How Much Money Does FaZe Rain Make????? | MrBeast

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how’s it going guys today we got a

pretty interesting commentary but before

I jump into that I have to mention two

things real quick first you’re watching

an 85 m1 kill game on hardpoint hijacked

it’s a pretty boss game I got 85 kills

only died once that’s pretty insane

hopefully you enjoy that and then second

when I’m uploading this video I’m

actually gonna be at Tennessee at a

basketball camp I mentioned this in a

previous video I’m gonna schedule upload

this video for a couple days from now

down the road so if you do leave a

comment I might not reply to it right

away because I’m gonna be out of

basketball camp with my team and

obviously I won’t have a computer or

anything so that’s pretty much that

boss gameplay I’m gonna be at Tennessee

so let’s jump into this today we’re

gonna be talking about how much faze

rain makes off YouTube now this is

actually a question I get quite a bit on

my videos and it’s because faze rain

actually dropped out of high school to

do YouTube full-time so a lot of people

want to know how much he makes off the

YouTube you know to justify whether or

not it’s okay that he dropped out of

high school to do it full-time

so one sec let me pull up my sheet I

have a couple of notes jotted down his

main channel gets six million views per

day it’s pretty good I mean that’s a ton

more than I get and his secondary

channel gets 1 billion views per month

oh did I say per day his main channel

gets 6 million views per month not per

day I didn’t mean to say that and a

secondary channel gets 1 million views

per month so per month between both his

channels 7 million views not the world’s

best PewDiePie gets over 7 million views

per day but 7 million views per month is

still ton of ads now to calculate his

earnings we’re going to use a $1 $0.50

CPM last month I got 30,000 views and I

made $45 so every thousand views I got

around a dollar 50 so we’re gonna use

that same and calculating kid’s numbers

he may make more than a dollar fifty per

thousand views but all I know is last

month I got thirty thousand views and I

made $45 so that’s up every thousand

views I got a dollar fifty if I were to

do the math using the amount of money I

earned or them using the statistics for

how much I earn last month if I was to

use that to calculate his earnings based

on his views he would be making around

ten thousand dollars a month so ten

thousand dollars a month is a hundred

thousand dollars plus a year so that’s

pretty good I mean

he’s making more than probably most

people watching this videos parents do

and he’s still in high school now I

don’t know if that justifies for him

dropping out of high school but over

$100,000 a year is pretty darn good and

he’s doing something right so don’t

really critique him or anything like

that but I will post a link to the video

where he said he dropped out of high

school in the description so you don’t

think I’m making anything up social

blade actually estimates that he could

be making up to three hundred and fifty

thousand dollars a year off YouTube on

just his main channel alone but

obviously social blade isn’t that

reliable they have crazy numbers and if

we’re being realistic he’s making around

a hundred thousand dollars a year

between both his channels combined and

$100,000 is pretty good like I said it’s

probably more than a lot of people’s

parents watching this video actually

make and that’s by himself and he’s

still you know like 18 or something like

that so anyways that so much PageRank

makes you can determine whether or not

that justifies for dropping out of high

school if that’s enough money and he

could always just you know go back and

retake the classes whenever he wants to

but hopefully you enjoyed the Box

gameplay and the commentary and if you

did please leave a like and a comment

and I’ll see you later