Abdominal Pain Assessment – Figuring Out Your Abdominal Pain – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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all right guys today we’re going to talk about abdominal pain

i’m doing this video because i actually had several requests uh

actually more than that quite a few people want to know what could be

causing my pain in my abdomen so what i did is i

kind of try to draw an abdomen here with a bunch of other

things so bear with me uh i want to just to make these in

quadrants okay so we have uh this right upper quadrant here okay

so you have the rib cage right here okay then over here we have the

left upper quadrant here’s the left lower quadrant

and the right lower quadrant okay so i’m just going to be going through the

different organs and what could be wrong so

first thing is that if you have pain in your left

upper quadrant right here that’s going down your left arm

potentially could be the heart not all the time

but it could be a heart attack okay the other thing is that

some people have pain in this area right here like

right above your xiphoid process right here so

as your rib cage come down here right there maybe

even a little bit lower it’s called the epigastric area if you wanted to know

but if you have pain or discomfort here that is stomach related so it could be

gerd which is the problem with your valve which basically is a

acid reflux and that’s because you don’t have enough acid in your stomach

and for all these things i talk about i’m going to put some links down below

you can also have indigestion which is not enough acid

you’re not able to digest food especially protein

you potentially could have an ulcer as well in which case you don’t want to add

acid you want to add chlorophyll any form of

cabbage seems to work really well on ulcers and gastritis

which is the next thing so gastritis is a situation where your

stomach is inflamed and you don’t want to add acid because

that will irritate the lining just realize for you to get an ulcer or

even gastritis you would have to consume a lot of junk

food over a long period of time or it could be alcohol or medication but

it’s not a little thing it’s a major thing that takes quite a

bit of time to correct a very very healthy eating

i’ll put some links down below if you want more data on that

and i already mentioned acid reflux but heartburn for example

would be not enough acid usually and the pain is going to be

usually right here now if you have pain a little bit more to the left side right

here potentially it could be the spleen maybe you have epsine bar virus or you

may have a severe zinc deficiency affects the

spleen any type of spleen problems you want to

take zinc for sure you want to lower your stress

and then we have discomfort underneath the left

rib cage right here which could extend a little lower down here

and that’s usually inflammation of the pancreas

the number one cause of pancreatitis or inflammation in the pancreas

is a blocked duct a little tube that comes from the liver

that releases bile sometimes it might form a little

sludge or a stone it will back up and cause a lot of pressure and

inflammation into the pancreas so you can have a lot of pancreatic

inflammation coming from the liver or the bile ducts

themselves in other words the hip bones connected

to the thigh bone everything’s connected one of the most common things that

irritates a pancreas and the liver

is vegetable oils okay soy corn canola cottonseed it’s in the

mayonnaise it’s in the salad dressings an average american consumes

literally 700 calories per day of vegetable oil

that’s crazy i don’t think maybe you’re consuming that much but then someone’s

consuming maybe double that’s just way too much those vegetable

oils are very very toxic on the body they deplete you have certain nutrients

they’re highly inflammatory they’re heavy on the omega-6 and there’s

no omega-3 at all and of course you know sugar will do it

refined grains if you have a pain underneath your left

ribcage simply evaluate what you’ve eaten just

before that started and change the diet because there’s

something in your diet that you need to remove from the diet and it can also be

way too many cooked foods that are void of enzymes or canned foods will

do it as well and then you start creating a lot of

stress in the pancreas because every time you

eat food especially it doesn’t have enzymes

because it’s cooked or somehow processed your pancreas has to create enzymes to

digest that food so it’s it really has to work hard and of course

the more sugar you do the refined grains the more the pancreas

has to produce insulin so pain underneath the left ribcage is

usually related to that moving our way down here

left lower quadrant if you have pain in this area right here it could be a

kidney stone potentially now if you have a kidney stone that’s

dislodged into the tube that comes out of the kidney

the ureters down here you might have pain that goes right down

all the way down a little bit lower right here so it could be in

different places usually kidney stones are rare the more likely cause

is you have some type of inflammation in your your colon your descending

colon or even the small intestine right here colitis for example it could also

be diverticulitis ulcerative colitis

it could be crohn’s any type of inflammatory condition

of your colon in which case again i would start to evaluate what you’re

eating it could be the most common thing is

gluten because you’re eating grains or it could also be grains in general

you could have a big allergy with nuts it could be too

much alcohol it could even be an allergy to dairy but

usually again it’s stemming from the diet

find out what you ate that’s creating inflammation and

avoid eating that one of the best things to heal

and inflame colon is to fast what is very destructive to the colon is

frequent eating now if the paint’s a little bit lower

that potentially could come from an ovarian cyst in which case

i would recommend foods like cruciferous vegetables sea kelp for iodine

that usually will help this problem right here

and then if the pain is on the center lower part

potentially it could be a fibroid if you’re female and i’ll have a lot of

videos on what to do with fibroids but vitamin d will help shrink fibroids

cruciferous vegetables this is an estrogen problem it could

happen if you’re being exposed to too much estrogen or

you’re taking birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy or a lot of

