Exercise Keeps Your Brain From Shrinking as You Age | DrEricBergDC

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you know exercise is good for a lot of  different things um but it’s actually very good  

to prevent the shrinkage of your brain as you get  older now there was a study that i’m going to put  

down below that was based on 120 older adults  doing aerobic exercise randomize control study  

and this is what they found they found there was  an increase in the volume that’s the front part of  

your hippocampus now what is the hippocampus this  is the part of the brain that is in control of  

spatial navigation or spatial memory your ability  to remember locations and understand where you are  

in relationship to something else so if they  put you in one of those mazes that they have  

you’re going to have a heck of a time trying  to find your way out of that so certain birds  

that fly south during the winter have huge  hippocampus structures to allow them to navigate  

so that’s one tiny thing that the hippocampus  does but it does other things too related to  

memory also exercise will increase blood  flow to your hippocampus now the hippocampus  

is one of the few areas of the brain that can  regenerate most of the brain cannot regenerate  

but the hippocampus can and that’s involved with  memory so that’s the good news all right and then  

we have an increase in bdnf in the hippocampus  it stands for brain-derived neurotrophic  

factors and that’s the thing that helps regrow  the brain and exercise will stimulate that  

in the hippocampus exercise will also  increase the volume of the prefrontal cortex  

okay that’s involved in decision making and  thinking so exercise can help you with that  

all right so now what shrinks the brain age stress  and having high blood sugars so in this video my  

intention is just to make you aware that exercise  can prevent the loss of volume of your brain and  

if you combine exercise with intermittent fasting  and a vitamin b1 from nutritional yeast i think  

you’ll have a really good plan to keep your brain  at the size it needs to be as you age hey before  

you go real quick i have a course entitled how to  bulletproof your immune system it’s a free course  

i want you to take it and here’s why here’s you  here is your environment everyone is focused on  

this over here avoiding your environment but  what about here what about strengthening your  

immune system that’s what’s missing this course  will show you how to bulletproof yourself and so  

you can tolerate and resist your environment  much better by strengthening your own immune  

system i put a link down in the description right  down below check it out and get signed up today