13 Signs Your Body is Deficient in Nutrients | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about the 13

signs that your body is deficient in

your nutrients a deficiency of nutrients

doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not

consuming this from your diet there’s

other reasons why you might be deficient

one would be lacking your stomach acid

you don’t have enough acid you can’t

absorb minerals that well because

certain minerals need a certain pH to be

absorbed especially things like calcium

and iron

another way to be deficient is there’s a

problem with your gallbladder or you

don’t have a gallbladder or you’re

deficient in bile so then it doesn’t

matter how many fat soluble vitamins you

take like vitamin A d d k without that

bio it can’t go into the body another

reason why people are deficient is they

have damage in about lining that’s

called a malabsorption problem and the

surface area of your small intestine is

just not receiving nutrients maybe you

had a history of a lot of antibiotics or

some infection or you ate a lot of junk

food but that small intestine is needed

to absorb at least 90 percent of all

your nutrients another reason why you

might be deficient is that you’re eating

refined carbohydrates or refined sugars

or alcohol or you’re taking medication

like for example metformin will deplete

vitamin B12 and one other way you might

become deficient is stress stress will

deplete zinc be one calcium magnesium

and many other nutrients all right that

being said let’s Dive Right In the first

sign I’m going to talk about is

fibrocystic breast so there’s these

little cysts that are developing on the

breast or the ovary that is the classic

iodine deficiency when you’re low in

iodine you don’t have the buffering

function of estrogen anymore without

iodine estrogen can go too high creating

cysts and other problems I mean you can

even have cysts in the thyroid so iodine

is a really good trace mineral to help

regulate that level of estrogen and sea

kelp is one of the best sources of

iodine all right number two dry eye that

is a classic vitamin A deficiency

without vitamin A your mucous membranes

dry up and this could also occur in your

mouth you can add dry mouth or dry eyes

the best source of vitamin A comes from

animal product not planned all plants

have the precursor to the active form of

vitamin A called retinol so this

carotene has to convert to retinol to

actually have it work and unfortunately

you only really get about a three

percent conversion rate so if you’re not

consuming animal products you may easily

get a vitamin A deficiency all right

next one red cheeks okay like rosacea

that is usually a digestive problem

there’s an imbalance in micro Flora in

your gut and that’s also creating an

imbalance of microphone on your skin but

as far as the nutrient deficiency that

would be a lack of B vitamins because

your microbes make the vitamins and B

vitamins protect the skin especially

vitamin B3 if you’re deficient in B3

you’re going to get all sorts of skin

problems from dermatitis to all

inflammatory conditions and it’s been

acne all sorts of things but if you see

someone with red cheeks suspect that

there’s something going on with their

gut and they need to take the good

probiotic or consume foods that have the

naturally occurring microbes like

sauerkraut or kimchi or even keep her

all right the next one I’m going to talk

about is a combination of three symptoms

shortness of breath

uh looking pale and fatigue this is

classic anemia but the key nutrients to

overcome anemia is iron

but also B12 and folate There’s an

actual genetic condition this is another

thing I forgot to mention the very

beginning you can be deficient in a

nutrient if you have a genetic mutation

which nowadays they’re testing your DNA

and they’re finding all sorts of

weaknesses within your DNA and there’s a

certain Gene that regulates activating

folate and b12 and if there’s a problem

with that Gene you’re going to be anemic

you’re going to have a lot of problems

unless you take larger amounts of the

natural form of B12

as well as full length and this is a

side note you can also be anemic if you

have problems with your stomach because

you don’t produce hydrochloric acid and

if you have some type of gut issue that

you just can’t absorb the nutrients all

right number five

Corkscrew hairs on your skin now what is

that if you look closely sometimes you

have to have a little magnifying glass

on your skin and you see that these

little hairs are going in like little

Corkscrew shapes okay and there’s

usually going to be a red dot where

that’s originating from that’s one of

the big symptoms of a vitamin C

deficiency now the correlate that

there’s other vitamin C deficiency signs

