11 Bad Habits That Damage Your Brain | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about 11 bad

habits that can severely affect your

brain and most of these are going to be

quite surprising in fact the last one

I’m going to talk about is extremely

interesting bad habit number one chronic

exposure to bad news so do you ever hear

any good things in the news it’s pretty

much filled with a lot of fear Doom and

Gloom bad news it’s all going to end you

need to go in your house go underneath

your bed and hide because our

environment is extremely dangerous to be

in well what do you think that does for

your health well it drops your emotional

state okay if you’re at one time happy

and kind of upbeat now you’re kind of

grumpy you’re kind of in anxiety mode

and you might even be in depression and

there’s some interesting data that talks

about your state of being can affect the

structure and the physiology of your

body so you actually lose neurons your

brain actually atrophies so you might

might want to control the exposure the

bad news and it also could be

people giving you bad news too we all

know a certain personality that tends to

not just give us bad news but turn good

news into bad news number two toxic

personalities we have all been into

these relationships which basically

lower our emotional state which would

actually affect the physiology of our

brains so sometimes it’s good to get a

long list of all the people that you’re

associated with and isolate those who

are a bit toxic and just put them to the

side you want people that bring you up

you want people that support you number

three you are spending way too much time

inside your house or a building it’s not

very healthy to be inside all the time

it’s extremely therapeutic to be outside

in the fresh air and the sun doesn’t

just necessarily give you vitamin D

which is essential for brain health it

gives you infrared now what is infrared

it’s a type of spectral energy that can

actually penetrate Your Body by actually

two inches it can actually even go

through your skull and this infrared can

stimulate melatonin the type of

melatonin that’s a little bit different

than the Melatonin that’s running

through your pituitary it’s a type of

melatonin that’s in all of your cells

that acts as an antioxidant that is even

more powerful than glutathione it’s the

most powerful antioxidant that protects

you against so many things including

stress so inside we have fluorescent

lights poor ventilation we have a lack

of sun and we also have an alteration of

the light in dark Cycles the majority of

the population would greatly benefit by

taking vitamin D before bed especially

if they have problem sleeping especially

if they are inside way too much and

can’t get outside so vitamin D is really

important for brain health all right

number four

being on a low-fat low cholesterol diet

now how does that affect the brain well

did you realize that 60 of your brain is

fat here we have this organ that only

makes up two percent of your weight yet

utilizes 20 of all of your energy and

sixty percent of it is fat in fact the

brain is the fattiest organ of all your

organs you need this fat to make myelin

to help the conductivity of the neurons

the information that goes through your

nerve cells travel at a speed of 268

miles per hour it’s incredibly fast and

things that lower our fats or

cholesterol like a low-fat diet or

statin drugs can greatly put us at risk

for dementia and a lowered emotional

state whether it’s anxiety or even

depression and one really important

point is it takes cholesterol to make

bile salts which actually help you

absorb vitamin A d e

and K so without those fat sample

vitamins as well as the other nutrient

omega-3 fatty acid your brain can

greatly suffer all right number five the

bad habit of being on a high grain diet

the recommendation pretty much given by

all the medical experts you must consume

at least 60 of your diet in the form of

whole grains well there’s a problem with

whole grains okay first of all it’s not

as nutritious as you might think it’s

very high in omega-6 in the book Grain

Brain there’s a lot of new information

talking about how grains affect our

brains now when you eat refined grains

you deplete your brain of vitamin B1 and

that can create a huge consequence of

atrophy in your hippocampus the part of

the brain that’s involved with memory

and cognitive function number six

consuming a lot of sugar out of all the

things that will destroy your brain

sugar is at the top of the list it’s

going to eventually create insulin

resistance and that is going to cause a

starvation of the neurons because when

you have insulin resistance we have the

situation we have this high glucose High

insulin but the resistance doesn’t allow

the insulin or glucose to feed the

neurons unless you have ketones floating

around the neurons with starve and you

start having all sorts of

neurodegenerative problems in fact

there’s a condition called type 3

diabetes which is Alzheimer’s which

occurs from severe insulin resistance

not to mention the high sugar depletes

B1 which creates atrophy of your

hippocampus all right number seven and

this might surprise you too much low

stress if you don’t have any stress at

all that can be very unhealthy for your

brain why because you’re not exercising

enough you don’t have enough physical

activity that is needed to activate

genes for your brain so there’s

something called traumatic stress which

basically is a moderate amount of stress

that can cause the body to become

stronger and more resilient and adapt to

a positive State and that would include

the exercise heat therapy cold therapy

hypoxia which is a lack of oxygen

training at a higher altitude so there’s

a lot of therapy in a moderate amount of

stress or kind of intermittent doses of

stress and also intermittent fasting is

a form of stress because you’re not

feeding your body any food for certain

periods of time can greatly add a

positive stress to allow the brain to

actually grow neurons not enough stress

is just unhealthy as too much stress and

so number eight is high stress if you’re

under a chronic high stress mainly

mental stress or you have a lot of

losses or injuries it’s very damaging to

the brain because this activates certain

genes in your brain that can turn on

dementia degeneration inflammation and

so high stress High cortisol can create

atrophy of the hippocampus the key part

of the brain that’s involved in

cognition okay and also high stress

cortisol depletes you of B1 which also

does the same thing all right number

nine snacking snacking relates to

intermittent fasting intermittent

fasting is the antidote to snacking so

many people are snacking even healthy

foods and they’re unknowingly creating a

lot of problems with their brain because

in order to strengthen the brain

especially as we age we need to do

things that can help regenerate neurons

