Starving & Extreme Hunger on Intermittent Fasting? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey it’s me again listen I recently had

someone who told me they were starving

when they’re doing in a minute fasting

so I wanted to show them and anyone else

interested what I would recommend if

your stomach is growling or you’re

severely hungry doing this in a minute

fasting okay well number one we want to

cut things back you’re going too fast so

if you’re at a two meal per day meal

pattern go back to a three meal per day

you have not graduated yet you want to

do this so gradual that your body starts

getting used to it okay so just add a

meal all right next one you want to

increase more fat with the meal fat is

really the key to allow you to go longer

okay so you might need to increase the

fat and also make sure you’re doing

enough protein some people cannot get by

with three ounces they need to do six

ounces some people need to do seven

ounces per meal so just realize that

that could be a factor but again you

don’t want to go to much protein

actually will stabilize your blood

sugars and also it’s very important in

the recovery process of building all

your proteins but just kind of look at

both of these we don’t want to do

excessive proteins we really want a

moderate amount which is about three to

six ounces per meal sometimes a little

bit more alright number three this is

the most important reduce carbohydrates

if your carbs are too high you will

never ever get into ketosis not the way

you get into ketosis and adapt to

ketosis fat burning is by keeping the

carbs low okay so these people that are

doing kind of whatever they want to eat

within a minute fasting a lot of those

guys have a lot of problems especially

fully adapting to fat burning okay so

here you are burning sugar okay we want

to go to fat burning you have to build

enzymes so if there’s too much sugar in

the bloodstream right here too much

carbohydrate then the body will never

fully adapt to fat burning and you won’t

be in ketosis and you’re going to be

suffering as you’re doing this because

trying to do a intermittent fasting

program when your body’s not adapted

you’re not going to be able to tap into

your own fat reserve so you’re

constantly going high low sugar and then

high when you eat and then low sugar and

it’s torturous to the brain you’re gonna

be irritable grouchy weak tired all

right number four increase the amount of

vegetables in the diet okay you need

seven to ten cups why so you get two

potassium and magnesium

without those two minerals it’s going to

be really really hard for your body to

fully adapt into the state of ketosis

where you’re actually burning fat

consistently okay and those nutrients

are also necessary to to improve insulin

resistance so on the days that I don’t

consume enough vegetables I can actually

feel my blood Sugar’s not doing quite

right okay number five apple cider


this will help from two angles one is to

help you get more digestion with the

protein fix the stomach and secondly it

actually will greatly improve your

insulin situation in your blood Sugar’s

so this alone will allow you to go

longer without eating it’s a real simple

thing I’m surprised that more people

don’t do it okay number six if you’re

having to snack and you absolutely have

to snack do it with fat okay do it with

fat don’t do it with a carb I would not

do what protein do with fat that has the

least response to insulin so recently I

flew across the country and I didn’t

have breakfast and so we flew about four

and a half hour flight and pretty much

both my wife and I ate nothing all day

long until four o’clock you would think

we’d be starving we were not starving

we weren’t even hungry just a little bit

hungry we did eat at that point and we

are both at two meals per day but the

point is that if you’re traveling and

you travel a lot and you’re wondering

well how am I gonna do this and how am I

gonna get food it is the most awesome

thing because you’re not gonna have to

eat so frequent you can go and travel

and not have to and do your immanent

fasting and feel totally fine where all

these other people are needing the

snacks and they’re tired and falling

asleep when you’re just going for hours

and hours and you’re totally fine but

you have to be able to adapt to that and

it takes a little bit

work and knowledge okay and also it

takes about three days to get about

fifty percent of your body into ketosis

okay you’re not fully 100% adapted but

you’re on your way and then you give it

another day and it goes to maybe 70

percent adapted another day and 80

percent adapted till eventually probably

a week you’re gonna be a hundred percent

adapted to fat-burning now some people

are gonna take longer some people a

little shorter really depends on how bad

your blood Sugar’s has been and how bad

you had insulin resistance but the point

is that give it time and in the

transition do all these things that I’m

talking about so you don’t have to

suffer you don’t have to go through any

type of feelings of starvation alright

thanks for watching hey before you go

definitely sign up for my free keto

course I put a link down below it’s on

messenger in Facebook but it will give

you all the basics it’s very quick it’s

like three or four videos and it’s free

check it out