My Upload For ThunderstruckGaming | MrBeast

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thank you Thunder so much for uploading

this to TSG I appreciate a lot man thank

you for what you’re doing in the

community you’re just a really awesome

guy and I really do appreciate it but

let’s jump right into the what wait what

I you I should kiss up more people who

kiss up have a better chance of getting

featured on T issue all right okay I’ll

kiss some more you Thunder you’re just

the greatest person ever

I mean Thunder you’re the reason I

bought black ops to use the reason I

bond xbox you’re the reason I live

Thunder and I owe it all to you I owe

everything to you Thunder yeah is that

enough kissing up to get me on TSU so

that maybe maybe I should him I’m not

gonna kiss stuff anymore I think that

was fine all right now that I gave

myself an actual chance of getting on

TSG let’s jump into the topic now

typically over here you guys talk about

black ops 3 and I guess I’ll go ahead

and follow that trend but I’m not just

gonna sit here and be like black ops 3

looks like a great game I’m so hyped for

that oh my goodness did you see the

trailer that looks so sick I’m so hype

or I’m gonna give you my opinions on how

I think it will affect YouTube I’m the

biggest faze clan fanboy ever but if I

have to go another week watching them do

it black ops 2 cut comp for the third

year in a row I’m gonna rip my eyes out

it’s just I’ve seen it way too much I’ve

already seen everything I’ve seen every

trick shot every tomahawk black ops 2 is

so old an advanced warfare and gills

suck I strongly believe when black ops 3

comes out its gonna rebirth the pub

stomping community you see no one cared

about pub stomping and advanced warfare

and ghosts because no one liked the game

pub stomping is only relevant when the

whole community is playing the game is

when you play the game you know you play

for two or three hours and then you’re

like oh wow I did pretty good and then

you go on YouTube and you look at how

everyone else is doing and you see this

person get a 200 kill gameplay it’s pub

stomping is only relevant when people

are actually interested in the game and

actually care about it and I firmly

believe that people will care about

black ops to you which will bring back

the pub stomping community which has

been basically dead for the past two

years not only do I think you’ll bring

back pub stomping but I think it will

strengthen the sniping community and

just make it explode you see the sniping

community has been strictly on black ops

2 the past two years over two years and

it’s just become so stale yet they still

pull in 150,000 views per video people

like faze ray and all those top faze

clan members

it’s neither community really the only

reason call of duty still relevant and I

think the second they get mixtures in

their gameplay the second they get a new

game I think it’s just gonna take faze

clan and those guys to a new height the

top to your face clan members like faze

rain are pulling 150,000 views per video

on a game that’s almost three years old

a game that we’ve already seen it all

before and they’re still pulling these

ridiculous amount of views per video and

I firmly believe once you get some

variety in there get a new game get some

hype going they’re gonna be pulling over

300,000 views per video which is just

gonna be ridiculous I really feel like

faze clan is just gonna explode during

black ops 3 because there’s just gonna

be so much hype built around it and it’s

finally gonna be a new game that

everyone enjoys in my opinion obviously

lots of new youtubers are gonna rise up

during black ops 3 but I also believe

that these youtubers that got famous off

of fake reactions and buying tons of

supply drops of making view [ __ ]

videos about them I think their channels

will die off they’re in black ops 3

because then they’ll actually have to

make quality videos and I think the only

thing they actually know how to do is

cheat the system and buy supply drops

and I think during that time their

channels are gonna slowly decrease some

viewcount and they’re gonna be

completely irrelevant alright guys well

I tried to keep the video shortened to

the point I just gave you guys my

opinions I’m gonna wrap it up here

because you guys have the attention span

of a monkey and I know you’re not gonna

watch the video that much longer and I

don’t want to make a video if no one’s

gonna watch it so yeah that’s my opinion

on YouTube during black ops 3 I’d love

to hear what you think is going to

happen and hopefully you enjoyed