15 Things Your SKIN Tells You about Your LIVER - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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you know your skin

reveals a lot about what’s going on


especially your liver if the liver is

good your skin’s gonna look great if

it’s not that good you’re gonna look not

too good so in this video i’m gonna

cover all the different things that can

happen to your skin just from the liver

now i’m talking about having a fatty

liver i’m talking about having cirrhosis

and inflammation now the thing about the

liver it’s a rugged organ it’s about

three and a half pounds located on the

right side of your chest cavity and it

takes a beating and it can regenerate

though it can come back if you do the

right things so i’m going to give you

some really good things to eat to

preserve your liver but first we need to

identify um all the different

indications that there is a problem with

the liver using the skin so before you

see any problems on the blood test like

high levels of liver enzymes

things like that

you’re not going to really know there’s

a problem with the liver you might

notice some fatigue but you’ll

definitely notice a change in your skin

okay now i’m going to cover 15 things

that can go wrong with the skin i’m not

going to

give you the big long medical name

because you don’t really need to know

that but i will include the name on this

video so you can kind of see what i’m

describing but the best way to put

someone to sleep is just to give them a

lot of big words and i’m not going to do

that in this video all right number one

if your skin is yellow okay what’s

happening is the red blood cell when it

breaks down turns into a certain

compound that then can turn your skin

yellow if this breakdown product is

backing up into the skin

and if it’s a severe problem it can even

turn the skin slightly brownish but

typically yellow skin

yellow eyes is an indication that

there’s some type of backup in the liver

it could also be in the gallbladder bile

ducts as well all right next symptom is

red palms okay if your palms are red it

could indicate that there’s a definitely

a liver problem and also as a side note

if your palms are itchy or the bottom of

your foot is itchy that’s another

indication that there could be a liver

problem as well or a gallbladder issue

all right a red nose okay let’s say

the nose is red it’s swollen

you see this a lot with alcoholics that

is an indication that there’s probably

liver cirrhosis okay red cheeks they

call that rosacea that usually can be an

alteration in the microbiome in your gut

but it’s also an indication that there’s

a liver problem but there’s other

indications too it could be an adrenal

issue but typically it’s going to be a

combination of a liver problem or

you’re just lacking friendly bacteria

all right next thing is loss of hair it

could be in your armpits or on your legs

if you’re a guy that’s a situation where

the liver is damaged and you don’t have

that that buffer that regulates

excess estrogen in the body and so as

the estrogen increases

then you start losing that hair and the

skin becomes very very soft and even


you see this um

as a man ages when they get older


lower legs don’t have any hair anymore

and it’s very very super shiny that’s

excess estrogen building up because the

liver is not buffering that amount of

estrogen all right next one is paper

money skin

what is that well if you ever looked at

crinkled uh old money it has a certain

texture to it a lot of times the skin

becomes that texture

when you have liver damage and you see

this on your cheeks

or the folds on your face and the skin

is very very thin and sometimes you’ll

see it on the back of the hand too where

there’s it’s like paper thin skin it’s a

loss of collagen which is part of the

normal aging process but you see it also

with liver damage all right spider veins


specifically the ones that

have a little red spot with these little

veins coming out of that one red dot and

you’ll see this on the abdomen you can

see it on the face you can see in other

parts of the body that again is excess

estrogen okay because the liver buffers

excess estrogen now we have the white

yellow growths around your eyelids that

is deposits of cholesterol and usually

the person has high level ldl and low

hdl and high triglycerides

that’s a situation where they’re doing

way too many carbs they usually have

insulin resistance they’re usually

overweight because the cholesterol is

backing up into the tissues and out

through the eyes a simple remedy would

be to get off the carbs do intermittent

fasting and take purified bile salts all

right then we have purple flat little

bumps on your skin okay you might see

them in the lower extremity or

throughout the body that’s indication

that there’s a liver problem most likely

an excess amount of estrogen

