Why Are Things Unbalanced In Video Games????? | MrBeast

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how’s it going guys it’s Jimmy from WT

og here JJ kicked us off with a good

upload yesterday it was interesting I’ll

give him an A for effort but on a

different side note I I saw this video

yesterday and it got me thinking about

this certain thing a lot our imbalances

good and games now that sounds a little

bit weird I’m gonna do my best to

explain it if you’re thinking about it

realistically and logically you actually

don’t want everything in a game to be

balanced because if everything was

balanced then there’d be a certain way

to win or there’d be a certain way to do

things that would give you the highest

percentage of winning and an example I’d

give for that is chess because chess

both sides are equally balanced you both

start off with the same pieces and to

win in a game of chess you have to

follow certain strategies if you just

experiment there’s always gonna be

someone out there you could beat you

there are certain strategies you have to

follow on chest if you want to be the

absolute best which is where I gather my

point imbalances in a game are actually

good for a game you see by having

certain champions in League of Legends

overpowered or certain classes and

hearthstone good at doing certain things

that creates a meta game because then

majority of people are gonna play that

overpowered champion and everyone else

is gonna play champions to counter that

and then people are gonna play champions

to counter the counter and it creates a

meta game because people are gonna be

playing different stuff

the overpowered champions not always

gonna be the best solution to winning so

next time you find yourself on a forum

complaining about how a champion needs

to be nerfed or this card needs to be

removed from hearthstone just think

about it granted that champion might be

overpowered but it being overpowered is

gonna force other people to play

counters to it and the meta games gonna

be always changing causing people to

always play different characters and is

what makes League of Legends and

hearthstone such successful games the

whole reason I bring up this topic is

because we always find ourselves when

we’re playing video games complaining

about how this is better than that and

you know just how this is overpowered

why would anyone ever play anything else

and that’s actually a good thing that’s

healthy for a game because it causes a

meta effect you do not want everything

the same if everything was balanced then

there’d be a certain path to victory and

everyone when I have to follow that

route by creating a meta it allows you

to play different champions and

champion that does get you a bunch of

wins this week could go on a 10 losing

streak next week you know the same thing

applies for hearthstone if a new card

comes out for hunter and everyone’s

playing hunter right now because it’s so

overpowered well then people are gonna

start playing a counter to the hunter

and hunters not going to be good anymore

and then people are gonna start

countering the counter and you get it so

just think about that next time you’re

complaining about how something is

overpowered just think about how that’s

actually healthy for a game and it’s

actually good you know within parameters

obviously if it’s not super super opie

but a little bit of imbalance in a game

is actually good for a game and it

causes a meta effect which is what keeps

the game interesting it keeps everything

changing and it makes it where there’s

not just one certain way to win there’s

multiple different ways giving the

current meta so that’s pretty much off

let me know what you think what you do

to get back