I would even venture to say that

snacking is

even worse than eating carbohydrates and

why is that because not only does carbs

increase insulin but eating in general

increases insulin and when you’re eating

so frequently you have these little

snacks in the mid-afternoon snack and

the snack before you go to bed what

you’re doing is you’re jacking up

insulin creating more insulin resistance

and you’re going to affect your brain

cells and you’re going to find that

that’s a really bad habit and the reason

I know that is when a person gives up


boy do they have a huge positive change

in so many things

including things like getting up in the

middle of night having to urinate these

people that are have frequent urination

really have insulin resistance and the

most simple thing they can do is give up

snacking especially the snacking or

grazing late at night and boom they can

sleep through the whole night and they

just happen to miraculously get rid of

the symptom of frequent urination number

10 anything that decreases the microbes

in your gut directly affect your brain

like antibiotics like glyphosate in the

GMO food which by the way Monsanto got a

patent for glyphosate as being an

antibiotic and unfortunately the earlier

you are exposed to antibiotics in your

life like as a baby

the worse things are but that’s a

completely different topic there’s a

huge connection between your gut and

your brain whatever happens down here

directly affects here and you do have a

nerve that connects the two and that’s

called the vagus nerve one of the side

effects from antibiotics

is dementia not to mention the great

majority of your neurotransmitters okay

many of the B vitamins that are

necessary for brain health are made by

these microbes and number 11 and this is

what you’ve been waiting for consuming

grain-fed animal products versus the

grass-fed grass finish animal products

now you’re saying wait a second where

did you get that Dr Burke well there’s

some very interesting data that I want

to share with you I just participated in

a very interesting beef nutrient density

study where we send off our beef from my

farm and they analyze the beef and

compare it to many farms across the

country and what this was was a study


the grass-fed beef to the grain-fed beef

as far as factors that can contribute to

your health and factors that can

contribute to disease okay so I’m going

to show you this check this out in this

first slide you’ll see total

phytochemicals these are phytonutrients

these are plant-based chemicals okay

that are in beef and it just so happens

that the beef that I sent in just

dominated most other even grass-fed

samples which is quite remarkable and

I’m going to share why I think that is

in a minute so stay tuned this is going

to be interesting you can see the grain

fed is very low on the phytonutrients

okay so in general phytonutrients our

antioxidants they have all sorts of

amazing properties they’re

anti-inflammatory anti-cancer

etc etc here’s another slide that shows

the fatty acid ratio the omega-6 to

omega-3 ratios okay and on average

grass-fed beef would produce a three to


that means there’s three times as much

omega-6 to omega-3 and the grain fed

beef on average is an eight to one

that’s eight times the omega-6 fatty

acid to omega-3 fatty acid well it just

so happens that the beef that I sent in

there had a 1.5

omega-6 to 1 omega-3 and it just so

happens that grain fed meats are high in

omega-6 and so that would increase the

risk of inflammation and by the way

salmon which is high in omega-3 has a

one-to-one ratio of omega-6 to omega-3

and I want to show you a couple other

slides that are very interesting in

relationship to what they found in the

study with our cattle look at vitamin B3

just incredible amounts compared to the

grass-fed as well as the grain fed wow

interesting now I’m going to show you

two other graphs which are very very

interesting in this next graph you’ll

see that this value

with Dr Berg’s beef is very low okay and

that is because this identifies Advanced

glycation end products this is something

that’s very very negative this is

something that contributes to chronic

disease of your brain and the heart this

is what you see in diabetes so what does

this mean it means that if you are

consuming animal products that are

higher in advanced glycation and

products this could contribute to a

worsening of your health and the last

slide is homocysteine now homocysteine

is another biomarker for heart disease

risk check out how low home assisting is

in the sample that I provided as well as

grass-fed then compare that to grain fat

interesting so this is just another

reason why you should consume grass-fed

grass-finished another name for that

would be a hundred percent grass-fed

this is all about the ratios you see

we’re trying to get more omega-3 fatty

acids into our brain especially because

out of all the fats 20 is in the form of


DHA and especially the gray matter and

so when you have a high ratio of omega-6

it’s competing for the Omega-3

so even though you might be consuming

like cod liver oil or Omega three fatty

acids in your diet if your omega-6 is

too high

it’s not going to go in well and so this

is why it’s so important to really beef

up no pun intended the omega-3 fatty

acids and this could potentially lower

inflammation in your brain and greatly

support your brain health now here’s a

question that you might be wondering

right now why are there so many

phytonutrients in the beef that we have

compared to the typical grass-fed and

that is this the pastures that I raise

my cows on have a much lower ratio of

grass they have a much higher ratio of

weeds that’s right and diversity of

weeds I have many different types of

weeds and I have a smaller amount of

grass as compared to a typical pasture

with cattle you’re going to have more

grasses and so if you think about it

the more biodiversity that these cows

get to feed on the more different types

of weeds and plants that have their own

microbiome the more Diversified

microbiome they’re going to have in

their guts a lot of these phytochemicals

and vitamins are made by the microbiome

and so my theory and I’m going to do

some studies on this to find out for

sure it’s the diversity of different

plants that really created this profile

right here which could relate to humans

if you were to have a salad and you had

the same iceberg lettuce every single

day that probably wouldn’t be good you

might want to try to increase the range

of types of plants in your diet whether

in your salad or on your plate and there

is some great research on the

relationship between the diversity of

plants and the diversity of your own

microbiome that can greatly help your

health now that being said since we’re

on the topic of brain health

if you haven’t seen my other video in

the brain you should check it out it’s

really cool I’ll put it up right here