The #1 Food to Naturally Boost CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about the

number one top food


greatly boost your coenzyme

q10 now what is coenzyme q10 well it’s a

coenzyme which is a little different

than an enzyme so it’s a helper enzyme

well what does it help with well it

helps to make


your energy currency in your body called

atp and this occurs in the energy

factory called the mitochondria so

coenzyme q10 is intimately involved in

making atp or energy it’s involved in

maintaining that atp or energy

and it’s also involved in reducing the


that occurs when you make that energy

which is like oxidative stress free

radical damage so it’s a very powerful

antioxidant so it’ll be equivalent to a

specialized gasoline in your car

that would not give you any exhaust

exhaust being the oxidation the free

radical damage so the reason why we need

so much coenzyme q10 in our heart is

because that is the part of the body

that generates

the most energy out of any part i mean

it has to generate a lot of energy and

it’s constantly beating 24 7

it never really relaxes and so you need

this specialized coenzyme to maintain

that energy and because it produces all

the energy it comes with a lot of

exhaust so we also need to clean that up

as well so that’s why coenzyme q10 is so

important and so a lot of people take it

for the cardiovascular function and they

get more energy from it it helps them

lower blood pressure and i’m going to

tell you why because coenzyme q10

supports the blood vessel to the heart

as in the endothelial function it also

helps maintain the capacity of energy to

keep your energy in the heart at a

certain level so it doesn’t dip down

because if there’s a lowered level of

energy to the heart then your blood

pressure is going to start going higher

and higher and higher as a way to

compensate and increase more

pressure and volume to make up for the

loss of energy in other parts of the

heart so coenzyme q10 is intimately

involved in the contraction of the heart

muscle and so if you don’t have enough

it could it’s not going to contract as

much and then you can get a backup of

fluids edema and things like that and so

the body considers this coenzyme q10 as

a very important survival

helper molecule because if your heart

fails you’re not going to actually

survive and coenzyme q10 reduces the

oxidative stress from the heart it helps

lower blood pressure it helps reduce the

side effects from statins which are

drugs that block the production of


so one of the problems with statin among

many others is that it has a side effect


toxicity to your muscles and that occurs

because it depletes coenzyme q10 and

that’s interesting because it tells you

what coenzyme does it protects the heart

against things like muscle inflammation

muscle weakness

muscle damage and of course when you

have anything like that you’re going to

have fatigue

so let’s just picture yourself you ran

up a hill right well you’re going to get

to a point where you can’t keep going

right you’re you’re going to be

exhausted you’re going to be hopping and

puffing and that’s because the heart

cannot maintain that blood flow

and it’s eventually going to stop you

you might just kind of be stooping over

hunched over because the heart is

working so hard it has to anchor itself

to the sternum and the back part and

it’s going to pull you forward and so

coenzyme q10 is all about

increasing and optimizing the

full energy of the cardiovascular system

and so you can imagine the more coenzyme

q10 you have

the longer the heart is going to last

now the next question is what depletes

coenzyme q10


age the older you get the less you’re

going to have okay number two

chronic illness



illnesses next one is stress okay stress

will deplete it

and the next one i already talked about

statins and the last one is low vitamin

b6 okay so coenzyme q10 needs b6 to work

so now that you have the basics

what food can increase coenzyme q10 in

your body well the number one food is

you ready for this

beef heart now before you click off

there are some other sources if you

choose not to eat beef heart

you can also do beef liver that’s

another one

unfortunately as much as i would eat

liver i don’t like liver some people do

but you can get a good amount of

coenzyme q10 from organ meats and

especially the beef heart and even the


but if you’re like me and you want

another source

you can get it from leafy greens now


planet’s main energy source is the sun

but we can’t extract the energy directly

from the sun but plants can

through something called photosynthesis

right so the plant converts the sunlight

with co2 in the air

to this

chemical energy storage

called chlorophyll and chlorophyll is

green so anything green has a good

amount of chlorophyll in it now other

plants that are not green also have this

photosynthesis but they don’t have as

much chlorophyll so the more foods that

you can eat that are green and i’m not

talking about pistachio ice cream or

lime green jello i’m talking about


parsley especially or any of the leafy

green vegetables you are going to help

increase your co enzyme q10 not to

mention the other benefits of vegetables



and of course the fiber in the plants

that feed the microbes that can also

indirectly give you energy now you can

also get chlorophyll in algae as in

blue-green algae or other types of algae

so that’s another source now as far as

fish goes uh you’ll get a little bit

more coenzyme q10 if you have the red

flesh fish like in yellowfin tuna that’s

a good source so if you’re getting older

and you’re just feeling like your energy

is not high uh you could just need more

coenzyme q10 and why not just start

eating those foods that can help

beef up no pun intended your coenzyme

q10 and i think the best video for you

to watch next is the one on the

cardiovascular system check it out right
