The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - September 29, 2023 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

all right welcome back everyone

hopefully you can hear me

um anything that I say is not meant to

bypass your medical doctor check with

your doctor before implementing any of

these in from any any tips that we give

today or anything that even resembles a

curing of any diseases

so um

let’s Dive Right In Steve can you hear

me Steve I sure can isn’t that wonderful

uh so uh ladies and gentlemen I have to

follow my sword I bought another problem

oh can you hear me Doc

I can’t hear you but I can keep my cell

phone on in the back

hold on just a moment please

all right Dr Berg can you hear me


oh you can’t hear me through uh the mic

ladies and gentlemen we’re having a

technical issue we apologize for that

and uh if you at all stand no I can’t

take us off the air either doc so doc

can you not hear me through the


no but I guess I can hear you through

your cell phone I can do that if we need

to all right now let’s let’s take this a

step further

um Sahar can you hear us

oh good so the audience can hear us and

we’re going to do this sort of Rube

Goldberg thing and Dr Berg’s going to

listen to me through the phone uh and

let’s see Sahar would you say something

I want to make sure that Dr Berg can

hear you

yes hi

can you can you

Dr Byrd can you hear Sahar do you have

your say that again

can you hear me no no uh it’s not

something well

this is live problem on the air audience

isn’t this exciting uh let’s see

hold on okay say something again Steve

testing one two three okay

I think we’re good oh that’s great all

right let’s just pretend that didn’t

happen uh show uh audience and let’s say

speaking of Sahar let me introduce him

to you uh and Sahar is a Frenchman and

he said I hope my uh accent doesn’t

create any issues and I said well we

just allowed the French on the air last

week so that’s good perfect timing and

he said I’m from China and I thought

well that’s some exotic Countryside town

in France but in fact it is China so

poor uh Theory the Frenchman is in China

it’s 10 30 at night I know that’s a long

explanation but that’s why we’re

bringing him on the air first so unmute

yourself Theory and hit it with your one

question in 30 seconds

okay hi Dr Berg thank you for having me

on your show so my question is is it

normal to have a blood sugar level as

low as 2.7 mmol per liter after 36 hour

of water fasting for a person who’s got

three cancer

and is there a minimum

because I can’t hear in terms of low

blood sugar level oh is he unmuted on

your screen doc

okay I tell you what yeah we are

we are still having an issue I can just

tell me I sure will tell me the question

okay Theory would you uh make that uh

say that again to me concisely and I

will relay it to Dr Byrd

okay so uh so I wanted to say I don’t

know if he heard me so I wanted to say

thank you for Dr to Dr Burke for having

me on his show wonderful and uh so the

question the question is is it normal to

have a blood sugar level as low as 2.7

mmol per liter after 36 hours of water

fasting for a person who’s got thyroid

cancer and is there a minimum a limit to

do not cross in terms of low blood sugar

level during during long fasting okay so

uh he has thyroid cancer and he had a

blood yes it’s someone close to me

basically oh I’m sorry okay well he’s

talking about person and the blood sugar

was 2.07 I guess that’s the A1C and is

it normal you know to have that he was

on a water or this person was on a water

fast for two or three days is it normal

to have such a low blood sugar

um well yeah because you’re not eating

anything it the real key thing to really

make sure that it’s it’s okay is how you

feel in other words when the blood

sugars go when you get on keto or do

fasting especially prolonged fasting

um sometimes the Bible will just

compensate and just make more sugar

because the red blood cell uh can only

live on sugar and so anything it needs

it will make from the liver it’s called

gluconeogenesis but in your case

if you have low blood glucose and you

feel okay

then your body is okay it’s just your

body is just running on more ketones and

not glucose

so if you feel terrible and weak and you

know that means that you need to eat so

I would go by how you feel and even

though the blood sugars might be lower

than usual

um if you feel okay it’s just because

your body is adapting it it’s running on

different types of fuel

very good okay well etherea I hope that

helps your friend and we’d love to hear

back from you uh you know in the future

to see how that person is doing and I

hope that that offers some remedy but

anyway once it gets to confirmed so that

low blood sugar number as long as you’re

feeling good shouldn’t be a problem

because you’re not eating sugar you’re

not eating anything

so thank you sir for that go get some

sleep and I appreciate you staying all

with us all right now luckily you don’t

have you don’t have to hear the

questions I will um

read them for you so let’s go to social

media edema from YouTube I’ve heard from

other doctors that going long periods

with carbohydrates can actually cause

insulin resistance is this true

okay so going long periods of times

without carbohydrates no with

carbohydrates yeah will cause insulin


yeah that’s exactly what causes it

exactly what caused it well eating uh

refined carbs or sugar for a long period

of time will create insulin resistance

because it’s your body’s trying to

protect against this this is called

glucotoxicity there’s too much blood

sugar too much uh too much sugar so your

body doesn’t like it so it it develops

resistance to it and that also includes

the resistance to insulin which is the

kind of the hormone that’s trying to

regulate this sugar it’ll start it just

won’t um

they’ll kind of block the sugar from

going in as well as uh you know insulin

itself because insulin has other

functions as well

all right well Karen from YouTube would

like to know is the carnivore diet the

fastest way to alleviate sibo

uh I think it’s uh it’s very helpful I

think it’s very helpful because

you have fermentation in your small

intestine you have microbes in the wrong

place and they should be in the large

intestine and so if you don’t feed it