soy or even consuming too much carbohydrate which could then

act as a growth factor and cause an enlargement of certain growths

in your uterus all right so now this quadrant right here okay so

right to your rib cage this whole area right here is usually going to be

a liver problem of course the liver usually is a little

bigger right here but the liver is about the size

of a football it’s about three and a half pounds

and there’s a tremendous amount of people who have liver problems

and don’t even know it because there is no symptoms initially

until later on but usually the pain will be right underneath the rib

cage like a full feeling like even a pain or tenderness

or pain that shoots up into the right shoulder right here

so that’s liver it could be a fatty liver and flame liver

it could be a liver that has scar tissue what happens with the liver as

as it fills up with fat the fat dislodges and starts to

accumulate around the organs and you start developing

belly fat okay so belly fat means the liver is

fatty the remedy for that is going on a keto

diet healthy keto and intermittent fasting but there are some things you

can do to speed up the process realize that the liver makes bile okay

it’s like a detergent that helps you break down fats

and bile has some very unique things number one

it prevents gallstones number two it prevents like sludge in your bile

ducts it’s called cholestasis where you have

this accumulation of cholesterol that is not flowing through these ducts

because you’re deficient in bile because the liver is damaged

if that bile gets blocked up okay you will have like a full feeling

right here and then when the bile backs up it can become very toxic

to the cells and create inflammation a really good

remedy to kind of take away the log that’s

damming up the flow of bile will be to actually take

purified bile salts if you want more information i put a

link down below but taking purified bio salts

you can take in an empty stomach maybe one in the morning

one in the evening or even after you eat you’ll notice that it’ll start to help

drain things through these ducts and there’s some other really cool benefits

that bile can help you with number one it can decrease inflammation

it can actually reduce fibrosis in the liver it can help break down and

dissolve gallstones not to mention dislodge the blockage

that could be causing the pancreatitis or inflammation the pancreas so it

has a lot of benefits including the regulation of the microbiome

so let’s say for example you have sibo small intestinal bacterial

overgrowth in your small intestine so you have all

this bacteria that should be in the large intestine

but it’s in the small intestine right here so you get a lot of bloating

guess what purify bile salts can actually

help you get rid of that because it’s anti-microbial

it can give someone a lot of relief so not only would i recommend betaine

hydrochloride which is an acidifier for the stomach i

would recommend purify bowel salts to help clean up that basically it’s a

really good remedy for a lot of different

digestive issues especially bloating and of course now we get to the

gallbladder so if you have discomfort above the ribcage right here

down here well this is definitely going to be gall bladder right through in here

it’s not necessarily always a stone it could be just sludge

and it could be some type of dysfunction in this gallbladder right here why

because there’s certain things irritating it vegetable oils will

irritate it sugar will irritate it refined grains

will do it dairy will irritate the colon if you

have an allergy nuts okay nuts will definitely irritate

the gall bladder there’s certain things in nuts like

enzyme inhibitors that really can irritate the bile ducts

and cause a lot of problems so if you have

pain right here it could be you’re doing way too much peanut butter

or way too many nuts and of course this thing right here alcohol will

really irritate this area right here big time

now moving right down here kidney stone will cause pain right here and sometimes

it’s hard to differentiate between a gallstone and kidney stone

because they’re very uh close in location a little bit lower on the right

lower quadrant down here is the ileocecal valve that’s

the connection between the small intestine and the large intestine

and it could be just blocked so if you actually press down there and massage it

a lot of times it’ll pop it open and then the food can get through

fasting is the answer and also just cleaning up some of these things as well

and then we get a little bit lower into the right

there’s this thing called the appendix which is kind of a reserve

for certain microbes certain friendly bacteria that will be

released and act to seed the large intestine

after you had antibiotics or diarrhea or something like that

so the appendix has a purpose but if you have pain right there it could be

inflammation of the appendix and of course that’s

usually always related to what you’re eating and if you’re female

and you have pain a little bit lower that could be an ovarian cyst

so seek help with the iodine will help that cruciferous vegetables

and i would avoid dairy right there also realize that the ovary if there’s a

cyst could refer pain to the around the back

to the sacroiliac joints right here and an enlarged prostate or inflamed

uterus could shoot pain on the back part right right on your sacrum area and the

kidney stone can refer pain around the back

there you go some tips on what to do if you have abdominal pain

thanks for watching hey we’re back with another amazing recipe

no grains no sugar totally keto there’s no suffering on keto absolutely

not karen and it’s an immune system builder

absolutely you have to check this out i think you should hurry up

watch the recipe and make it yourself it’s just so easy to be keto

but is it simple it’s super simple we hope you enjoy

making it as much as we are enjoying eating it