How to STOP Waking Up Tired in the AM | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about how to stop being so

darn tired when you wake up in the

morning I used to be so tired for years

I’m talking probably about 15 years of

fatigue in the morning I had no idea

what it was it was terrible it felt like

I had a helmet over my head all the time

like brain fog and it took me until

probably 11 o’clock in the morning

before I can actually wake up so

I guess you would say I’m an expert in

fatigue okay so if you apply what I’m

about to tell you you can easily get rid

of this fatigue and wake up feeling

refreshed and rested the majority of

your fatigue in the morning is really

coming from your diet okay but there’s

other things but the diet is the most

important thing

what you ate yesterday is going to

affect you today especially if it’s in

the area of too many carbohydrates and

starches and sugars

why is that because when you’re doing

that you’re running on glucose and your

brain is very susceptible to developing

something called insulin resistance so

what does that actually mean for the

brain it means that

you don’t have enough insulin in the

brain to drive the glucose into the

neuron cells so basically you’re kind of

startling off your brain cells of fuel

and that does not make your brain feel

good it makes your brain feel tired and

brain foggy you’re not you’re going to

lack the concentration


for me

I would say maybe

late 20s maybe I might have been like

yeah late 20s maybe 28 29 when I

stumbled on

changing my breakfast from a carb

breakfast which I did for years

to a protein breakfast it was like a

switch it was like this helmet lifted


and I got really interested in why that

was and I started doing deep dives into

What’s called the ketogenic diet but for

me it was very quick but the point is I

mean if you go to the IHOP or or a

restaurant where you have breakfast

foods it’s orange juice it’s cereal it’s

pancakes it’s muffins

carbs it’s sugar so I know a lot of

people are waking up really really

grouchy and really really tired so it’s

not just fatigue it’s your mood okay now

are there other symptoms that kind of

prove this point yes if you’re waking up

feeling hungry

if you’re waking up craving anything if

you’re waking up feeling grouchy if you

have any fog in your mind when you wake

up then your blood sugars are off the

worst thing you can do is to add more

carbs to raise your blood sugars to

treat this low blood sugar situation why

because you just you make yourself feel

a little better but then it’s going to

get worse because the more carbs you do

the more sugar you do your body is going

to start protecting the cells from that

even more and resisting it more and more

and more it’s just a it’s a never-ending

cycle a better thing to do is just to

skip the breakfast all together now if

you cut down your carbs throughout the


you will find the next day and maybe it

might take two days you’ll find you’re

not going to be hungry in the morning

your Cravings are going to start going

away why because you’re restricting your

body of carbs and sugar and your body

then will start burning fat your own fat

as well as the fat in your diet and if

given the choice your brain loves to

burn ketones okay and that’s the

byproduct of fat if you wake up with a

headache if you wake up feeling kind of


it could be that you went out to dinner

the day before or went out to a

restaurant the day before what you ate

the day before has a huge impact on how

you’re going to feel today now

personally my wife and I would in the

past long time ago would go to Taiwanese

restaurants Chinese restaurants we love

that okay and we ate a lot of

rice and we had a lot of carbs and we

had a lot of MSG which is a flavor

enhancer and at the time I didn’t even

connect the dots but I would always wake

up feeling bloated uh retaining fluid

and feeling really irritable in the head

which made me crave certain things and

want to do that same thing the next day

I mean there was even a year I think I


a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream

right before a bed but if you’re waking

up feeling nauseous headachy bloated

it’s usually that and also uh stiffness

you wake up with stiffness it’s usually

something you ate that’s affecting your

liver and if you have a liver issue you

can create a lot of stiffness now a

couple key points to help you wake up

feeling refreshed is you must do

intermittent fasting okay and skip that

breakfast in fact this is what I would

do I would have your first meal at noon

and your second meal at least five hours

before you go to bed okay I mean even

earlier if you could you will find a

huge Improvement in your sleep cycles if

you don’t eat so close to when you go to

bed I mean you should just prove this to

yourself okay

one day you eat right before you go to

bed next day you eat like at five okay

or maybe even at four in the afternoon

and nothing after that watch how well

you sleep one of the things that people

have temptations they have certain

Cravings they have certain habits and

they’re constantly giving in to them the

way that you strengthen your willpower

is just by

avoiding these things okay and it takes

a while but as soon as you start doing

it you’ll get momentum but to constantly

give in to the body and just cave just

weakens your your willpower over time

and don’t ever ask your body hmm what is

my body in the mood for because it’s not

going to give you the right answer the

attitude that I use with my body is


um I’m going to give you the food that

you need to survive and get healthy and

I see that my stomach is grumbling but

I’m not going to give into that I will

feed you when I’m good and ready I have

to constantly remind my body who is boss

I mean it’s literally crazy what’s

happening with people out of control

with food I mean completely

um out of control I mean they’re just

letting their bodies dictate exactly

what they want at any given moment so

it’s a trap you got to get out of the

Trap and you have to start putting in

control over your body and when you

start doing intermittent fasting boy

your hunger goes right away a couple

other things now related to this fatigue

in the morning it’s if you’re sitting in

front of a computer like I am um a good

portion of the day or you’re staring at

your cell phone or a laptop whatever

you’re gonna get a couple things happen

you’re going to get EMF electromagnetic

fields that are going to affect your

body and I bought this little tri-filled

device to detect em MF and I found the

back wall where my bed is had a lot of

problems and extended this

electromagnetic field like eight feet

out from the wall and so I was sleeping

in the bathing in this electromagnetic

field and I literally had an electrician

take the wall down and um fix some of

the cross wires and boy did I sleep good

after that so you have that and then you

have this blue light that does not help

your eyes and then you also have the

cell phone connected to your head I mean

that is not good for your brain you talk

about brain fog and then you also have

these things right here which I hate

with a passion but unfortunately

I have to use them when I’m reading

certain things but the problem is when I

use them it makes things worse so I

literally have to take half the day and

take them off and just go for a walk and

just look at things in the distance to

actually correct some of that but you

know you might think that you’re tired

but it could be just the glasses that

are making your eyes tired making your

head tired as far as exercise goes very

very important to use exercise to flush

out adrenaline and stress and cortisol

through the day it’s going to help

increase your tolerance for stress it’s

going to help you sleep deeper

especially if you do like three times a

week high intensity interval training

that can greatly help your sleep as well

as long walks or hikes or even better

yet doing physical work around your

house outside somewhere very therapeutic

to your sleep and the quality of waking

up feeling good also jet lag if you want

to handle your jet leg it’s a real

simple solution

if you fly somewhere take about 30 or 40

000 units of vitamin D okay and that

pretty much resets the clock in your

brain temperature is another important

thing when you’re sleeping uh it’s best

if you’re on the cooler side that will

help the quality of sleep and make you

wake up feeling better your mattress did

you realize you spend

one third of your entire life on a

mattress so invest in a good mattress

and keeping the window open if at all

possible will greatly help

your ability to sleep and lastly make

sure that you’re breathing through your

nose when you’re sleeping

I created a very interesting video on

that I’m going to put that up right here

you should watch that video next