Top Youtube "ShoutOuts" | MrBeast

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how’s it going guys you’re probably

wondering what the title of this video

means and i’ll explain that in a second

but hopefully you’re having a nice day

i’m having a pretty good day myself and

uh what this video is about i’m gonna

talk about the top shout outs that have

ever happened so pretty much anytime a

bigger channel mentions a literal

channel in a video and overnight that

little channel just explodes and gets

tons and tons of subscribers that’s

pretty much a shout out now you guys

know that and in this video i’m going to

talk about the top five shout outs that

have ever happened that i have witnessed

i’m not going to talk about ones that i

haven’t really seen and uh so these are

the top five shout outs and most of them

are gaming shout outs because that’s

pretty much what i watch that have

happened on youtube and a bigger channel

mentioned a smaller channel and that

smaller channel just blew up overnight

or the only reason we know about that

smaller channel is because the bigger

channel mentioned them so number one on

the list is woody’s gamer tag and wings

of redemption when he had around 10 000

subscribers actually gave woody’s

gamertag a shout out right when woody’s

gamertag started youtube and woody took

off from there and exponentially grew

over time winx has 500 000 subscribers

now woody has 1.3 million now the thing

is if wings never gave woody a shout out

when woody started out his channel

there’s a good chance that woody would

have never got views on his videos and

he eventually would have quit like a lot

of people because he wasn’t getting

views and wasn’t seeing growth and uh i

don’t know it’s kind of weird to think

about but wings redemption when he had

10 000 subscribers gave woody’s gamertag

a shout out when he had just started his

channel and woody from there just took

off and his channel was just growing you

know crazy fast and now woody owns a

minecraft server and there’s tons of

people on it and if you think about it

if wings never gave him a shout out

woody would never have hit a million

subscribers he just wouldn’t have grown

fast enough and uh there would be no right now and uh you know

it’s kind of weird to think about but

pretty much that’s number one on the

list number two on the list is

jacksepticeye i believe i’m pronouncing

that right he actually got a shout out

from pewdiepie so if you don’t know

pewdiepie hosted a contest on a forums

and told everyone to submit their links

and then he chose the top five content

creators i believe and gave them all a

shout out in a video he did a while ago

you can look it up pretty much one of

the winners was jacksepticeye and when

he won the contest he had around 2000

subscribers he almost has 600 000

subscribers now and uh i’m pretty sure

he does youtube full-time youtube’s now

his job and

if pewdiepie never gave him a shout out

i guarantee you he wouldn’t even have

ten thousand subscribers pewdiepie gives

him a shout out he has over six hundred

thousand youtube’s now his job he’s

probably making a ton of money i’ve

never really calculated it i don’t

really watch him that much he’s

definitely a good youtuber i just i’m

not into the type of games he plays so

uh that’s number two on the list

jacksepticeye almost 600 000 subscribers

which is pretty crazy but i mean what do

you expect he got a shout out from

pewdiepie number three on my list is

speedy actually gave vanossgaming a

shout out now this was back before i

watched either of them so i’m not going

to go really in depth because i really

don’t know much about it but apparently

when vanoss was still fairly new channel

he had a lot of following at this point

but speedy definitely had like triple

his subscribers and everything speedy

actually gave him a shout out i believe

they did a collab or something so i

guess it’s theoretically not a shout out

but it’s kind of like one there he was

in speedy’s video and uh supposedly

vaness got a lot of his subscribers from

playing with speedy that one time and

that’s one of the reasons we know uh van

osten how vanoss got kind of big but i’m

not going to go too in depth about that

because i used to not watch him at that

point so i don’t really know if it’s

true or not but apparently speedy gave

vanoss a shout out so that’s why we know

who vanessa’s gaming is now at number

four ironically enough is speedy again

speedy actually in one of his videos it

was a black ops 2 video wasn’t too long

ago he was playing with this random guy

and uh he ended up giving this guy a

shout out in his video he was talking to

the guy he asked the guy for his youtube

channel and the guy told him mk takedown

so speedy’s googled his name and speedy

was his second subscriber so the guy had

two subscribers speedy uploads the video

the next morning the kid has over 60 000


just because he got mentioned in one

speedy video which ended up getting one

and a half million views and out of

those one and a half million people 60

000 subscribed to him so that was pretty

crazy it’s mk takedown you can search it

on youtube his channel will pop up and

uh he got 60 000 subscribers overnight

from kwara speedy just being in one

video 60 000 subscribers which is pretty

crazy and obviously he was getting

enough views that technically youtube

could be a job before i get into number

five in my top five shout outs real

quick i just want to say something these

are all five shout outs that i know of

that i’ve actually seen happen like i

saw the person upload a video about

someone else and then that person grow

overnight um they’re probably you know

bigger shout outs that have happened and

you know someone’s mentioned someone

else in a video and that person’s gotten

over a hundred thousand uh subscribers

in one night but these are all shout

outs that i have witnessed and seen

happen myself but anyways number five is

falcon lover now this one has happened

really really recently pewdiepie made a

video about uh youtube commenter and the

person commenting was falcon lover so of

course everyone seeing falcon lover

immediately searched on youtube and

falcon lover over the course of a couple

weeks has gotten 20 000 subscribers

which isn’t that much but it’s still

like a ton i mean 20 000 people

subscribing to your channel off of one

video so uh that’s pretty much that

that’s uh top five youtube shout outs

that i’ve seen happen hopefully you

enjoyed and hopefully you learned

something if you didn’t know about one

of these i thought this would be a

pretty interesting video let me know

what you think down below and uh if

you’ve seen any other crazy shout outs

happen you can definitely let me know

about them in the comments