How to Boost Your Antioxidant Network | DrEricBergDC

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so today we’re going to talk about antioxidants and how to boost your

antioxidant levels now just so you know your body makes antioxidants okay

they’re called endogenous antioxidants and also you can get them from your food

or supplements that’s called exogenous antioxidants now why are these

antioxidants so important well because they actually neutralize something

called free radicals and they neutralize oxidants that can oxidize and create a

lot of problem in your body so they lessen the amount of damage in your

cellular machinery including the DNA okay so if you have damaged DNA that is

going to shorten your lifespan so you won’t live as long you could potentially

get a disease develop cancer and also have a lot of other complications from

the disease from all the collateral damage so an antioxidant basically

donates one of its electrons to this free radical a free radical is an

unpaired electron so if you envision this little plate spinning with two

electrons that are nice and balanced but it only has one it’s like going crazy

it’s a radical that’s going around and creating cellular damage your body will

donate an electron to balance it out so this is no longer a free radical and

it’s chilled out but here’s the problem now that antioxidant becomes a free

radical so what happens is it borrows electron from another antioxidant and so

on and so on and this is why antioxidants are in networks and another

reason why you should never buy and take a synthetic antioxidant like they have

synthetic vitamin E or a if you’re taking those especially in higher

amounts and thinking you’re getting benefits from the antioxidants realize

that they’re just individual antioxidants so when they donate the

electron they themselves become a free radical so you’re safe if you get these

in like whole complexes that come from food or

just get them from food itself so one of the most powerful antioxidants your body

has is glutathione and the liver and it’s software-based

here are some foods that can help provide the raw materials for that

antioxidant high quality beef fish chicken definitely cruciferous

vegetables radish is very high in sulfur garlic is very high in sulfur onion very

high in sulfur spinach avocado asparagus all have massive amounts of antioxidants

and selenium which is the most powerful trace mineral antioxidant you get that

in Brazil nuts fish seafood sea kelp organ meats so you need certain trace

minerals to help build up your antioxidant networks now antioxidants

also are a part of the vitamin complexes so you know the scorebook acid is part

of the vitamin c complex you have to cough rawls as the antioxidant part of

the vitamin E now if I dominate of the beta carotene part which is the

antioxidant vitamin D acts as an antioxidant b1 acts as an antioxidant

and believe it or not ketones act as an antioxidant in your

body I don’t know if you’ve heard of uric acid uric acid is probably the most

powerful antioxidant in the blood okay it protects their red blood cells from

oxidizing but it also causes gout if it’s in certain amounts in the wrong

place so if your kidney is damaged and you’re not able to get rid of it from

the kidney properly it can end up in the big toe but I do want to say that out of

all the antioxidants in your blood over 50% of those antioxidants are uric acid

so uric acid does help you in certain ways uric acid is also vital in

protecting the central nervous system it’s also very beneficial and helping

decrease the collateral damage that occurs in Parkinson’s and

even ms and even after you had a stroke even the structure called the

hippocampus needs uric acid to protect it and so many people consuming a high

carb diet for example are getting all this oxidation from the glucose which

destroys hippocampus and their memory starts to go and also their spatial

memory they can’t recall where they are in time and space so they end up looking

for their car where did I park my car and they have a very difficult time of

finding things uric acid has some benefits as an antioxidant we have a

couple things we can do we can start eating foods with higher amounts of

antioxidants the cruciferous vegetables the vegetables in general I always

recommend 7 to 10 cups per day some people can’t do that do what you can but

you can also take supplements like concentrated wheatgrass juice powder or

garlic or onion there’s just a lot of different antioxidants that you can take

but just make sure they’re actually from concentrated food not a synthetic

version of an antioxidant some other things you can do keep your stress down

because stress just oxidizes the body like crazy high levels of cortisol will

basically destroy the body also getting enough sleep will increase your

antioxidant Network exercise will stimulate more antioxidants in your body

as an adaptive process but hands down the biggest thing that will increase

your antioxidant Network is fasting intermittent fasting and periodic

prolonged fasting when you fast your genes flip over into this survival

mechanism and the body as a defense mechanism starts creating all these

antioxidants in certain networks to increase your longevity and also

parallel to that you have all these different repair actions that kick in so

start doing repair so you have a protective aspect and you have repair

even when people get cancer and they have to take chemotherapy fasting will

increase the antioxidants will decrease the oxidative stress so oxidative stress

is not having enough net work of antioxidants and having too much

oxidation all right guys there you have it and thanks for

watching hey with another amazing recipe no grains

no sugar totally keto there’s no suffering in keto absolutely not Karen and

it’s an immune system builder absolutely you have to check this out I think you

should hurry up watch the recipe and make it yourself it’s just so easy to be

keto what is it simple it’s super simple we

hope you enjoy making it as much as we are enjoying idioms