Dr.Berg provides Insights On Auto Immune Diseases and Conditions | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys I wanted to share with you just

some data on the autoimmune diseases a

lot of times it’s really confusing if

you have a problem with one of the

autoimmune diseases I just want to give

you some insights on my opinion about it

first of all what is an autoimmune

condition it’s basically a condition

where your body has made antibodies

against itself so you have this self

attack so you got immune cells that are

attacking your own tissues and it could

be any tissue or organ or gland or even

a hormone so alopecia for example that’s

autoimmune of your own hair okay so you

have hair spots of hair works falling

out ankylosing spondylitis that’s of the

joints that’s a condition over time

where a person literally turns into a

stone every single joint becomes frozen

it’s terrible diabetes well they’re one

of the causes of a certain type of

diabetes is autoimmune of the cells that

make insulin pancreas Graves

that’s a hyper thyroid it’s too much

it’s a hyper thyroid autoimmune and then

Hashimoto’s is a hypo slowed thyroid

condition both autoimmune and then you

have lupus which is the skin in the

joints multiple sclerosis that’s of the

brain in the nervous system

  • Tina gravis it’s of the thymus gland

that’s a little immune gland on top of

your heart and then we have rheumatoid

arthritis which is a very really tragic

destruction of your connective tissue

around the joints and it can deform the

joints scar sarcoidosis that’s of the

lung so you have these little tumors and

the lung that your these antibodies are

attacking so so those are just so a

small list of a sample of different

conditions right so I have my own theory

about this there are theories floating

around relating to the vitamin D

deficiency because the vitamin D

receptor has been hijacked by microbes

okay so they use a certain medication to

try to help that also microbial invasion

of a like a virus or a certain microbe

that can cause this

that’s another theory that’s floating

around its

so they could put people on antibiotics

for a long term okay but there is

usually one drug that they usually

always use it’s for inflammation it’s a

steroid it’s prednisone why and my

question is why do they use that well

what is steroid it’s an adrenal hormone

okay so if we turn into Frank neder

cyclopædia of endocrinology page 84

talks about cortisol that’s that’s

cortisone or prednisone cortisol is an

anti-inflammatory it’s also part of the

it controls part of the immune system so

it controls the white blood cell so if

the adrenals that produce cortisol are

burnt out in a condition called

Addison’s you don’t have an immune

system it’s gone so that’s the danger of

the not having adrenals so this is what

it says right here it says when cortisol

is like way too high over a long period

of time which basically is stress

induced you get a breakdown of

intracellular barriers raising

susceptibility to immune weaknesses okay

so what does that mean it means that the

adrenals are scouring stress and when

you lose control of the adrenal you

become more susceptible to viruses and

bacterias and immune problems

okay that’s what that means so every

single case that I’ve ever seen with MS

in the last 27 years and there’s been a

lot of them they’ve always tell me the

same thing I say when did you get this

condition and they tell me when they got

it I say what happened just before and

there’s always a stress always lost of a

loved one divorce a serious trauma of

pregnancy a lot of women during

pregnancy they can develop conditions

but here’s the interesting thing

autoimmune diseases turn off when you’re

pregnant so if you could just want to

stay pregnant all the time you your

autoimmune disease just go in remission

so there’s a self-protecting mechanism

so these antibodies don’t destroy the

fetus so that’s interesting so I believe

the autoimmune this is my own theory

comes from a weakness within the adrenal

system induced by a stress state so here

are some things that I would recommend

to do I would would ever trigger that

you can have to handle that stress right

you have to improve that situation so if

it’s involved with a stressful job you

know get another job fast go for a long

walks when people new stress they tend

to gravitate to pleasure foods and junk

foods right that’s a big mistake the

other thing that you want to do when you

have inflammation especially like the

rheumatoid arthritis you want to really

increase your potassium now and in this

other videos I talked about I talked

about you need 4700 milligrams of

potassium with these conditions you need

about 50 500 milligrams of potassium why

because potassium decreases the need for

adrenal function so you have more

potassium the adrenals can be chilled

out and they can work better and the

other thing is the adrenal glands dump

potassium so you lose your potassium

with stress so we want to support the

adrenals that would be my suggestion

with with these conditions so that’s my

theory and I’m sticking to it

hey guys thank you so much for watching

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will see you in the next video