Can High Doses of Potassium Be Toxic? | DrEricBergDC

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so is there such a thing as a toxic

dosage of potassium let’s talk about


now the first thing to know is that you

will rarely if ever have a problem with

potassium if you get it from food I’m

talking about seven to ten cups of

vegetables per day unless you have stage

5 kidney disease if the kidney is

damaged if you’re having a chronic

kidney problem you’re not going to be

able to filter out potassium like you

should and it can build up and create a

lot of problems with your body also if

you’re taking a large amounts of

potassium and you’re on an ACE inhibitor

which is a blood pressure medication or

a beta blocker or potassium sparing

diuretics trying to lower your blood

pressure or you have Addison’s disease

which is rare but it’s a complete

adrenal burnout and you’re taking a lot

of potassium it can exaggerate the

symptoms there is a condition called

hyperkalemia which is a problem in the

blood where you have too much potassium

and the symptoms would be malaise

palpitations shortness of breath muscle

weakness now let’s talk about the

extreme dosage and when the bee starts

becoming toxic when you go between 8,000

to 10,000 milligrams you’re gonna start

feeling nauseous okay nausea is probably

the first symptom you’re gonna get but

the real toxic effect of potassium

happens right around 14,000 milligrams

especially if you’re deficient in

potassium and you take that much

potassium at one time it can be very

very dangerous but realize that to do

this you’d have to take a lot of

potassium even if you took straight

potassium and a teaspoon which is about

one thousand two maybe twenty five

hundred milligrams you’d have to take

about ten to fourteen of those before

this effect was achieved so basically

what I’m telling you it is very rare to

have a toxic effect of potassium if your

kidneys are healthy and you’re not on

these medications

couple more points about potassium

potassium is not generally stored in the

body so when you do prolonged fasting

okay you can run out of it

and for that reason I do recommend when

you’re doing prolonged fasting is you do

electrolyte fasting we’re doing water

and electrolytes while you’re fasting

that way you could prevent that problem

because you’re not just taking potassium

you’re taking all the electrolytes

another point if you are deficient and

b1 and you take a tremendous amount of

potassium that can exaggerate the

symptoms of course this is one of the

reasons why I always recommend healthy

keto because you’re taking B vitamins or

nutritional yeast with your electrolytes

and you’re never gonna have a problem

with that but on the flipside if you’re

deficient in potassium and you take a

lot of b1 let’s say five thousand

milligrams you’re gonna have exaggerated

symptoms from that but the point I’m

trying to make with this is that these

nutrients work in a synergistic effect

any time you take a tremendous amount of

one nutrient and not the other ones you

can create a problem and that goes for

this the sodium and potassium ratio

which is a little more important than

just these minerals individually for

example if you consume a lot of

potassium without sodium that’s going to

be a problem if you consume a lot of

potassium with the right ratios of

sodium problem solved

same thing goes with let’s say you’re on

a high salt diet and those symptoms from

going on a high-salt diet disappear when

you take more potassium so the point is

when you take one without the other

there’s a problem so the more sodium you

take the more potassium you’re going to

need the more potassium you take the

more sodium you’re going to need but

realize that someone the four ratio so

you need four times as much potassium as

sodium and that’s why they work together

and when you’re going to the doctor for

blood pressure problems or heart

problems they’re always putting you on a

sodium restrictive diet what they should

do is just simply add more potassium

that decreases the toxic effect of

sodium so in summary you would have to

consume a tremendous amount of potassium

to create a problem if you’re consuming

one two three or four thousand

milligrams of potassium a day you’re not

going to have a problem but when you

hire eight thousand ten thousand you

start experiencing symptoms and of

course if you’re going even higher than

that you potentially could have a

problem as well but it’s very rare

alright thanks for watching so if you

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