Call of Duty Ghost Multiplier Reveal Trailer Release Date! | MrBeast

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what is going on guys let me start off

this video by saying i’m trying out a

new setting on my mic and for some

reason audio on my editing software

sounds a whole lot different than audio

on youtube uh for some reason i think

youtube diminishes the audio quality and

makes it a little bit weaker or softer

or whatever so um bear with me hopefully

it comes out good i’m trying some new

tests and yeah so in case you didn’t

know the call of duty ghost multiplayer

reveal trailer has been announced to

come out on august 14th so in case you

didn’t understand what i just said

they’re gonna show multiplayer clips of

call of duty ghost on august 14th it’s

going to be around 10 o’clock and you

can watch the clips on their live stream

and you can also watch it on your xbox

live dashboard

yeah that’s pretty much what i wanted to


august 14th they’re gonna reveal what

call of duty ghost multiplayer looks

like and one thing i wanted to say is

remember when they revealed the black

ops 2 trailer for multiplayer and how we

saw guardians in it and we’re like holy

crap guardians are so overpowered that’s

all people are going to use these giant

ovens they’re going to block off parts

of the map and now no one uses guardians

we also saw the ims scanner and we’re

like holy crap people are always going

to be shooting me through walls i’m

going to hate the game because people

are going to shoot me through walls and

it’s going to be so annoying and no one

now uses uses the ims scanner i never

see a person with it and we saw you know

hunter killer drones and um dragonfires

and like oh there’s gonna be drones

flying everywhere that’s gonna get

annoying and no one uses those kill

streaks or no one uses dragonfires lots

of people use hunter killers and the

reason i’m saying this stuff is when the

black ops 2 reveal trailer came out we

saw all these things we’re like oh

that’s going to be op and that’s all

people are going to use and no one uses

them so when the ghost trailer comes out

try to have you know try to be

i don’t know a word for but try to

actually think it through and not just

call everything op because all the

things people were saying was going to

be op like the ims scanners shooting

through walls and shock charges and

dragon fires and all that they’re really

not op and so let’s i don’t know i’m

just i’m pointing that out because i

don’t want us to watch the ghost trailer

and do what we always do call all the

new stuff overpowered and say it’s going

to be a bad game because that’s all

they’re going to use and then when we

the game comes out we’re going to

realize it’s not overpowered it actually

sucks so anyways uh enough of that i

just wanted to mention that around 10

p.m on august 14th they’re gonna reveal

black ops ghost black ops ghost call of

duty ghost the multiplayer and i’m

excited to see what it looks like uh

black ops 2 is getting really boring and

i could use the new call of duty game

but that’s just the reveal for the

trailer the game’s still a couple months

away which is kind of annoying but yeah

hope you enjoyed and hope you watch the

video i think it’s two weeks yeah