fiber and do more carnivore that’s

really smart but I would also add in

there doing intermittent fasting

probably some betaine hydrochloride to

acidify the stomach as well as maybe

some garlic tablets which is not

carnivore but it’s uh it’s kind of a

natural antibiotic that could help so

yes that that’s what I would do if I

were you all right very good and let’s

see Beetlejuice as he’s calling himself

from YouTube because of you and Dr

gandry perhaps one of your colleagues or

friends I have lost 130 pounds

that’s fantastic well keep it up I

assume use keto and intermittent fasting

all those great things so you know you’d

be a great before after story so go on there if you haven’t

already uh done that he’s got how many

Dr Burke 7 000 or something uh success

stories it’s it’s a lot more but we just

only collected seven thousand because we

started very recently I wish I would

have started in the beginning we would

have had definitely over at least eight

eight thousand I’m being very sarcastic

we’d be well over twenty twenty thousand

wow that’s fantastic well good for you

thanks for that great news and in in

spite of our little technical issues

this morning we still have fans around

the world and we’d like to say a good

morning to them uh from those joining us

today from the UK Canada Mexico Jordan

India Zambia the Netherlands Oman

Tanzania New Zealand Spain Greece uh

let’s see Nigeria Bermuda Japan the

United Arab Emirates Peru Israel

Colombia Dubai Brunei Norway Germany

Russia uh Ghana the Philippines aratria

Ireland France Jamaica

Australia Portugal Scotland Sweden Japan

if I already said that Brazil Trinidad

and Tobago Albania Kuwait the Czech

Republic Nicaragua Cyprus South Korea

Iran Qatar Saudi Arabia South Korea

say that no maybe I didn’t anyway

Armenia Finland South Africa Ireland

Slovakia Ethiopia Egypt the Bahamas

Croatia Switzerland beautiful place and

all across the United States so thanks

for hanging in with us folks uh and for

all your great questions and so on uh

let’s go ahead and launch the first

question of the day and Dr Burke there

it is

okay question shortness of breath

um not related to lung or heart problems

is usually caused by blank

all right folks climb on that

and I’m sure you’ll be peppy in your

answers as usual Janice from YouTube is

there a test to measure our glutathione

levels and Terry thank you for doing

that phonetically for me

yes there is you can check uh check this

indirectly you can check the precursors

glutamine for example you can test that

um there’s I’m going to be talking more

about this but since you brought it up

I’ll I’ll just kind of tell you what I

would or what we’re going to be talking

about very soon

um is it’s called metabolomic testing

um and this testing allows to look at

all these different

additional things that are that go Way

Beyond just a simple blood test and so

you’re looking at all this information

as it relates to your biochemistry

including glutathione which is one of

the most potent antioxidants that your

body makes for a lot of different


and so

um on that test you can pick it right up

on a metabolomic test you could pick it

up and see if you need to actually be

building up the precursors so you can

build up that antioxidant so yeah you

can definitely check it

um and it’s extremely valuable because

you can see

really what nutrition you need at the

cellular level versus just like a blood

test so stay tuned for more information

on that

all right very good let’s see um

JD from YouTube is there a natural way

to lower estrogen I’ve been using

letrozole so far

there is a natural way and cruciferous


are a good

as well as iodine from sea kelp

and you can also use a product called


which is a kind of an extract of the

cruciferous so that will help as well

okay uh mirjana uh poor thing is

suffering from uh sleep problems uh

Sleep Disorders what are the most common

causes and she would probably also like

to know what are the most common and I

won’t say cures but remedies or whatever

uh you’re talking about for what

specific condition a sleep disorder well

I guess not sleeping is my guess

yeah so so you have sleep apnea and you

have different just regular sleep

problems and like getting to sleep

staying asleep there’s many different

parts of it so let’s say for example

you have sleep apnea okay then what’s

going to help you is to get on the keto

diet in intermittent fasting immediately

so you can lose weight and also get rid

of some of the

the extra fat that surrounds the the

neck and that could be obstructing the

air but also insulin resistance once you

improve that situation you’ll be able to

reduce the problems with sleep apnea the

thing with sleep apnea is that if you

there’s things you can do to improve it

like um in your room for example keep

the window open so you’re getting more

oxygen to try to start practicing

breathing through your nose

and um

those are some simple things

generally if you can’t get to sleep

and what happens is that you need to be

be one right before bed because that

will turn off that

excessive thinking problem that a lot of

people have

and also magnesium is a good thing to

take before bed uh dimming the lights

you know

towards the evening will help you sleep

better there are so many things you can

do and also nutritionally as well like

you can try zinc and vitamin D directly

have an effect on your sleep cycles


and but I think the big reason why

people can’t sleep is stress so during

the day going for long walks not

spending too much time on the computer

doing physical work around the house are

going to be really important to help you

sleep so

um but there’s a lot more so search up

my videos for that that’s wonderful you

know a quick aside here I was listening

to an interview on some uh National

radio station with this famous author

whose name I can’t remember but he’d

done everything you’ve been all over the

world written books seen everything

sailed around the world and they said

you know you’ve done everything if there

was anything you could change what would

it be and he said speaking of stress I

just wish I hadn’t worried so much every

day I thought the other shoe was going

to drop and in spite of all the great

things that happened I was worried sick

