A Carrot a Day Keeps the Doctor Away | DrEricBergDC

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you know when we’re dealing with

creating health and fighting off health

problems it’s not just one food It’s a

combination of foods So today we’re

going to talk about one additional food

that I think you should add

to your daily salads and that is the

lonely carrot now I’ve done past videos

on carrots relating to the ketogenic

diet but not necessarily the health

properties of carrots and I recently

stumbled on some data that is quite

fascinating carrots can actually do more

for your health than you might think now

the first thing that usually comes up

with a carrot is that it’s generally

sweet so people are avoiding those

because they’re trying to avoid carbs on

the ketogenic diet and it is true that

the glycemic index of a carrot is about

72 so high is starting at 70. so it’s 72

so yeah it’s a little bit high but

because it’s so filled with fiber okay

and the net carbs for one medium carrot

is only 4.3 carbs

and you’re allowed like 50 carbs is

false in the category of something

that’s pretty safe because the glycemic

load which is a little different than

the glycemic index is a different

formula it’s basically the amount of

carbs because we’re deducting all this

fiber brings the carrot down to like a

2.8 on the glycemic load scale I mean

think about this anything less than 10

is low it’s pretty low on the glycemical

load so you’re not going to bump

yourself out of ketosis by eating a

carrot a day carrots typically are

thought of improving your eyesight

because they’re loaded with the

precursor to vitamin A and beta-carotene

which is the precursor is not retinol

the active form of vitamin A even though

they call it vitamin A it’s a precursor

it has to be converted and there’s a

small percentage that can convert to

retinol it’s not that high but it’s

something now there are a lot of other

things in carrots you have all sorts of

phytonutrients that help as as a general

antioxidant so let’s get into it number

one the fiber in carrots that we can’t

digest but our microbes can

can greatly help you detoxify estrogen

okay and so if you’re estrogen dominant

it can help balance that now what are

the risk factors of estrogen dominance

well problems with your menstrual cycle

heavy periods weight gain in a lower

section of your body increased risk of

cancer and so anything that can actually

buffer this estrogen is a good thing

number two it lessens the activation of

pro carcinogens those are things that

are like carcinogenic things that can

cause cancer well they lessen the

activation of that number three it’s an

antioxidant number four it’s

anti-angiogenic what does that mean

well when a cancer cell grows it needs

blood supply and so there are various


definitely the cruciferous vegetables

but also carrots that can inhibit these

new blood vessels to tumors thus are


anti-angiogenic carrots also have

anti-clotting properties they also have

properties that can help fight

mycoplasmas which are bacteria without

the cell wall but I think one of the

biggest benefits of carrots

is related to this other phytonutrient

and it’s called fall caranol now there

is some data that shows that it’s not

just this one phytonutrient there’s some

other related synergistic compounds but

nonetheless if you eat a raw carrot a

day you’re going to get a good amount of

this volcano and volcano is a natural


and fungicide volcano is also into

phenyl it’s in celery it’s in ginseng

it’s in parsley

but there’s a lot of it in carrots now

even though it’s a natural pesticide

it’s not harmful to our bodies so you

don’t have to worry about it in fact it

may help you if you have any pathogenic

funguses growing in your body but the

big thing that fall carinol does is what

it can do for cancer apparently the

research shows that it can significantly

decrease the risk of cancer especially

breast cancer and prostate cancer and

gastric cancer and maybe even other

Cancers and this other function May

relate to cancer or just in general it

just may help you with inflammation

because volcanol is a potent inhibitor

of intestinal inflammation even more

than sulforaphane and I’ve done videos

on this where I talked about

sulforaphane helping with gastritis and

all sorts of inflammation in your gut

and sulforaphane is in broccoli and

broccoli Sprouts but we don’t want to

forget the carrot too okay so I would

recommend eating one at least 1

medium-sized Raw carrot Organic Raw

carrot in your salad or just in general

each day and one of the ways that it can

do this is through stimulating the tumor

suppressor genes and these are things

that can actually suppress the genetics

that relate to Growing tumors in some of

these studies which I’ll list down below

you get a slower development of the

cancer you get inhibition of the

aggressive cancer cells you also get

induction of apoptosis what does that

mean it means that it triggers the

cancer cells to die now since we’re on

the topic of cancer okay in foods you

should definitely see this video that

related to other foods you should be

eating to lower your risk of cancer and

I put that up right here