13 Serious Side Effects of Low Cholesterol (Hypocholesterolemia) – Dr. Berg on Cholesterol Control | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys in this video we’re gonna talk

about that 13 serious side-effects of

having low cholesterol not high

cholesterol but low cholesterol now

there’s been a huge focus of the medic

profession putting attention on this

deadly dangerous high cholesterol but

there’s no attention on low cholesterol

check this out these are the side

effects of low cholesterol number one

increase risk of getting cancer

number two anemia number three increase

risk of getting a stroke before adrenal

failure why because the adrenal hormones

need cholesterol the main hormones from

the adrenal especially cortisol is built

out of cholesterol so if you starve it

it doesn’t have any food or building

blocks to build up those hormones number

five increase your chance of getting

infections because the immune system

needs cholesterol number six increasing

your susceptibility to getting viruses

again the immune system needs

cholesterol number seven increase death

rate from all causes and I’m not kidding

I’m gonna put a link down below and you

have to check this out number eight

chronic inflammation number nine chronic

liver disease and pretend depression

number eleven increased your risk from

respiratory disease number 12 a or deck

dissection you know what that is the

aorta the main blood vessel to go to the

heart actually develops a tear from low

cholesterol of course you’re gonna bleed

to death if that happens number thirteen

low cholesterol can predispose the

critically ill to sepsis that’s blood

poisoning and adrenal failure now

recently I stumbled on this data because

I was doing some research on certain

opinions that everyone agreed to you

know especially mainstream traditional

agreements and most of the medical

profession does agree that cholesterol

is bad and we need to reduce it okay so

anytime you get an opinion that everyone

knows or everyone agrees on on suspect

so you pull the string and then we look

at the opposite viewpoint

and here we have massive dangers of

having low cholesterol and the question

is what is considered low cholesterol

okay less than a hundred and sixty

incredible high cholesterol is anything

over two hundred but less than 160 when

I was in practice you know many people

had cholesterol way lower than 160 the

facts are that high cholesterol is not


cholesterol itself is made by your body

but it’s not the villain it’s the

band-aid that heals the artery wall that

becomes damaged from the high sugar and

high insulin now I put a link down below

of a video that I did on an interesting

study that showed if you have low

cholesterol you have a one out of a

thousand chance of getting a heart

attack okay but if you have high

cholesterol it goes to two out of a

thousand now if you go from 1 to that’s

a hundred percent increase so if I told

you you had a hundred percent increased

chance of getting heart attack that

probably freaked you out and you

probably take the medication right well

these are fractions they’re not whole

numbers so going from one one thousand

two to one thousand is really only 0.1%

it’s one tenth of one percent chance of

getting all actual heart attack that’s

so insignificant but that’s what a lot

of people are using as the scare tactics

for getting people and medication when

in reality they should use the word rate

not risk factors because there’s no

legal definition of the word risk okay

again cholesterol is there to help build

hormones build cellular membranes that’s

why when you lose that function you you

increase a chance of getting infection

and viruses and also the brain and

nervous system you need cholesterol your

immune system needs cholesterol the bile

that helps you extract fats either by

demands from the food you need

cholesterol from that so the truth is

that cholesterol is important and low

cholesterol is actually way more

dangerous than high cholesterol thanks

for watching

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