23 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting & One Meal A Day – Dr. Berg On OMAD Diet | DrEricBergDC

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so I wanted to create a video on the 23 benefits of OMAD one meal a day diet

which is not really a diet it’s a kind of a type of intermittent fasting well

you’re going 23 hours of fasting in 1 hour of eating and yes people love food

but you could actually set it up so let’s say you have a social event or you

go out to dinner and that’s when your meal is to your own friends so you’re

not sitting there at a restaurant just like not eating that would be not good

but let’s talk about the benefits number one you can save a lot of money when

you’re only eating one meal a day you’ll probably save at least $600 a month just

on that alone it’s going to save a lot of time so you can do other things that

are productive most people spend a lot of time eating preparing for food takes

a lot of work number three improving digestion you’re gonna give your

gallbladder a chance to rest the stomach the pancreas the large bowel especially

if they have irritable bowel syndrome it’ll actually help you heal that it

improves the immune system also it puts your body into something called autophagy

which is the recycling of junk proteins and damaged protein particles and

recycles it into new tissue but it also recycles viruses fungus mold Candida

which also is going to help your immune system right there so it’s kind of an

immune strengthening activity you’re gonna live longer which is a good thing

you’re gonna be a lot less hungry you would think by not eating you’re going

to be starving all the time but not when you totally adapt to fat-burning your

hunger is gonna go away no more cravings it’s gonna make it really easy to do

this but of course it takes a while to get into this keto state but when you’re

fully there you’re not going to crave any more better skin because of the

autophagy and the anti-aging effects your skin is going to be a lot smoother and

younger increased energy tons of physical energy number eleven increased

mood if you’re depressed you have anxiety you have to realize that comes

from a blood sugar problem when that’s handled you’re gonna your mood is going

to come way up you’re gonna feel much better number twelve increase cognitive

function this is great for dementia improving

your memory focus concentration all that will improve 13 decrease inflammatory

conditions whether you have bursitis tendinitis arthritis that’s going to go

away because the blood sugar issues will cause inflammatory number thirteen

decrease inflammatory conditions whether your bursitis tendinitis arthritis or

even rheumatoid arthritis this is great for that decrease blood pressure okay

what causes blood pressure is high insulin so this program will decrease

insulin your blood pressure will come down number fifteen heart disease if

there’s one thing that will improve your arteries it’s doing in a minute fasting

more than probably any other thing that you can possibly do if we take the

reverse of that and do high insulin and you have insulin resistance and you’re a

diabetic you are gonna have a lot of problems in your arteries number 16

improving dementia okay that’s related to the cognitive

function and number 17 is definitely going to improve if you have diabetes

it’s going to actually help prevent diabetes it’s going to improve the

pre-diabetes which is insulin resistance it’s going to improve if not fix

hypoglycemia which so many people have they don’t even know they have that

number 18 it’s going to actually help you if you have a fatty liver it will

take that off the liver number 19 it’s going to turn your body into a

fat-burning machine on steroids you’re gonna lose your belly you’re

gonna get a flat belly which is really cool

number 20 it’s gonna really help your discipline because you’re doing

something that is almost an exercise in discipline or strengthening your

self-discipline and that’s going to improve because your ability to was

stayin from food for 23 hours so it’ll improve your your willpower and your

discipline over that 21 improve your muscle physiology muscle density and you

would think by not eating you would worsen your muscles not the case you go

through a whole thing where your growth hormone improves that’s the anti-aging

hormone but growth hormone has a protective factor against muscle loss so

this is very important especially if you want to improve your muscle density and

muscle mass number 22 it’ll actually fix your metabolic rate if you have a slow

metabolism this is the thing you need to do to finally raise it and actually get

the fat off number 23 it’s really gonna improve your mental clarity a lot of

times people we even feel like this euphoric feeling you’re gonna feel

really good all this and they start eating and then they feel worse okay so

definitely something you should think about doing food for thought no pun

intended and I will see you in the next video hey before you go definitely sign

up for my free keto course I put a link down below it’s on messenger in Facebook

but it will give you all the basics it’s very quick it’s like three or four

videos and it’s free check it out