Fibrocystic Breast: The Best Remedy is... | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about fibrocystic breast disease  what’s behind that first of all what is it  

it’s a hyperplasia it’s an excessive amount  of tissue that’s developing fibrous tissue  

in certain parts of the breast  it could potentially be a pre-cancerous

this problem is an iodine deficiency because  iodine protects the body tissues against excessive  

amounts of estrogen especially in the breast  iodine mostly concentrates in your thyroid but  

30 of your iodine reserves are concentrated in  the breast tissue the eyes the stomach the cervix  

and the salivary glands now what foods have iodine  sea kelp okay seaweed which by the way is sea kelp  

but there’s other types of seaweed in addition  to sea kelp you have salt water fish shellfish  

egg yolks have iodine and it just so happens that  in japan where they consume a lot of sea kelp and  

seaweed they have the lowest breast cancer  mortality rates i mean check this out we have 6.6  

out of a hundred thousand people versus the u.s  which has a breast cancer mortality rate of 27.7  

for every 100 000 women so it appears  that iodine is very protective against  

breast cancer now there’s a study that i’m going  to put down below that you can check out estrogen  

treated mice with an iodine deficiency develop  cysts and by supplementing them with iodine there  

is a 77.7 percent beneficial effect so if your pet  mice develop fibrocystic breast disease make sure  

that you feed them iodine because you wouldn’t  want them to develop a problem with that  

all right thank you so much for watching before  you go if you have a question about a product  

or you’re new to keto and you want to know  how to begin keto or you’re on keto and you  

need a debug because it’s not going as smooth i  have a keto consultant standing by to help you  

this is just for the people in the u.s  hopefully in the future we’ll be able to  

answer everyone’s call but i put the number  down below so you can call and get some help