Keto Side Effects Tell Deeper Story - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys I’m back in this video we’re

gonna talk about keto side effects and

how they can reveal a deeper story of

what’s going on the body Kino and

intermittent fasting magnify subclinical

deficiencies so let’s say you’re going

into keto or doing in a minute fasting

and you already have some nutritional

deficiencies well everything’s gonna be

magnified because when you dookied out

the demand for certain nutrients goes up

so what we want to do is use the

symptoms to reveal the deeper problem ok

so let’s say for example you have nausea

okay your nauseating

that’s gallbladder so you may want to

look into other issues that can occur

with a gallbladder problem not just a

stone but just like a bile deficiency

you can start showing signs of

deficiency in vitamin A with your vision

at night when you’re driving a vitamin e

k2 vitamin D low and that could happen

because you have a fatty liver so

there’s a huge connection between fatty

liver and gallbladder problem ok so

again you want to use this as a clue to

kind of pull the string to see if

there’s something deeper ok fatigue is

usually a low vitamin b1 thiamine and

low magnesium these two nutrients act as

a spark plug in your mitochondria so

they help the energy production so over

time if you continue this plan with

these deficiencies and you continue to

have fatigue chances are you’ll quit

when the simple solution is supply

nutritional yeast or more vegetables to

satisfy these two things and get your

energy back quick alright so let’s say

for example you have keto flu well if

you don’t know that keto flu is a

decrease in salt or a sodium deficiency

and let’s say for example you take more

potassium okay which is the opposing

mineral you’ll exaggerate the symptoms

of this deficiency you’ll make it worse

so you have to kind of know what this

symptom means when you’re doing keto and

I F let’s say you’re bloating one

possible reason is because you have SIBO

small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

where the microbes are growing in the

wrong place in the small intestine and

the more vegetables that you add to the

and the more probiotics the worse it

becomes which you need when you have

SIBO is decrease the vegetables don’t

take any probiotics and definitely don’t

take any per minted products because

they have prebiotics and probiotics

together and then you have to increase

the acidity of your stomach obtained how

to chloride or outside a vinegar take

herbal antibiotics like oregano garlic

for about a month to handle this all

right so the next one

gout symptoms let’s say your big toe

hurts so that means you have too much

uric acid well uric acid is a byproduct

of protein so if you’re taking too much

protein on this plant and you get gout

and all of a sudden you get on

medication you cover up the symptom but

you never lessen your protein you can

create other issues like it increased a

pneumonia which can lead to all sorts of

toxicity all right so let’s say you have

dark urine what does that usually mean

you dehydrated you just need to increase

your fluids add some electrolytes to it

and that will help as well let’s say you

get a rash Kito rash potentially that

could be a low b3 I recently did a video

on sub clinical pellagra which is some

of the symptoms of vitamin b3 which is a

rash around your neck or the hands

potentially you could have this and you

go to the doctor and they start taking

all sorts of creams prednisone cream

which is cortisol and then create all

sorts of side effects from there so it’s

good to know what causes what let’s say

you start getting cramps usually that’s

low magnesium and low potassium now if

you don’t supply those minerals back

into the body over time you potentially

could develop arrhythmias of the heart

atrial fibrillation and a lot of other

issues because you need these minerals

for proper relaxation and contraction of

your muscles let’s say for example you

do keto and you get bleeding gums well

it could be you’re consuming no

vegetables okay and you’re doing food

that has no vitamin C let’s say you’re

just doing chicken breast or something

like that and because you don’t have the

vitamin C you develop what’s called a

subclinical scurvy which is a vitamin C

deficiency and bleeding gums is one of

the symptoms so there’s a lot of other


that can occur with vitamin C

deficiencies so this clue will

immediately tell you you need to beef up

your vegetables no pun intended

alright guys thanks for watching I’ll

see in the next video so to prevent me

from running at a Content I have a new

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