my entire life because now I’m 80

whatever it is and none of it happened

he said can you imagine what a great

life I’d have had if I just accepted you

know the glory of each day and not

worried about what tomorrow would bring

and I just that never left me so you

know yeah just lived it I don’t worry

about tomorrow can’t do anything about

it and sleep well for goodness sakes

I tell you just on that note it’s

interesting how much

stress is manufactured

unnecessarily I mean it’s being pumped


sensationalism news media that type of

it’s like it gets everyone excited and

hyped up and adrenals start flooding so

how much of that is manufactured it’s

just crazy high so you’re right it’s

like you have to go through life without

more of a relaxed attitude and uh

you know keep keep it light and do

things to keep the stress off you


um stress

is literally almost equivalent to eating

sugar because what it’s a the hormone

that it activates is called cortisol

which is also called a glucocorticoid

which means it regulates blood glucose I

mean if you take a look at even the

diseases that are affected by

cortisol and stress and ulcer

heart attacks stroke sleeping problems

um diabetes

yes diabetes too from distress so pretty

much um that’s like the the other huge

factor in addition to

going on the wrong diet so

a lot um just as a side note Steve um

as everyone probably already knows

there’s there’s quite a few videos that

I had to take down off of YouTube and

then and I certain things I can’t talk

about so just want to let you know if

you go to rumble and sign up I I am

going to put all those videos there and

I could speak more freely and Rumble so

it’s uh it’s something that you can look

me up and uh still get all the

information because it’s becoming more

difficult too

um find information on on my topics uh

on YouTube but I’ll still be there but

there’s certain things I can’t talk

about that I want to talk about

all right well I think they’re going to

let us talk about Big Bad Bill from

YouTube who two years ago lost nearly 40

pounds good for you on intermittent

fasting I did 24 intervals so 20 fast

for eating five days a week for eight

months now all my weight has come back

so big bad Bill is indeed big again and

he wants to know what he should do

go back to whatever worked before

um do what work it’s kind of there’s

there’s two things that are very very

very simple very very important

if something works

keep doing it if it doesn’t work then

change it


that’s that’s what I would do it’s

especially if you if lost on keto and

intermittent fasting and then find out

go back to it just do it again it will

if it worked before it will work again I

promise you yeah it’s easy to kind of

slide off a little bit well a little bit

this won’t hurt all of a sudden there

you go and what does the doctor say or

the patient says gosh it really hurts

when I do this well then don’t do that

right so all that that advice let’s see

um we talked about sleep disorder and

I’m sure Terry is coming up with a quiz

question should be back here let’s see

uh Beverly from YouTube if you’ve been

tested positive for mycotoxins and

parasites what should the steps be to

resolve these conditions thank you she


black walnut Halls oh no oh I’m sorry go

ahead I thought you were asking me what

you said continue Dr sorry black walnut

Hall’s clove garlic

um wormwood extract these are all things

that are wonderful for parasites and

other microbes that you want to get rid

of so you want to take them but um

um you know start small and work up to

it because it can actually create a

detox reaction and of course one thing

that I do know that some of these

parasites and yeasts and fungus and mold

lives off of especially when it’s like

an overgrowth is sugar and milk sugar so

you’re going to have to avoid that food

as well but um yeah but for parasites

and things uh you want to do some of

these um very powerful herbs wormwood is

a really good one as well and then black

walnut Halls

okay very good let’s see so Mr Craig

from YouTube wants your advice or

thoughts rather on taking creatine is it


yeah it’s totally safe and it’s good for

people that want more energy that want

or also want to um

potentially build more muscle so it’s a

totally safe thing you could take it and


um it can be helpful I I did a video on

it recently so you can check that out

all right very good uh let’s see let’s

talk about our first quiz questions that

the audience left on and it asks

shortness of breath not related to lung

or heart problems is usually caused by

uh drum roll 45 percent of respondents

say it’s obesity 30 say it’s copper or

zinc deficiency 15 say it’s a thyroid

issue and ten percent say it’s anxiety

which we talked about

okay so some really great data on this

um it’s called sudo dyspnea where you

can’t breathe

um but it’s not coming from a heart or


um it’s usually something related to

either acid reflux or gerd or silent

reflux which basically you don’t have

the heartburn but you have the reflex

and that can irritate uh and destroy the

nerves which will cause you to feel like

you’re gasping for more air which can

then increase your CO2 and

and throw off the breathing a bit so


the other thing that’s related to that

is that anytime someone has heartburn or

gas it or gerd usually they don’t have

enough acid

they don’t have enough acid and then

when they take

um an acid they get rid of even that

little bit that they had and they start

developing something called respiratory

alkalosis which can affect your

breathing even more because that messes

with CO2 so I mean this this whole Chain

Reaction thing that occurs with um

with the breathing problem that

I mean if you look up the cause of this

on various uh

you know medical sites it’ll say unknown

cause unknown cause unknown cause but

you have to just think beyond the

symptom and not just treat it like a

like a problem but like trying to

understand it other other than that

there could be also a a problem with

uh your middle back your mid back your

rib is kind of stuck from an old injury

of something and that obstructs the

breathing as well

um I had that problem uh from multiple

injuries and then also um if your



is congested that can put pressure on

the diaphragm which then affects your