as well like deleting gums like extreme

petite and what’s interesting is the

chemistry of vitamin C is very similar

to the chemistry of glucose sugar

so if you are consuming glucose and

vitamin C at the same time

guess who’s going to win this sugar not

the vitamin C and so you’re going to

block the absorption of vitamin C so

people that consume a lot of sugar

usually are showing signs and then

vitamin C deficiency but just remember

the corkscrew little hairs on your skin

it’s a classic vitamin C deficiency if

you’re going to fix this problem I would

highly recommend not to use the

synthetic version of vitamin C aspic

acid I would use a whole vitamin C

complex that actually comes from like a

food or an herb all right number six

belly fat now this is not necessarily

just a vitamin deficiency but there is a

very common deficiency involved with

belly fat you see belly fat occurs when

the liver is fatty and you have this

spill off of fat from the liver

around the organs and your abdomen

giving you this protruding effect so one

really good way to get rid of fat off

your liver is to start taking choline

which is in the family of the B vitamins

and of course do the ketogenic diet you

can literally remove 50 of your fat off

your liver within two weeks by doing a

ketogenic diet all right so number seven

if you’re craving ice okay or you see

someone chewing on ice plastic iron

deficiency they need iron realize that

there’s two forms of iron you have the

iron that’s very absorbable that’s

called the bio of valuable iron ore iron

from Animal product and then you have

the non-hemean version of that which is

more difficult to absorb in plants like

for example spinach so if someone is

just eating plants and not eating any

animal products uh potentially they

could have an iron deficiency and they

may start chewing ice they also May

develop anemia all right number eight

scaling planking skin okay sometimes

it’s like right around the nose

sometimes it may be anywhere in the face

the face could be slightly oily but

there’s this scaly flaking skin classic

omega-3 fatty acid deficiency that

person needs to start consuming more

cognitive oil or fish oil and start to

avoid omega-6 fatty acids which which is

the corn oil the soil oil

all these fried foods that they serve at

restaurants all right number nine loss

of taste or loss of smell is mostly a

zinc deficiency it can also be related

to a virus destroying nerves in your

sinuses but if we’re talking about


it’s going to be a zinc deficiency and

the best source of zinc is shellfish

like oysters you can also get zinc from

red meat as well as liver all right

number 10.

you have like this symmetrical skin rash

that is in the lower legs or the hands

or even a rash that looks like a

necklace this is a pellegra symptom

which is a B3 efficiency and if someone

is consuming way too much corn corn

products which actually is in a lot of

foods corn chips and tortillas and even

high fructose corn syrup you can develop

a very severe B3 deficiency because

there is virtually no B3 in corn so if

you eat a lot of it you become deficient

that nutrient and you start getting

dermatitis but it’ll show up in this

symmetrical pattern of like your feet or

your lower legs or your hands all right

number 11. let’s say a person has a red

swollen glassy tongue okay that is a B12

deficiency now again there’s other

factors with B12 like you can have a

genetic mutation creating a problem with

B12 you can have a problem with your

stomach you can have a lack of

hydrochloric acid you can have an issue

with your small intestine you just don’t

eat animal products because you can only

get B12 from animal products all right

number 12 numb or burning feet there’s a

B1 deficiency usually coming from either

a high carbohydrate diet or the person’s

a diabetic and this extra sugar is

depleting B1 and then your body can’t

make something called myelin that

surrounds the nerves and you start

getting weird neurological symptoms on

the bottom of your foot it could be

numbness like tingling burning or pain

that is a B1 an efficiency what you need

to do is take a powerful form of B1 in a

fat soluble form called benphotamine and

that will get rid of that symptom and

then you’d have to change the diet as

well all right 13. if your eyes start

Crossing it’s not being controlled by

the muscle and you may see this more in

younger children but it can also occur

with someone who drinks a lot of alcohol

or eats a lot of junk food because this

is another an example of a B1 deficiency

now if you like this video and you’d

like to learn more about nutritional

deficiencies I created a very popular

video entitled 23 signs of your body is

deficient in nutrients and I put that up

right here check it out