Body Shape Seminar (Part 1) | DrEricBergDC

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there’s people that exercise seven hours

a day you know every single day two

hours a day seven days a week and lose

absolutely zero weight there are people

out like that and it’s probably someone

right in the room today so this whole

philosophy of losing weight when the

exercise is it’s may or may not be true

so today we’re going to get into behind

the scenes also how do you explain the

variables you ever have the skinny guy

that you ever hear that when you eat

less you lose weight less calories in

write less calories in write in fact if

we take a very thick book it’s a medical

book it says the cause will be seen as

consuming more calories than our burn

you ever hear that how do you explain

the skinny guy that can eat anything he

wants and he doesn’t even yeah the

metabolism your metabolism is controlled

by hormones that’s what I want to get

into hormones however I had a lady came

to my seminar she says I had all my

hormones removed so you have 600

hormones in your body 600 we’re gonna

cover each one of them and I want you to

take notes on all these hormones but the

six fat burning hormones and you have

three fat making hormones but just to

clear it up to make it really simple

let’s talk about what a hormone is I

need a volunteer all right okay you’re

gonna be the thyroid okay and you will

be the cell okay good all right all

right say hello to the cell very well

done so the communications are sent to

get received and they get sent back up

here so hormones always travel in a

two-way flow so when you send the

communication you need someone listening

to how many find the life you need

someone listened to you when they when

you talk to him have you ever talked to

someone they didn’t listen to

yeah it’s genetic and men okay so so

when this gets blocked you have all

sorts of issues that occur specifically

excessive potential energy what’s

another name of potential energy I know

you saw my video probably 10 times bad

very good so now you can just say I’m

not overweight I just have excessive

potential energy it just sounds a lot

better sounds better you’re not really

fat you have PE potential energy to get

this out requires that you understand

how hormones work in the release of how

energy is transmitted out so this whole

philosophy of cutting the calorie and

then waiting for it to be burned off

you don’t actually exercise for example

does not melt that off

in fact exercise really does no good to

your body whatsoever unless you can

recover from it which we’re gonna get

into but exercise in itself is a stress

it’s a controlled injury it’s all about

if you can recover from that but let’s

just first talk about the thyroid body

type and that would be this shape right

here have you ever seen anyone like that

shape before brother sister cousin

mother okay that would be thyroid it’s

waking all over not in any one location

the first problem with the thyroid would

be the person gets depression so look at

me very depressed you’re smiling okay

depression feeling low down apathetic

that would be a thyroid problem so the

hormones can actually put you in a lower

state so we have thyroid also losted

hair anyone know anyone with hair loss


could be thyroid it could be other

things loss of eyebrows on the outside

here first right there loss loss of

collagen in your skin

specifically underneath here and right

here you ever meet anyone like that like

a friend a neighbor a co-worker

also the nail vertical ridges in your

nail up and down ridges

let’s have really good ridges let me

call 911 so you have ridges you can tell

a lot about a person by their now if the

if the ridges go horizontal that would

be a different problem

up and down thyroid horizontal more

immune system issues if you have that

little white speck that is a zinc

deficiency but it’s not really a zinc

deficiency it’s a time where you ate

some carbohydrate that pulled the zinc

out so it’s an if you have it right in

the center we know about three months

ago you had a birthday party and you ate

the whole cake so because carbohydrate

hold zinc out you know it’s interesting

vitamins you know I know of you some of

you take vitamins and maybe you have you

don’t really feel any change with them

with thyroid you won’t feel any change

with vitamins what’s the first vitamin

ever discovered you already knew the

answer a good well it’s the second

vitamin ever discovered and the fourth

and the fifth very good okay I just want

to see if you guys could yes right

that’s right so we have the inability or

vitamins one of the deficiencies and

let’s take vitamin A are those little

like little bumps on the back of the arm

right here or in the lower leg and

that’s about them in a deficiency but

you might say well I’m eating carrots

right I’m getting enough well what


vitamin A doesn’t get absorbed unless

the hormones are working and there’s

other factors too like you might need

omega-3 like flax oil to absorb vitamin

A so it could be a couple things but

thyroid you won’t be able to absorb

vitamins - well you’ve taking all these

things very expensive you’re and it goes

right through you

yeah so that’ll be vitamins thyroid case

will tend to crave sweets carbohydrates

and starches they like sourdough bread

the oven for some reason they like the

texture and the flavor and the smell

like that okay

so they like carbohydrates I have people

that come in there they’re like 90 and

they look very very vibrant and healthy

and they look very slim so don’t go in

agreement with the whole age thing it’s

go overrated I have people in their 30s

that don’t do they look pretty old you

ever been to your high school reunion

okay you ever see someone like they look

like the teacher and then you’re like oh

you’re my classmate so that’s just the

that’s just the hormones going down too


so that would be thyroid body type okay

got that now next one next one is

extremely interesting very common it’s a

problem with the adrenal gland adrenal

adrenal means add on top of kidneys so

the drina’s are right there deep down

inside here by roids like right here

dree Knowles are down here you have two

of them they are the stress gland of the

body now how many of ever experienced

stress before not one two three four


how do people give me an example what

stresses you out kids yes

family presentations anyone have a fear

of public speaking okay come here right

now so yes what else emergencies please

cops coming up behind those little

flashing lights by the way I’m actually

my next video I’m gonna put if you’re on

my email tip is actually I talked about

how to get out of a speeding ticket so

I’ll show you if you watch the next

video not that I’m recommending that

giving you legal counsel but anyway what

else dresses you up family yes yes

malnutrition yeah absolutely

Bill’s you don’t like those what else

dresses people out nowadays work good

vacation vacation yeah application is

stressful sitting out there doing


Wall Street economy right so here’s what

you do in the economy just as someone

says anything about the economy just say

I’m not participating that’s what you

said so basically you have all the

stress physical stress infection mental

stress it all reacts the same on the

adrenals adrenals don’t know the

difference between getting hit with a

car crossing the street and a loss of a

loved one it’s the same reaction to the

adrenals so the adrenals react to stress

and get the drina’s are there to help

you cope with all stresses as the dreams

go downhill your tolerance for crazy

people I mean stress goes down little

things bug you you’re irritable people

get on your nerves

how many found that people are getting

on your nerves recently okay