breathing so in which case you need that

Tad cut that I always talk about tug cut

you take two empty stomach in the

morning two in the afternoon and that

allows things to drain through but of

course ultimately you’re gonna have to

change your diet but these are just some

things that

um I will release a video on so if you

have a breathing problem which will

cause anxiety or air hunger there’s some

great solutions that you can you know

solve this mystery with all right very

good Janet I see you out there we’re

going to ask your question in just a

minute but first let’s ask the big

question there’s number two for the day

of true falcer

okay true or false having high blood

sugars not uh

related to eating sugar

or carbs is still pathogenic

able to cause a disease so in other

words let’s say you have high blood


okay and um

uh and this is the true or false so

um it’s still pathogenic despite the

causes let’s let’s say you you have high

blood sugar and you didn’t have carbs or

sugar is that still a problem like a

pathogenic issue

all right very good climb on that

and let’s see


oh here we go Deborah from YouTube I’m

rooting for you Deborah how bad is it to

still have some small amounts of wine on

the keto or carnivore diet

yeah here’s the problem uh the problem

is that just a little bit of wine

can really set you back for even up to

48 hours so let’s say you’re doing wine

every third day

yeah you’re not going to really get into

ketosis that well the other thing that’s

interesting about alcohol in general is

the body will

consider this a priority to get rid to

detoxify it so it kind of shuts down

other functions of digestion

in this dominant role of let’s get rid

of this poison and so it definitely


your liver and your blood sugars and a

lot of other issues as well so I

I know you’re not going to be happy with

my answer but I would say

yeah probably not not drink it very

often bummer Deborah and I did promise

Janet and then I went to Deborah but

anyway Janet from Facebook our low

cortisol levels are problem that’s

interesting question

yes it’s just it’s as much of a problem

as high uh cortisol huh and when you

have cortisol you lose the ability to

get rid of inflammation you lose the

ability to


you know it’s it’s a reflection of your

adrenals the adrenals are weak so the

tolerance think about what cortisol does

is it adapts the body to a stress state

So to that degree if you can’t adapt to

a stress day you’re more fragile

and that can lead to a lot of problems

in the ability to exercise

and recover from exercise recover from

an injury

sleep cycles will be off usually

and so um

yeah there’s um

if you have high levels of cortisol over

a long period of time like chronic

stress your body will also develop

something called cortisol resistance

similar to insulin resistance but you’ll

have actually low cortisol despite

having high cortisol in your blood so

again this is uh something that you

really got to understand the whole

mechanism and not just

oh you have high cortisol in your blood

we’re going to treat you on that by

trying to do some

crazy thing when you really you really

have low cortisol inside the cells

boy a lot of moving Parts I can tell you

that right now let’s see uh okay we have

answers for quiz question number two

which I have a typo and not related to

eating sugar true false high blood

sugars are not related to eating sugar

or carbs it’s still pathogenic able to

cause disease and the audience has an

opinion on that and it is as follows 95

percent of our respondents say it’s true

and five percent are holding out for


it’s actually false wow guys good for


so if there’s various reasons for having

high blood glucose that don’t have to do

with eating sugar or carbs

that are not pathogenic

it does not going to result in a bad

situation like like the dawn phenomena

which actually believe it or not is

normal for a lot of people because at

eight o’clock in the morning a.m your

cortisol spikes that cortisol will

release some sugar so that could be just

a normal

hormonal change

um it could be that you’re exercising

and you’re releasing the sugar and then

you check your blood sugar well that’s

normal especially if you’re doing some

intense exercise or let’s say you’re

going through an infection or a stress

event and you have this spike in Sugar

you it’s not going to turn out to it’s

that extra little bit of sugar is not

going to be pathogenic it really has to

do and even if you check your A1C it’ll

probably be normal over a period of time

so it’s it the the main problem with

with blood sugars is you eating carbs

and sugar or alcohol and that’s going to

be pathogenic

but I will release a video on it

okay very good now uh we started in

China it was 10 30 there so I think we

should take it uh along the lines of uh

longitude and we’ll go to London this

time to Melissa Melissa if you will

unmute yourself uh we’re going to put

you on so you can go to dinner I think

it must be about five o’clock or 4 30

there so go on with your one question

remember in 30 seconds and Dr burrow

will please you with his answer hi

hi Dr Berg thank you for having me

um is there anything that you can advise

me to help me heal from something called

steroid withdrawal during pregnancy

because doctors only want to give me

prednisone and immunosuppressants

do you have a um miraculously I can hear

you so um so you’re taking the steroids

because you have some

autoimmune or something different

yeah um I had everything eczema

you know

what’s interesting is if you have a true

autoimmune typically when you get


uh that autoimmune turns off are you

pregnant right now

yes I am 21 weeks let’s have the problem

sorry you still have this uh this skin



um it started in my first pregnancy

three years ago and I’m pregnant again

and I’m still um dealing with it

it in theory it’s supposed to you’re not

supposed to have that but I understand

you have it so unfortunately I think um

the best thing that you could do

uh as an uh cortisol prednisone

alternative and again this is just my


is to take high levels of vitamin D

yeah because that can act as an


um that can act especially for skin

problems is something really good and

then also don’t forget the the zinc as

