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what’s up guys welcome to worst Amazon

reviews on Amazon

what’s up guys welcome to worst reviews

on Amazon I’m gonna read you guys some

titles of real like a hundred percent

real reviews and I want you guys to try

to guess the product so as I said these

are titles of real reviews and I want

you to try to guess the name of the

product okay so demon spawn

life-altering experience why is this


internal Armageddon great going in hell

on earth coming out in time okay so what

I want you to do right now so I want you

to write a comment what do you think

this product is it’s an actual product

on Amazon okay so I’m not even joking

these are real reviews for sugarfree

gummy bears no joke what’s funny is

these are supposed to be sugar-free

according to the name but the first two

ingredients are corn syrup and sugar so

apparently someone is selling sugarfree

gummy bears on Amazon but they’re not

actually sugar free so all these people

that are sugar intolerant are buying

them and then when they eat them they

can’t have sugar so it’s giving them

bathroom problems and these reviews are

hilarious let’s read them dropship over

enemy lines ship these Thai Rak and give

to Isis they look and taste so good but

the pain is beyond translation forget it

as a gift and consider it better a

weapon against our enemies

dang a red one shot out hole it was

unbelievably fast ricocheted against the

side of the bowl and made a noisy splash

good for a party trick I guess mother of

God sugar free was made by the Nazis

during World War two as a testing agent

in the concentration camps I’d rather

share bed with Satan in hell then go

through that Hiroshima again I didn’t

serve in any war but I swear what I just

experienced can rival a flashback to Nam

for the love of everything that is holy

and sweet do not eat sugar free anything

gain the weight is worth the alternative

of crying in your bed praying to a

higher being the pain stops oh boy no do

not eat these Satan bears they will kill

your digestive tract and put you in a

world of pure pain as I stood up from

the toilet I was in awe love how many

brown dolphins were in the pan

this is for hungry few people should be

classified as WMDs I ate a handful of

these on a flight from NYC to California

and now I

been permanently banned by that airline

I heard they had to fumigate the plane

hell in a baggie a few hours later in

the night I tossed and turned on my bed

I felt as if something was going to rip

out of my stomach I decide to get up it

to use the restroom reading the reviews

and knowing my gut a steal I took the

chances as I went into the restroom I

felt more pain it was unearthly pain I

cannot even describe I got on the toilet

and were released from my but a more

dangerous load than Hiroshima in 1945

after which my stomach burst open and a

small fetus came out turns out if you

eat sugarfree gummy bears you will in

fact give birth to the Antichrist oMG I

wanted to die it was not great buy

something else where you’ll be happy you

did trust me on that one I will never

buy again these may ruin your life

my well-meaning roommate picked up a bag

of them for me knowing that I was trying

to lose weight I opened them and munched

on a few then decided to put on my

one-piece bathing suit and go for a swim

in my buildings pool

long story short hazmat what’s called

and I was evicted shortly thereafter the

pool is still closed to my knowledge why

is this legal they were absolutely

horrible this is like drinking five

gallons of laxatives the great flood was

the worst part I had to sleep outside

for five days because my family didn’t

want me around it has been three months

now and I still can’t get the stains off

of the toilet all right guys so that’s

the video I don’t know what they’re

putting in those gummy bears apparently

they’re putting like poison ivy instead

of sugar freeness what’d I just say

something you guys have been saying

though is this right here it says 0%

well it now says 100% again now the

reason the one has been covered up for

so long is because we couldn’t keep up

with the amount of likes I was getting

so I had to cover up the one so it would

say 0% or zero zero percent which is

zero and so that’s why you haven’t been

getting cookies recently but we’re gonna

read rebn restart whatever something

we’re gonna fix what am i say we’re

gonna start making the cookies again

you’re in receive them so make sure you

like the videos I’m sorry for all the

ones you didn’t get that you might have

thought you were getting kind make sure

you take out your dishwasher do your

trash and that’s the video hopefully you

enjoyed by the way I’ll link the product

down below the Amazon product so if you

want to read the reviews just go down

there there’s hundreds of them

they’re so funny and yeah wait a minute

did I say take out the dishwasher
