in remission

I get Remicade every five weeks and I

take pills every Saturday I’m on a

really really strict diet and I feel

normal I actually feel kind of good

right now so yeah it’s mostly because of

my diet I have I mean be on strict diet

but it’s just because I like to feel


the only thing I drink is water and I

eat the same thing every day but if that

you know if that’s what makes me feel

normal then I’ll do it for the rest of

my life but I guess I should go ahead

and tell you guys what Crohn’s disease

is it’s an inflammatory bowel disease I

know you don’t know what that means I

don’t either and it’s when you’re

smaller large intestine becomes inflamed

I don’t know if inflamed means either

just go with it and your immunity system

goes whack and it starts killing good

bacteria with the bad bacteria which

it’s not supposed to do obviously and

then 700,000 people in America have

Crohn’s and seven out of ten people with

Crohn’s will end up having surgery

that’s a lot and hopefully if I’m you

know diligent with my diet I can stop

myself from you know going over the edge

and having to get surgery because you

know no one really likes surgery

but from my personal experience the two

worst parts of Crohn’s is no one knows

you have it like you can’t look at

someone until they have Crohn’s and you

could be an unbelievable pain and just

have all these problems going on fatigue

low energy and someone just thinks

you’re in a bad mood they like don’t

even know the whole story and that’s not

their fault

I mean it’s Crohn’s it sucks and the

other bad thing about Crohn’s is no one

knows what it is a lot of times I can’t

get out of going to a fast food

restaurant like when we stop after

sports games and I just really I’m far

away from my medicine I can’t really

afford to cheat so I’ll bring my own

food and I’ll be sitting at McDonald’s

eating a peanut butter and jelly

sandwich and it’s just you know and then

people actually what’s Crohn’s and you

try to explain to it it to them and you

know they have no idea what you’re

talking about

but yeah the two worst parts is no one

knows you have it and majority people

don’t even know what it is so yeah I

guess we’ll go ahead and move on to the

symptoms of Crohn’s the symptoms like

the main symptoms are you feel a ton of

pain when you have to use the bathroom

and you go to the bathroom a lot which

correlates with weight loss you lose a

ton of weight when you get Crohn’s which

you’re probably saying that’s a good

thing it’s not I lost 30 pounds when I

first got it I was unbelievably skinny

and that gives you low energy and

fatigue and it really is not something

that you want to deal with I didn’t

mention all the symptoms but those are

just the first ones that popped into my


and some of the worst things about it is

like the lack of energy and you’re

always fatigued I mean I’m in remission

right now so I’m as normal as you can

feel with Crohn’s and I still feel a

lack of energy all the time and it’s

just it’s really annoying it’s hard to

be enthusiastic about a lot of things

you’re just low on energy and a lot of

people do get depressed when you have

Crohn’s which you shouldn’t they’re

worse things out there you could have

cancer you can not have an arm I mean

there’s other problems out there that

other people have to deal with don’t get

all depressed and you know cover

yourself in sorrow and stuff it’s its

life things happen just move on I guess

some of the last things I wanted to

mention Crohn’s is not curable so

obviously you’re stuck with it for life

but it’s not going to cause you to die

early you’re just gonna spend an entire

life managing your symptoms I don’t

think there will ever be a cure during

my lifetime people have hopes about it

and I see all this talk about it I

personally don’t think there’ll be one

but you know someone can prove me wrong

I would I mean I would literally work a

job for an

higher year if I had to to get enough

money to pay to get rid of my Crohn’s I

mean I’d spend like years just get

enough money to have a treatment or

whatever done to get rid of my Crohn’s

if there was an option another thing is

health care anything medical related

it’s always really overpriced so I’m

actually gonna have to get a job with a

big corporation or anything with good

medical insurance because I’m not gonna

be able to pay for this on my own that’s

something that a lot of people that I

should have mentioned earlier with

Crohn’s have to struggle with is the

medical expensive expenses it’s really

really really expensive and if you don’t

have good medical insurance I have no

idea how you’d be able to afford it I’m

definitely gonna have to get a job based

on their medical insurance just so I can

pay for all my stuff that I have to with

Crohn’s but that’s pretty much

everything dealing with Crohn’s I guess

we could tell you a little bit about the

medical sides of things like treatments

I’m currently on Remicade as already

stated so I go in every five weeks they

put a needle in my arm and then I sit

there for three hours as medicines

pumped into my veins and then I feel

good and it slowly wears off it’s like

whiny o’clock and then after five weeks

I started to feel bad again I go and get

it I feel good again so obviously when I

do cheat on my diet is right after I get

my medicine because that’s when um I

don’t that’s like when it won’t affect

me as much because I’ll have so much

medicine in me but when I’m five weeks

away from my medicine I can’t afford to

cheat because there’s like not much left

still running through my veins or I

don’t really know where the medicine

goes so yeah I guess I could also touch

on the diet a little bit obviously the

biggest thing with Crohn’s is diet and

it’s different for everyone so I I don’t

really feel the need to tell you what I

eat because you shouldn’t mimic what I

eat if you have Crohn’s because like I

said it’s different for everyone

but the biggest thing is just drink

water there’s a lot of stuff and like

soft drinks and like even Gatorade and

Powerade you don’t really need any of

that like all you really need to drink

is water and I think that’s one of the

biggest things for me if you just give

up everything else because they have so

many artificial flavors and things in it

you know to change the color and all

this other stuff you don’t need any of

that if you can just only drink water

that will probably be a big help to you

in Crohn’s if you’re you know having

problems if what you’re eating right now

is working for you then just this

disregard that but that’s pretty much

everything this is kind of a long video

but hopefully I covered everything I


didn’t really think about what I was

gonna say you know beforehand so

hopefully I covered everything and if

you have any questions just ask in the

comments I mean I’ve had it for a couple

years now so I should be pretty

qualified to answer any questions about

Crohn’s so that’s pretty much everything

let me know what you think