well but those are the things that I

would do

um because as you know

when you’re pregnant and you don’t want

to be taking steroids because uh it

throws off things but I’m glad that you

asked that question I think also the

most important time to eat

perfectly is when you’re pregnant and

I’m sure you’re already eating perfectly

with everything you’re eating but

sometimes they don’t emphasize that they

say oh yeah eat what you want eat the

ice cream whatever you crave but

you want to give that child every chance

for getting all the nutrients that they

they need to develop a good structure

and vitamin D is at the top of the list

so you may even find those symptoms

diminished greatly with the vitamin D

itself because um

that it acts like cortisol but without

the side effects

thank you so much you’re welcome well

that’s wonderful congratulations on

getting preggers again and being able to

eat pickles I think that’s what you

ladies do when you’re pregnant so that

all sounds like a a lot of fun and get

back with us and bring the baby on the

air we all everyone loves babies it’s

good for Ratings bring it back on and

let us know how that goes and say thanks

so much for taking your time out now at

4 30 I don’t know what time you guys eat

over there but get out there and grab a

jar of pickles and have a blast okay so

let’s see


a Havoc from YouTube what are your

suggestions to excuse me treat acid

reflux you kind of touched on that


the well the the acid reflux

is usually a lack of acid so you would

want to take betaine hydrochloride take

five before a meal to start out with you

might need a little bit more but that’s

what I would do and then I would the

only Catch-22 is if you have an ulcer if

you have gastritis then you can’t do

that because it’ll irritate it in which

case you need to start taking

chlorophyll to heal the tissue before

you acidify it

um also

um you know there could be also H pylori

going on as well that’s one one issue

that you could have

um in which case um broccoli sprouts and

cabbage cabbage seems to be one of the


vegetables for that condition and you

might tolerate it very well and it’s and

it works for various reasons which I’ll

I talk about in my videos but that would

be something you can actually also do

but you need betaine hydrochloride big


all right very good let’s go to quiz

question number three and there it is

okay what is the most effective


for a poor night’s rest like you didn’t

sleep you slept like crap what’s the

most effective treatment that you should

do at that point boy that’s something we

could all use a bit of advice on it’s

terrible when you wake up with a couple

hours of sleep and have to do something

constructive let’s see


Marsha from Facebook you mentioned low

cortisol is as bad as high cortisol so

what is the solution to that issue I


well it’s hormone problems usually come

become a problem when the gland that

makes them has a problem and so when

we’re dealing with adrenals we’re

dealing with usually

the most common issue is this distress

the chronic stress that affects the

adrenals so you’re going to have to

evaluate all the different aspects of

your life and just look at the stress is

it is there environmental stress for

people is it are you watching the news

24 7 like are you exercising are you

doing things to extract the stress

there’s a great new

um tool that I’m going to introduce to

um in maybe hopefully a couple more

weeks because this is a device that’s

relatively inexpensive and you can

measure and visualize your stress State

and your recovery and then you can have


some feedback mechanism to be able to

measure if what you’re doing is working

to reduce your stress

so that’ll be really good things but

again it’s like with cortisol I mean

there’s other rare causes some tumor and

things like that but usually it’s going

to be chronic stress

if you have a loss of a loved one that’s

a really big one

um and uh that’s something it’s hard to


other than trying to keep everyone

healthy around you

um which is impossible but the point is

that um

the more losses that Stack Up The more

stress on the adrenals the more

susceptible you’re already having a lot

of other health problems so you know you

just you want you have to

look long term and realize that the

older you get the worse these things get

and then you have to

establish some more of a health Reserve

so you have

your your as you get older you should be

more fit and that way you have this

health Reserve this buffer for for these

problems occur with life and then you

can deal with them much better so your

body doesn’t fall apart

all right very good let’s go to Ohio

with Arna he’s been waiting patiently

and I want to make sure you’re unmuted

and she’s going to demonstrate how to

knock out one question in 30 seconds go

ahead Arna you’re on with Dr Byrd

um this is a follow-up question uh from

my previous question a couple weeks ago

I appreciate you being willing to to

hear me again so

um I wrote it down so I can get it out

in 30 seconds

okay so I’m thinking about the possible

causes of liliana’s

um night terrors and just not sure what

is going on we have been doing what you

suggested last time about the um

uh the four B ones just before bed

um so we have been doing that but she’s

still having them it’s not every night

but it’s a couple times a week at least

um so my husband and I are wondering if

maybe you could shed some light on if

there might be an ingredient or

something that does this

um and if so if maybe uh it would

manifest itself in a night terror that

same night or a couple nights afterward

we’re also thinking about maybe

um she’s very gluten intolerant besides

her diabetes type one

so if she was exposed to gluten is that

something that causes night terrors we

try to be extremely careful with the

gluten but

um you know that’s

her condition so

so I think the the best thing and you

probably already do this is to keep a

log of everything that she you know eats

and yes gluten could be one and also

another one I found is the erythritol

and other sugar alcohols can create a um

a really weird effect on someone’s body

mood and even like you know night

terrors so I think that’s smart to start

looking at different ingredients and uh

go go more uh go in that direction for

