90 Year Old - Amazing Story | DrEricBergDC

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well don’t let your age be an excuse for

what you can or can’t do that’s Betty

Kendall’s motto as 9 news storyteller

Cheryl free hi nan and herps tell us

Betty isn’t about talk she’s all action

and that has made her a bit of a

celebrity in her community young at

Heritage Eagle Bend is 60 they call it a

senior housing and golf residence life

moves at a relaxed pace for most people

and then there’s Betty Kendall Betty

breaks all the molds around here

everybody wants to meet her and talk to

her and is a big deal because of it well

I became a celebrity and I’ve not been

one before well I can’t quite say that

Betty started acquiring things for the

Kendall museum as she calls it oh here’s

some more when she was young by Heritage

Eagle band standards would you like

freestyle first or butterfly her

competitive swimming career started at

age 60

I think I must have gotten some fish

genes when I watched her and she came

out and told me how old she was I was

just flabbergasted this is a woman who

does not look or swim like her age

Betty is 90 even as this breast cancer

survivor is recovering from about with

skin cancer she is focused she’s strong

I placed in everything and she is

competitive I was the only ringer in

that heat the record books for the

senior games are full of Betty’s name

some of her times blowing past swimmers

20 years younger

these are rotted that’s old they are

none older that she knows of I don’t

think they’re out there somebody said

why are there not more people competing

she was telling me in the 85 to 90

bracket and she said well if they’re not

here consider the alternative Betty is

not done yet I’d be the young kid on the

block in the next group wouldn’t be

great if she sets a hundred record

before it’s all said and done she’ll

have even more fans around here Cheryl

pre hime nine News

pretty inspiring Betty isn’t training

for next year Senior Games in the 90 to

94 year old age group she knows she may

very well be the only swimmer no one has

broken her records this year and by the

way Betty Kendall was in college before

the butterfly stroke was even invented

in fact a college classmate was the one

who came up with it