sometimes you’ll see that too after

pregnancy where you have this spike of

estrogen then we have purple little

spots which are kind of just not raised

they’re not bumps but they’re just

discoloration another symptom that

there’s a liver issue now the liver

spots themselves where you have this


brown little spot or extra pigmentation

is not really coming from the liver it’s

aging spots that is a lack of vitamin c

this is why

a real common remedy would be those

creams that you put on your skin that

always have a base of vitamin c this is

just an indication that you need more

vitamin c to make those go away but i

would recommend taking vitamin c getting

them from food and taking it


and just realize that when you’re on a

high carb diet or you have high levels

of sugar because you’re diabetic that

can cause a vitamin c deficiency because

it blocks

vitamin c the chemistry of glucose is

very very similar to vitamin c so the

body will always pull in glucose before

vitamin c blocking it all right the

white scaling plaques as in dandruff now

that’s usually a fungal growth and

selenium is one of the remedies that

they use for this fungus and a really

good remedy would be to take


olive oil

with oregano oil and kind of combine

that i’ll put a link down below of how

to do it but you just rub it into the

scalp and it’ll get rid of dandruff but

realize that the real problem with

dandruff is more internally and it’s

usually a problem with your

microbes in your gut slash a liver issue

there’s also topical probiotics that you

can put on your scalp

i will be doing some videos on that as

well then we have

other things like the crusty red nodules

that can occur on your skin

so as you can see a lot of skin problems

are connected or associated with liver

and then there’s a condition called the

cities where you have this fluid-filled

sac in your gut

you usually see

the guy on the beach in the speedo with

this huge belly but he has his legs are

like stick thin his arms are thin and he

has stretch marks on the abdomen that’s

coming from a very severe cirrhosis of

the liver and it’s called the cytes and

you get these stretch marks but not all

stretch marks are liver but certain

stretch marks can be if it’s coming from

ascites all right a flattened face where

you’re losing fat on the face

that can happen with certain liver

issues because you’re not able to

produce the growth hormone that works

through the liver anymore and you’re

losing certain amounts of protein that

the skin just kind of falls flat

on your face and then maybe i should

tell you the name of that it’s called


lipodystrophy all right now for the good

news okay

there are foods that you can start

eating that can improve the liver and

you can help to bring the liver back uh

one of the best foods that you can

possibly eat for the liver is radishes

honestly i don’t like radishes my wife

does i don’t like them but i will eat

them on a salad but radishes are amazing

for the liver they’re part of the

cruciferous family they’re very bitter

but they have properties to help reverse

a fatty liver they trigger certain types

of enzymes that help to face one phase

two detoxification to get rid of poisons

they increase the bile production of the

liver radishes hands down are probably

one of the best vegetables for the liver

then we have lemons i just did a video

on this you blend the whole lemon very

very bitter anything bitter is good for

the liver if you haven’t seen that video

i’ll put a link down below but you can

blend it with water with little stevia

man that’s really good for a fatty liver

and then we have apple cider vinegar

which supports

your blood sugars which actually makes

insulin more sensitive and that alone is

going to reduce the fat on your liver

then arugula which is one of my favorite

cruciferous vegetables very bitter very

good for the liver it’s way better than

regular lettuce so you might want to use

that in your salads instead of other

types of vegetables but anything leafy

green is going to be awesome for the

liver and of course out of all the

vegetables the cruciferous vegetables

are a superior vegetable for the liver

then we have garlic

is really good for the liver i mean i’ve

done so many videos on that and then we

have sea kelp sea kelp helps regulate

excess amount of estrogen okay so that’s

another really good thing to add to the

mix mustard any type of mustard is

really good for the liver

in regular yellow mustard you have

turmeric you have mustard seed you have

apple cider vinegar paprika really good

for the liver dandelion greens very


awesome for a fatty liver

and then egg yolks which is loaded with

lecithin which is the antidote to


eggs are very awesome for a fatty liver

now if you haven’t seen my video on how

you can identify liver problems through

your foot

check this out it’s right here