sure and also


I can’t remember if you told me if

if there’s anything else like did she

have any head injuries when she was a


I’m glad you asked that because

um there is a component to that

um she’s never had a

well okay so the first time she had a

night terror was

um the night that I had an outpatient

procedure and they had to put me to

sleep and then I breastfed her that same

day I

um now I know that was probably the

worst thing I could have done

um because of whatever they used to put

me to sleep but she had a night terror

right after that and then

um it’s been reoccurring ever since

um and then as far as head injuries to

herself she did fall really hard once on

her chin

and um

uh we put um you know butterfly bandages

on it and stuff uh there were no

stitches for that we tried to you know

take care of that but it was it was

pretty it was a pretty bad gash

um and then she also had a trump

traumatic injury when she felt she was

running and then fell into something in

her mouth and then they had we did have

to take her to the hospital for that one

um and she had stitches

um and they they put a local anesthesia

so she’s had oh and then I I remembered

this cream that another time she was she

had a terrible night terror was after we

used this cream called lidocaine and


prelocating okay so lidocaine and

prelocane is the name of it

um and so so that’s a local anesthesia


um for her her phobia of needles because

being type 1 diabetic she has so many

needles and

um so the doctor had uh told us to use

this stuff on her before she had um her

blood drawn

and that very night she had a terrible

night here so I you know of course we

don’t use this every time it’s it’s very

infrequent like whenever she has

something at the doctor we do it but



yeah and uh um there’s a lot to be said

with this thing and maybe I’ll talk to

you um later when we can have more time


um a couple things that come to mind is

that I may have have I might have this

data some words but if you search my

videos on how to get rid of old injuries

because it’s

um the force that hits the chin can

travel to the TMJ which goes right to

the skull and that sometimes like when

you’re sleeping have some of these head

traumas can kind of stir up stress in

the body


and so there’s a technique to work on

extracting some of the stress especially

in the skull because there’s sutures up

there and it can kind of I’ve done that

with a lot of people and it’s really

just help helped with their overall

stress in their body so they can get

into a much deeper sleep it seems to

work because if you think about it even

a child they do have they go through two

types of sleep one is a non-re-m

and uh the other was just REM they have

different Cycles the the sleet that

usually those nightmares are in the REM

sleep not the non-rem sleep

so um

that could be some type of uh thing that

you can work on too with the

it’s kind of like you’re massaging some

of the sutures in her skull but then


um was there a certain place that she

hasn’t got these injections or is it all

over the body

for with insulin

um so the insulin uh goes in through her

her pump and that is um yeah that’s we

usually insert the little needle from

the pump into the thigh

um okay yeah for now

um and she doesn’t like it on her tummy

so in the in the thigh and then she has

the CGM on her arm

um yeah


something else that I think would be

really beneficial

um that metabolomic testing to just to

you know you could even do it as a

a dry blood spot and urine test and just

to look at all the chemistry see what’s

what’s going on what’s going on inside

cellular levels I think that would be a

very beneficial test if you could find

um even a home kit or something that you

can get

be a male

and I would actually love that I’m sorry

what was that

yeah even



um get that test because they’ll you’ll

be able to look right deep inside her


um at the in the Krebs cycle and the

mitochondria and then also all these


these metabolites and uh wow get a much

deeper visual on what’s going on if

there’s something that needs there’s

some type of bottleneck or

stuck flow somewhere like oh this is

what she needs a lot of because there’s

there’s some type of um

there’s something when we don’t have

enough data we want to do more get more

information and that’s one of the best

most comprehensive tests that you can do

hey Arna I’m sorry uh we would love to

hear back we’re running out of time here

but please do keep us posted on that and

we don’t mind having you back again if

you discover some things that really

help your child that would be wonderful

can I just mention one more thing just

just so Dr Berg knows quickly we

actually have kept a food log

um like you suggested Dr Burke ever

since she became diabetic we kept a food

log very very um detailed of every

single thing she eats every day so and

how many carbs and all that so that’s

that is done so did you correlate that

with the uh the nightmares

um that does not seem to have a

relationship that’s why we’re so baffled

yeah okay well I’ll tell you what what

we’ll do is we’ll um I think you have my

email let’s let’s talk uh really soon

next week and see if we can sort that

out okay okay thank you that’s great

thanks Arna for coming on and uh talking

about your uh beautiful child so we look

forward to hearing from you again and

let’s go on an Arna I bet you had time

to look at the question and let’s uh see

what the audience including Arna had to

say about that what’s the most effective

treatment for a poor night’s rest and 45

percent of the respondents say it’s some

taking some magnesium or potassium 25

percent say hit the coffee uh 10 say

it’s exercise or a brisk walk 10 say

it’s naps and 10 say it’s morning


the best treatment the most effective is

taking a nap if you if your sleep is

crappy try to lay in you know in bed as

much as long as you can but just to nap

is going to be the best thing more than

coffee more than exercise because when

you don’t sleep you don’t want to do any

high intensity exercise you want to do

long walks is fine hiking

um but um yeah magnesium is good for the

next night but a nap would be the best

way to recoup some of that lost sleep

wow congratulations you 10 percenters

you Smarties here’s the next one a true

