7 Natural Blood Thinners – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so let’s talk about the seven natural

blood thinners okay there are certain

things that don’t have side effects that

can pay in your blood and actually stop

a clot okay

vitamin E will thin the blood if you’re

gonna take vitamin E make sure that it’s

the whole complex that it’s not a

synthetic version you want the kind that

has tocotrienols and tocopherols

together okay and then we have garlic

garlic right now is being heavily

researched by Big Pharma before it’s

anti thrombotic effect okay it actually

can thin the blood naturally and there’s

a certain compound a phytonutrient in

garlic that’s responsible for that and

they’re trying to synthesize that or so

they can patent it but what about just

take garlic then we have something

called needle kinase okay it’s a natural

blood thinner tumeric is another good

blood thinner apple cider vinegar very

simple included in your diet it can help

thin the blood also cod liver oil you

can also do fish oil but the omega-3

fatty acids have natural blood thinning

properties now we have pycnogenol this

would be equivalent to using aspirin

okay in certain studies so it comes from

pine bark and it’s pretty darn effective

now if you had I don’t know surgery

heart surgery or you had a stroke for

example you are probably on coumadin and

that basically blocks vitamin k1 because

it’s an anticoagulant okay because

vitamin k1 helps you clot and

unfortunately now you can’t consume a

lot of foods with vitamin k1 okay

because just so happens those are the

vegetable family that you need to

provide for other nutrients so I’ve put

a link down below of what types of

vegetables you should be eating that are

low in vitamin k1 that have but other

types of vitamins so you can check that

out if you actually have to be on this

but work with your doctor to see if you

can do an alternative to this or even

these alternatives right here because

I’m not recommending that you stop your


check with your doctor this is just data

to research if you wanted to go more

natural big question is what causes a

clot and strokes in the first place well

one big cause is high levels of blood

sugar and high levels of insulin as an

insulin resistance I mean take a look at

metformin for example one of the effects

of metformin is it can decrease the risk

of getting a thrombus okay well

metformin works to increase the receptor

for insulin it improves insulin

resistance I’m not recommending taking

it I’m just telling you that one of the

effects of metformin is it decreases

thrombus because high levels of insulin

creates a thrombus okay and this is

another reason why you should do healthy

key tale and intermittent fasting to

decrease your risk of getting a stroke

in general alright guys thanks for


hey guys real quick I have a new healthy

keto eating plan for you just go to dr.

Berg com

it’s right on the front page I put a

link down below download it it’s free

check it out