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alright guys so we’ve all seen comments

before let’s say someone so YouTube are

only does YouTube reviews or hey you

only made this video for views case in

point I have a video where I talk about

how much money PewDiePie makes and that

video actually got over 80,000 views now

occasionally and I get a lot of

arguments on Twitter people call me a

sellout for making that video in fact my

most recent argument which by the way

you should follow me on Twitter the guy

tried to insult me I don’t see how this

is an insult

he said you only made that video about

PewDiePie because you knew it would get

views you’re such a sellout beast I only

made that video because I knew it would

get views hmm it doesn’t have seemed

pretty illogical isn’t that the whole

point behind YouTube to get views now

before I go any further I’m gonna catch

myself I know I am against misleading

content I’ve called out people like

anxiety and other people who use

misleading titles Biblical Reaper but

there’s a difference like I think many

people don’t have the right idea of what

a sellout is to me and maybe this is

just me maybe I’m different than

everyone else being a sellout is using a

misleading title when your title is not

actually what the video is about or when

your thumbnails are not actually a part

of the video that to me is being a

Scylla you know opening a Supply Drop

getting one legendary but titling it

like you got three that’s the sell out

or making black ops 3 leaked footage

news or whatever 3 months before any

footage has ever come out that’s being a

sell but making a video talking about

how much money PewDiePie makes that’s

not being a self that is called supply

and demand people are searching how much

money does PD PI make and I supplied

them with the information thousands of

people wanted to know people were

getting mad at me people were happy that

I made that video which is why like

three different people I’ve been in

arguments with and they’re like just go

make videos about how much PewDiePie

makes it’s called supply and demand

people I don’t know maybe I just used

too much logic making a video about how

much money a youtuber makes is not being

a solo people search that stuff and what

an you know one an answer one that

information I’m providing them that

knowledge I don’t see how you can

classify that as a sellout but maybe I’m

just completely different than everyone

else typically though on bigger

youtubers you’ll see comments all the

time they’re just like you only made

this video because you knew it get views

or you only did this video for views or

money if use the money same thing and

just hear me

as I said earlier isn’t the point of

view to be give views I know that you

know majority of people on YouTube are

like no you should do YouTube for fun

but stop stop the BS we all know

everyone who does YouTube does it for

views you want views views is the fun

part getting comments yeah you know

people enjoying your work is the fun

part spending three hours on your

computer computer sorry editing a video

that’s not fun but you know seeing

people say oh this video made my day

seeing the feedback just that is what’s

fun getting views is fun and so when

people are like oh you only made this

video for views or money just you know

that’s the point if YouTube views and

you know typically it’s the smaller

youtubers that use this cop-out they’ll

see someone with like fifty thousand

subscribers and they’ll say to

themselves I’m just as good as him I can

be as big as him just I don’t want to

sell out like he does and that person

doesn’t even sell out you know that

person I just I don’t know it’s

typically smaller youtubers and it gets

on my nerves because people don’t know

the difference between being a sellout

and actually being smart okay there are

skills that come with titling your video

correctly you know using the correct

thumbnail so you know people it will

catch their eye you know using certain

colors and things like that and then

there’s being a sellout and I think

majority of people are at least the

majority of the comments I read have no

idea what a sellout actually is and they

just don’t understand you know the point

of YouTube is to give views if they’re

if no one cared about views then why

would you even bother wasting your

Internet and just you know keep the

videos on your computer if you’re doing

YouTube for fun why don’t you just edit

the video and then save it on your feet

or why waste your internet uploading it

if you don’t care about the views we all

care about views that’s why we upload to

YouTube anyways guys that’s pretty much

the end I’m not gonna drag this out too

long you guys kind understand my point

I’d really like don’t just write a

generic comic like oh you should do

youtuber fun not reviews if you write

out a really legit comment I’d love to

hear what you guys have to say about you

know people do in YouTube for fun and

muse and all just all this other sayings

people leave in comments sections all

the time and you know your definition of

a song because obviously it’s it’s

really subjective okay there’s no

written rule that says this is a sellout

video this is not and/or doesn’t even

matter should we just not care what

other people upload and just do our

thing I’d love to hear your guys’s

opinion on that and another thing I’d

like to create some height for this

short film me and my friends made this

weekend we finished of recording the

second part of this number I want to

call it a movie but it’s not it’s like

this short film me and my friends did

we’ve put probably 10 plus hours into

just filming it and I’m probably gonna

spend at least 5 hours editing it it

should go up Saturday or Sunday we stuff

like one or two scenes we have to film

which won’t take too long so I just want

to create some hype about that it’s I

wish I could show you guys a trailer or

something it’s gonna be really epic yeah

cuz a couple of these guys that are in

it they’re actually really into like the

arts and you know plays they did a play

at our school and stuff they’re really

into that type of things so I hope you

guys are excited for that video because

I mean I’ve put ridiculous amount of

time into this and I think you guys are

actually gonna be really surprised with

the storyline and how good it is but

anyways that’s the video let me know

what you think and hopefully you enjoyed