9 Ways to Manage Stress and Anxiety – Boost Stress Tolerance | DrEricBergDC

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so today we’re going to talk about the nine ways  you can boost your stress tolerance your ability  

to tolerate stress and cope with life if you get  highly irritable when you’re behind a slow driver  

this video is for you if you work at  a daycare center and you’re around  

small children all day long for over eight hours  this video is for you but before i get started  

i want you to note down below in the  comment section how would you rate your  

stress tolerance right now is it high medium  low make a note down below all right number one  

increase your sleep if you’re not sleeping  through the night and waking up feeling refreshed  

you’re not going to have a lot of patience  you’re going to have a short fuse and you’re  

going to be highly irritable now there’s many  things you can do to improve sleep probably the  

the biggest thing is to avoid blue light or blue  led light from this thing before you go to bed  

or your computer or your tablets because that  suppresses melatonin between one and three hours  

there’s many other things i put a link down  below of additional things that you can do  

but you need more sleep if you haven’t watched  my other videos on taking b1 for stress uh you’re  

in for a treat because taking nutritional yeast  which is one of the best sources of b1 and other b  

vitamins will give you instant relief from stress  within minutes you’re going to feel a sense of  

relaxation you’re going to be able to tolerate  stress a lot better i remember in my clinic i  

had a husband and wife that were fighting  i put them in separate rooms and i went in  

there and i gave them some nutritional yeast and  within about 10 minutes they’re in communication  

they’re holding hands and they no longer were  fighting so it really works number three low carbs  

now i wish i would have known this a long time ago  because personally i had a blood sugar problem so  

bad up and down and i had a very low tolerance to  stress coming from a low blood sugar situation so  

going a low carb will fix your blood sugars and  stabilize your mood and your tolerance for stress  

especially in the morning when you wake up you  may not realize this but if you feel better  

when you eat as far as your mood and your stress  tolerance that means you have a blood sugar issue  

if you find that you can’t wake up in the morning  because you’re groggy that means you have a blood  

sugar issue do the low carb diet i put a link  down below of how to do that all right number four  

which should be number one avoid the news  especially bad news because it’s usually  

false or fake news the problem with the  news is it keeps you in the state of fear  

it keeps you in a state of stress you can get  physically sick when you’re in this fear mode  

and it’s definitely going to affect your sleep and  it’s definitely going to keep you with a very low  

tolerance to stress all right number five exercise  will increase oxygen it will also help you  

counter stress we can never get rid of stress  but we can do things to remove stress from our  

body and exercise is a real good way to do it on  the days that i don’t exercise my sleep is not as  

good and my tolerance for stress is definitely  not as high on the days that i do exercise  

all right number six magnesium it’s a natural  physiological tranquilizer it actually can help  

you deal with stress if you consume at least seven  cups of vegetables per day like a huge salad that  

can give you enough magnesium what’s interesting  too is spring water like pellegrino or mineral  

water is loaded with magnesium and so if you drink  that water all day long you would get you know  

several hundred milligrams of magnesium and it’s  the type of magnesium that is very bioavailable  

number seven vitamin d especially if you can  get it from the sun but if you’re consuming cod  

liver oil or fatty fish or getting it from the sun  vitamin d typically will help decrease depression  

and anxiety and reduce stress and also help you  get into the deeper delta wave circadian waves of  

sleep all right number eight ketones when you go  on a ketogenic diet combining healthy ketosis with  

intermittent fasting a lot of positive things will  happen one being an elevation of your emotions  

your mood you’ll actually feel a lot more up than  down and you’ll be able to tolerate stress much  

better and your cells actually tolerate stress you  have more stress resistance last thing change your  

environment get out in nature now i’ve had  patients go on a vacation go off their eating plan  

and actually lose weight simply because of this  change of environment getting away from certain  

stressful people getting in a new environment  i like getting out nature can greatly increase  

your stress tolerance all right there you  have it the nine ways to boost your stress  

tolerance but if you haven’t already  rated your stress tolerance down below  

please do that before you leave thanks for  watching before you go if you have a question  

about a product or you’re new to keto and you want  to know how to begin keto or you’re on keto and  

you need a debug because it’s not going as smooth  i have a keto consultant standing by to help you  

this is just for the people in the US hopefully in  the future we’ll be able to answer everyone’s call  

but i put the number down below  so you can call and get some help