Is it Possible to Gain Weight on Fruits and Vegetables? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so let’s bring up the question is it

actually possible to gain weight on

fruits and vegetables

well it really depends on the amount

that you’re consuming and the frequency

but if we talk about vegetables

it’s very likely you’re going to ever

gain weight in vegetables now you might

be thinking a potato right because

that’s a vegetable well I’m not talking

about potatoes of course you’re going to

gain weight on potatoes especially if

you cook them because the more you cook

them the more sugar that’s released and

that’s going to create a problem with

blood sugars but if you just take

vegetables in general leafy greens I

mean think about this seven cups

of a salad for example

with other mixed vegetables would only

give you

10.8 carbs

that is an incredibly low amount of


but seven grams of that is fiber so

we’re really only getting 3.8 net carbs

extremely low

very low sugar

mostly fiber so you just can’t gain

weight on this because the fiber doesn’t

affect insulin only the carbs so the

situation is we have so much bulk and

fiber you wouldn’t be able to eat that

much to get that many carbs in to gain

weight I mean we’re talking about seven

cups right here and that’s only 10 grams

so you’re not going to gain weight on

vegetables okay now you may get bloating

or fluid retention which could result in

weight gain not fat gain so if you’re

not used to consuming vegetables and you

all of a sudden gain weight realize

that’s a digestive issue you want to

back off you could have a problem with

an overgrowth of bacteria in your small

intestine that’s called sibo watch my

videos on that if you have that but the

point is that that’s a different

situation it’s not actual fat gain it’s

water retention and all you have to do

is cut back your vegetables and switch

them to other things I have tons of

videos on that I’ll put the link down


so the question is what about fruits

okay can you gain weight on fruits and

the answer is absolutely but it’s also

dependent on the amount that you eat and

the frequency if you’re snacking on

fruits like I was about five years ago

between meals I actually went up to 211

pounds okay

  1. I just cut out the fruit and went

right down to 180. so I have personal

experience that fruit definitely can

cause weight gain now in the past they

had something called wild watermelon you

can see a picture of it right here

completely different carbohydrate and

sugar levels they had wild banana

check that out

wild carrot completely different than

the carrots you see now

wild corn very low in carbohydrate in

the past and then a wild Peach

completely different than the peaches

you see now then you have the wild Apple

which is the crab apple which are very

tart not very sweet they don’t have a

lot of fructose and I had a tree in my

backyard growing up and you literally

chip your tooth if you chewed into it

because it was so dense with fiber and

so sour it wasn’t sweet so over the

years they’ve changed their fruit they

basically made them sweeter with more


and that results in more fructose an


contains like 19 grams of sugar that’s a

tremendous amount of sugar the problem

is that at least 60 percent of that is

in the form of fructose and fructose

is metabolized differently your liver is

forced to deal with fructose and that

can turn into insulin resistance and it

can make you fat right around the

midsection on a positive note fruits do

have more vitamins and minerals and

phytonutrients and that’s great and that

will protect against some of the sugar

but as far as weight gain you’re going

to gain weight if you consume too much

fruit especially the apple and the pear

Apple has 60 fructose the Paris 60 melon

has 60 percent now melon does have more

fiber and more water but it is higher in

fructose I mean take a look if we

compare that to actual table sugar

table sugar only has 50 fructose these

fruit have more fructose than actual

table sugar and in nature fruit comes

seasonally so fruit originally was only

at certain times of the year

and it definitely didn’t contain the

amount of fructose that it has now so

yes potentially you can gain weight in

Fruit but not on vegetables

thanks for watching

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