false or doc

okay true or false low salt in the diet

can Elevate one’s blood sugars

all right jump on that folks

let’s see Mela from Facebook I’m

constantly getting mouth ulcers what is

causing this

that’s usually a virus coming out of

remission which means that either you’re

going through too much stress and or

you’re deficient in zinc

so take some zinc and also


you can take um the amino acid leucine

as well

L-lysine I’m sorry L-lysine not leucine

um but not Arginine and that will also

help as well

all right very good let’s see

um we got quiz for out


just a moment

ah Jerry from Facebook what are the best

remedies for chest pain from angina

if it’s true heart related you need

tocatrinals that’s the type of vitamin E

um so usually they come in like 300

milligrams so I would take

times three the dosage maybe take one

three times a day and get off any type

of flower products or grain products and

sugar products

and and I’ll call them junk food and

start really cleaning up the diet

um but you have to also realize that

sometimes angina can come from other

things too and I did a video on that you

can search that out


on Rumble because it probably you’re not

going to find it on YouTube but um

yeah so that’s what I would do with

angina because that will increase the

oxygen to that muscle

and um

you’ll you’ll be able to have less

cramping in the in the heart if it’s

truly heart related

all right very good

let’s see uh this one poor gentleman has

a Patrick excuse me from YouTube has

Type 2 diabetes and now has tingling in

his fingertips and his toes and wants to

know is there a way to reverse that


um you want to fix insulin resistance

and you want to get rid of the diabetes


and so to do that you want to lower the

carbs lower the reason why your sugar is

high in the first place lower the carbs

go into low carb like 20 grams or 10

grams of carbs per day

okay and also at the same time you can

take uh something like benphotamine

which is a fat soluble B1 vitamin which

will be great to help reverse peripheral


and a lot of times when you get that

product with benfotamine as a nerve

support formula it comes with alpha

lipoic acid which is the other antidote

for this peripheral neuropathy all right

our smart audience is already on and

completed quiz question number four

which is a true falser and asked or as

low salt in the diet can Elevate one’s

blood sugar

and our astute audience 72 percent say

it’s true 28 of our respondents say is

fall and according to my math that’s a

hundred percent of the respondents

yeah so yes it um it can increase the

blood glucose now what’s interesting is

the way that you could have a low sodium


um sweating too much and not replacing

those salts instead

you replace it with just water so here

you are working out and you’re drinking

all this water to hydrate yourself

without the salt dangerous you can start

developing something called

hyponatremia which is uh where you have

this diluted salt and that can affect

your blood sugars but also causes you

know edema in your brain too so I think

um it’s very dangerous to over hydrate

especially when you’re exercising and in

heated weather without also taking salt

or electrolyte powder with a lot of salt

I have electrolyte powder with low salt

my regular one is with low salt and that

is not meant to take when you’re

sweating and exercising you’d want to

take the sport hydration one just

with more salt but you could take mine

the regular one but just add more salt

to it sodium chloride so yeah it’s

really important to have enough salt


and people don’t realize that that can

create a blood sugar issue as well all

right very good I don’t think we went to

Sahar have we in Canada Sahara are you


your little screen went dark and I can’t

hear her Sahar

we we don’t want to leave you hanging uh

anyway if you can hear me in the



you know doing something coming up and

scream at us before the end of the show

uh and let’s see in the meantime


one more GA from Facebook my husband and

I are on zero carbs omad and my husband

has lost a lot of fat from around his

belly and all over but now the process

has slowed what can we do to boost the

fat burning process good for you guys

sometimes when you do it um over a

period of time you kind of hit this


so I think what you can do to kind of

get it to work again is do some periodic

prolonged fasting do some

not very often but like maybe once a

week high intensity really good strong


um and then also um

re-evaluate what you’re eating to make

sure it’s done correctly for example you

might be

doing keto that’s not the highest


another thing you might notice is that

your stress level went up I would

evaluate that and so you can do

something about that as well but I’m

just these are just hypothetical things

that I would look at

all right very good final question of

the day here it is

um can you hear me now Sahar yeah let me

listen let me bring down this question

and uh let’s go ahead with Sahara I

can’t see it but go ahead with your

question Sahar

okay thank you

um I’m really happy to be in the show

today thanks uh sir for having me my

question is regarding my daughter she is

seven years old and she’s been diagnosed

to have psoriasis black psoriasis

um a couple of months ago

um and the doctor advised to have


um injections I am a bit like they said

it’s it has to be like

um forever like she has to be on it for

her life and I’m a bit uh concerned

about this I’m not sure if should I go

with this option or should I go with the

naturopath kind of thing uh second thing

I’ve been watching all the videos uh for

you about psoriasis and I was wondering

they’re all advices are they proper to

be for a seven years old like um the

same advice you’ve provided

Okay so

psoriasis is an autoimmune situation I

have a lot of videos and of course you’d

have to adjust the recommendations for a

child so one recommendation is that the

vitamin D so you probably just want to

do a smaller amounts of vitamin D but

that would be really important the other

thing is that there’s a great natural

things out there that use light therapy

a certain type of light to treat this



you know I can’t tell you not to take a

certain medication but I will make you

aware of the other options out there

