Youtube Stat News - Vevo Gets 10 Bil. Views A Month, Channel Milestones, and more! | MrBeast

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what’s up guys as you can tell this is

pretty like thrown together like off the

top my head set up anything you see here

can change this is not permanent I just

want to see if I enjoy this type of

videos and like I don’t even know how

close I need to be to the mic like do I

stand here do I stand back here I don’t

know if my video quality is good I mean

for crying out this this looks ugly it’s

a blue tablecloth but my channel banners

blue everything is blue so I thought

let’s make this blue and it just looks


so anything you see is up for change I

just it’s all just starters I’ll invest

money into my setup if I determine I

actually want to do these news videos

and yeah you understand also I could use

an intro my it’s kind of weird starting

these videos off with just you you kind

of need an intro so if anyone can make

me want but don’t make you like drama

alerts because I’m trying not to be like

drama alert yeah I just I’m gonna be

news but I don’t want to be like drama

alert just you understand I want to copy

them and it’s really hard to have to

start off this video going what’s up

drama alert nation because I watched so

much drama alert but that’s pretty much

everything just had to get all that out

of the way and everything you see will

change it will get better this is just

kind of like a demo I guess that’s a

good way to put it and yeah so let’s

jump right into some statistical news I

haven’t really thought of a name I was

thinking like YouTube stat news or

something why YouTube ysn while it’s sad

I had to think of that and I probably

should turn this a little bit but let’s

go ahead and jump right into it I want

to start off by talking about some

subscriber milestones a couple channels

this week hit 1 million subs immortal HD

Joe Blow movie trailers Rojo V 13 Shama

rue kittiesmama Cookie Monster and Dave

hacks all recently have 1 million

subscribers on YouTube and if you think

about that that’s a ton of people I mean

so many people have hit a million subs

on YouTube that we don’t really think

about it that much but a million people

is a lot of people a lot of I just said

people a lot I’m sorry about that

also some channels recently hit 1

billion views 2 channels to be exact

wasabi productions and Smosh is

secondary Channel and if you know

anything about YouTube view YouTube

views 1 billion is a ton I mean that’s a

ton of views and you know they’ve made a

couple million dollars if they have 1

billion views so you’ll never look at

those channels again now that you rise

they’re millionaires some other news

Jay nasty made his last are made a video

saying that it was his last time playing

advanced warfare and he actually lost

130 subs I’ll go ahead and show you the

clip of him saying that right now I lost

I think around 130 subs last night

because I said I’m wasn’t gonna upload a

venous warrior anymore and you know what

I rather you unsub to expect that I’m

gonna upload some advanced warfare some

other things is minnesotaburns continues

to be the worst youtuber on YouTube he

has lost 30k subs a month for the last

three months thirty thousand subs I

would like cut my foot off for thirty

thousand subs and he’s losing that every


that’s just stupid but it’s because he

quit uploading content he makes and I

just uploads other people’s pranks I

understand why people are unsub ping him

but I don’t see why he’d quit YouTube I

mean I mean he could be a millionaire

off of youtube if he wanted to but

whatever his decision now that was

pretty much it for the news like I need

to figure out a better system for

finding news maybe I’ll just follow a

ton of channels on Twitter or subscribe

to a lot of people I don’t know if you

guys could help me get news leave a

comment let me know if you know someone

who’s losing subs or something that

would be great but some other things I

wanted to go over is uh-oh recently a

lot of people have been giving money to

homeless people and uploading to YouTube

personally I don’t have beef with that

but some people do it’s whatever share

own opinion now this one channel gave a

homeless man $1,000 that’s a lot of

money but the video got almost 9 million

views so theoretically I would like to

think of it as investing money into the

homeless person because yeah they gave

him $1,000 but they turn around and make

an $8,000 profit off of ad revenue but

personally I don’t see a problem with

that I mean like they could make a video

of them pranking their girlfriend and

you know put their girlfriend in the

thumbnail with a bunch of cleavage and

get 10 million views or they could give

a homeless guy $1,000 and get ten

million views to me I’d rather them do

that give the homeless man money because

at least he gets some money out of it

you know what I’m saying so I have no

problem with it but for some reason

people are like you’re just using the

homeless guy for views but I don’t have

a problem with that and some other news

this VEVO is now getting over 10 billion

views a month vivos the network you know

we’re like Taylor Swift Nicki Minaj all

those famous musical artists now

collectively gets 10 billion views a

month if you think about that

realistically even if they only profit

10% of the earnings that’s like over a

million dollars a month for a YouTube

network to be you know multi-million

dollar company like that it’s pretty

ridiculous especially for just a YouTube

network you know that’s pretty crazy and

10 billion views per month there’s not

even 10 billion people on the earth so

it’s pretty much it I don’t really have

much else to present to you as I told

you I’m gonna find out a better system

of getting information and gathering

stuff and this is just the demo like I

just want to see how this would turn out

I just want to see what the quality is

on YouTube I mean my camera could suck

it might have to go buy a new one I

don’t know so this was just a demo I

just want to see how this would turn out

feel free to hate comment like that I

have a big nose or something I don’t

care and that’s pretty much that

I’ll hit you guys up with a little bit

longer one next time and fix anything

that’s wrong with this video so yeah

what you do to get back