Why Do We Do Things That Are Bad For Us????? | MrBeast

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hey there newcomer I’m challenging you

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weeks in this video I’m gonna be talking

about why do we do things that are bad

for us in fact let’s kick this off with

a very generic list tobacco alcohol and

drugs I mean why do we smoke things that

are just gonna murder our teeth and

lungs and make us call for the rest of

our life or drink alcohol and

potentially hurt someone and then wake

up in a Walmart parking lot with a

splitting headache and then there’s

drugs I know this is 2015 not the 1980s

and most of you don’t do drugs which is

good because I don’t see why you’d ever

do something that you could become

wildly addicted to and end up wasting

money the rest of your life on now I’m

not stupid I know most people do these

things because of peer pressure or they

just like the way it feels I go to a

Christian school I don’t really deal

with that much peer pressure

hashtag shelters and the feel-good part

well I have Crohn’s me eating a bag of

Doritos is extremely painful in my

stomach so I’m pretty sure for me

drinking alcohol is the same as

committing suicide but still even for a

normal person I don’t understand why

you’d really ever get into it it just to

me seems I can waste the money and just

not that productive to your life if you

know what I’m saying no I know what you

guys are thinking most you are going

this kid definitely goes to Christian

school like I’m not even saying you

shouldn’t smoke or you know drink

alcohol or any of these things because

the Bible says you shouldn’t I’m saying

this because I really don’t feel like

it’s that beneficial to your life of

course a lot of you guys are gonna leave

tons of comments saying it’s fun in yada

yada yada it’s fun it’s fun so I’m not

gonna try to go on about this too much

longer but this also applies to other

things like video games in the food you

eat video games well I really don’t have

to explain that to you you realize

that’s not really good used to your time

and then the food you eat most of us are

teens so if we’re being honest the food

we eat does not really matter hashtag

metabolism but since we’re on the topic

of food I guarantee you like I’m willing

to put money down that I have the

healthiest diet out of anyone listening

to this video I will put money on it

because Crohn’s sucks

I know during this commentary I was all

over the place but I’m gonna try to

bring it back to one central point we

all have bad habits and I just want you

to think of one and that bad habit you

have in your head I’d like you to try to

break that over the next week why well

because I’m some random guy on YouTube

and you have to do what I say let’s be

honest you just spent the last

minutes of your life watching this video

you have nothing better to do with your

life why not just break that bad habit

well that was pretty much the end of the

video and I know most of you guys are

now writing comments like B’s do you

suit your pains you said you don’t like

alcohol you’re [ __ ] your paintings you

and to be honest you’re just some random

guy I really don’t care feel free to

write me a long essay in the comment

section on why alcohol is good for me or

something stupid like that now I know I

was all over the place like I said

earlier I was talking about video games

drugs tobacco everything out now and I

wanted to just make this one point like

I said earlier we all do a lot of things

that aren’t good for us and over the

course of this next week I just want you

to try to break one bad habit you have

whether it’s not brushing your teeth in

the morning or just something stupid I

just want you to think of something and

just be conscious of it and try to break

it over the next week I don’t know

that’s just what I wanted to do

hopefully this video is beneficial to

you but that was pretty much everything

hopefully you enjoyed and let me know

what you think what you do to get back