there’s also

might be good to do some type of DNA

testing on her to see if there is

anything that uh

that’s going on going against her

genetic wise which would kind of put her

at a predisposed level like and it’d be

interesting to see the vitamin D

receptor and so then that way she can

take even more

than um

maybe what they recommend because she

has certain genetic weaknesses that are

preventing the absorption and I see that

very very often a lot of people with

vitamin D

um but yeah that’s what I would do and

um and then see how it works and then we

just keep looking at it over and over



we we figure it out but um that would be

at least the starting point

all right thank you doctor

you’re welcome thank you so much so hard

for your brief uh comment we wish uh

wish you all all the best with that uh

now let’s see here

oh here’s Apple I bet there’s a billion

people around the world including my son

that would like to know uh what you have

to say RDG from YouTube what’s the best

way to get off energy drinks I’m

drinking between 300 and 500 milligrams

of caffeine a day because of these

drinks boy he’s just shaking it up

yeah they’re popular aren’t they you I I

went to

uh the gas station the other day and I

just saw this huge line of the Five Hour

Energy drinks and the different stimulus

type things that people are obviously

tired and they’re trying to wake up I

think they are dangerous

um especially if you’re a child because

the amount of caffeine in there and also

they’re using synthetic vitamins

um like the B12 they’re using

cyanocobolamine and they’re using folic

acid they’re not using the folate the

methyl versions and if you start adding

those up with other things

you can have you can create uh some


which I’m not going to get into at this

point but you can watch my video on that


um you have sugar in some of these

drinks you have the caffeine and you

have the synthetic vitamins in very high

levels can’t be good so yeah there’s

there’s problems with that


if you’re trying to get energy

get it from health healthy things like

sleeping and exercise and eating the

right Foods

all right very good and Dr Bart why

don’t we talk a little bit about

um Rumble you know and is there any

particular way for them to navigate

should they go to the website and is

there a link there what’s going on with


the nice thing about Rumble is they they

don’t restrict

um of what I talk about and that’s

that’s that way you can go there and get

a complete knowledge the other thing is

that if you sign up or subscribe to me

you will get me in your feed versus


you know they only give a very tiny

percentage of my subscribers uh

notification that there’s a video


so I think um

I think Rumble is a valid place to go to

to search things it doesn’t obviously

they don’t have all the features that

YouTube has but they’ll have all the

videos so definitely you want to at the

very least subscribe so that way if

you’re trying to find some information

you can’t find it go to rumble and it’ll

be right there for you so

so that’s um that’s gonna be cool

I am still ovulating all the results of

your wonderful

feedback on the survey that you did um I

mean you have to realize there’s fifty

thousand uh people fill that thing out

so it’s taking us uh quite some time

that I’m getting incredible feedback on

what people think about that whole thing

because this recent change with YouTube

is like

um you know it’s just like if you talk

they leave it a bit vague like if you

talk about


uh anything that conflicts with the

World Health Organization or even in the

area of prevention they they make they

may remove the video so it’s just like

so arbitrary and unfortunately

the the real reason people go to YouTube

uh in the area of searching for health

is to find natural non-toxic ways to

deal with issues and so they don’t want

more medical uh information they want

other information not to say that

medicine doesn’t work at all I’m just

saying that it should be an open forum

for discussion uh to give diverse

viewpoints on health and uh and people

don’t like that they’re changing this

apparently this change that YouTube is

making is a pilot it’s an experiment I

think it’s going to utterly fail because

that’s not what people want and when you

use this authoritative you know one

Viewpoint people are not going to go for

that they’re very intelligent they’re

very aware and it’s not what they call

Health illiteracy

you know it’s not that people aren’t

smart enough to identify things they are

smart enough to identify but they use

that word as the reason uh for people

not able to choose or discern between

what’s true and what’s false so anyway

it’s it’s a it’s a crazy thing and um

um unfortunately they’re restricting

more and more of the voice and so this

is why we have to be on multiple

platforms and not put all our eggs in

that one YouTube basket

yeah and you know

um with the same respect for medical

science but they change all the time

they discover you know this is excellent

for you got to go to this oops we were

wrong people die if you do that so you

know you I mean nothing’s perfect so we

need to be able to choose you know we

all get One Life to Live here on Earth

and we should have the right to choose

and disseminate or be disseminated

information for a lot of people so you

know when the doctors will be the first

ones to tell you we thought that was

true but now it ain’t if you keep doing

it that’ll probably kill you is that

disinformation I mean you know well well

especially when you get in the area of

nutrition in food and diet right so

first of all there’s really no consensus

I mean you can’t put everyone on the

same diet I mean what works for one

person will not work for someone else

and so when you get it when you start

getting authoritarian viewpoints with


um especially when you have a dietitian

who’s funded by all sorts of conflicts

of interest which is known it’s not

anything crazy like you’re going to

start using that like people can see

right through that it’s not a good move

they should allow more um less algorithm


um I mean it’s just a joke but anyway

on that thought thank you for your

wonderful attention we will see you uh

on Rumble very soon and have a wonderful


thank you
