EDTA is a Good Decalcifier | DrEricBergDC

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i wanted to do a video on something called edta  and what it’s good for now i’m not going to even  

tell you what edta stands for it’s this long  chemistry name that you really don’t even need  

to know but here’s what you should know edta is a  chelator it’s a metal chelator what does that mean  

the word chile comes from the word claw so when  you chelate you actually bind with the metal  

and you pull it out so edta helps pull out certain  metals and minerals out from the body and it’s  

also good for getting rid of mercury and lead  poisoning so if you have too much calcium for  

example or iron it can help pull those out but  the problem is it pulls out other minerals too  

like magnesium zinc and many other minerals so  you have to make sure that you’re putting back  

in the minerals that you need while you’re pulling  out the minerals that you have too much of because  

most of the symptoms related to edta relate to  a zinc deficiency so as long as you’re putting  

some of these minerals back into the body you  won’t have the symptoms but some side effects  

could be arrhythmias because it’s pulling  out magnesium and potassium hypocalcemia so  

of course you would want to regulate this by not  taking too much edta you take just certain amounts  

you wouldn’t want to necessarily take it  every single day for a long period of time  

it can create hypotension okay because it’s  pulling out salt it can also potentially cause  

prolonged bleeding and cramps so make sure  you put back in the minerals that you want  

and not just pull everything out but what is this  good for well it helps to decalcify your arteries  

if you have calcium buildup in the arteries number  two it helps reduce bile biofilms biofilms are  

small igloos of calcium protecting microbes and  biofilms are basically a survival mechanism that  

microbes use to help protect themselves against  antibiotics and other pathogens the problem is  

they’re related to a lot of diseases and heart  disease and problems throughout your body  

number three it can help produce something called  ross which has to do with oxidation why because  

you’re getting rid of the metals that are creating  more oxidation so you can help reduce this  

oxidative effect before it can help reduce high  blood pressure it can help reduce iron if you have  

too much of it and a lot of men have way too much  iron because the thing about iron is your body has  

a hard time getting rid of it and so if you take  it on a regular basis because you’re eating a lot  

of red meats or iron supplements or spinach or  whatever you might not be able to get rid of it  

and it can create some problems with your liver  etc number six high calcium if you have too much  

calcium i think this would be a good thing to help  reduce that amount of calcium calcium is another  

mineral that is difficult to remove from the body  so if you’re taking a lot of calcium in the diet  

you might not be able to get rid of it and number  seven high copper as in wilson’s disease where  

you can’t get rid of this excess copper and  is creating a lot of problems edta can help  

counter excess copper all right thanks for  watching and check with your doctor before  

taking something like this especially if you’re  on medication especially if you have heart disease  

because you’d want them involved in this process  hey before you go if you’re benefiting from any of  

my content i would love to hear about your success  story please share it in the link down below