Healthy Whole Grains Are a JOKE | DrEricBergDC

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So today we’re going to try to find a

reason why

these whole grains are healthy okay I

mean eating healthy whole grains is such

a widespread recommendation and just

about every single diet that you can

find on the internet they always mention

well make sure you have plenty of whole

grains so we’re going to take a look

at 100 whole wheat right so this is made


whole wheat flour

it is not made from refined flour okay

now what is the difference between

refined flour

and whole wheat flour let’s take a look

at this well to make this really simple

the grain is uh made from three things

you have the fiber which is called bran

you have the germ which has like the B

vitamins vitamin E A little protein so

it has nutrition and then you have this

other thing called the endosperm that’s

where you have the carbohydrate okay

so really refined grains

are like 100 endosperm now let’s just

first compare these two flowers

um this one has bleached wheat flour so

they add bleach to make it white this

says enriched it’s a great word enriched

right they add back in niacin

iron B1

B2 and folic acid so they’re adding back

these nutrients okay and then 1 4 of a

cup which is 30 grams equals 23 grams of

carbs and there’s basically no fiber in

here so if there’s any nutrition in here

it’s basically added in there now if we

compare this to the

or with flour right here we get 20 grams

of carbohydrates per 1 4 of a cup so

this is a little less carbs okay and

this has three grams of fiber the net

carb is going to be 17 grams so you know

it’s so funny because

people always talk about whole grains

being high in fiber well

three grams per 1 4 of a cup it’s not a

lot of fiber now let’s take a look at

the nutrition okay at the bottom here it

says vitamin D zero calcium zero iron

one milligram

potassium when 10 milligrams okay so not

a lot of nutrition but it’s whole grain

so we have the brand the fiber

but when we have the germ but I don’t

see a lot of B vitamins in here now if

you look at the expiration date on this

9 23 2023 like next year how can they

put this flower on the Shelf

for a few years I mean without going bad

that’s incredible and the other fact

that a lot of these vitamins are

sensitive to oxygen they get oxidized

they get destroyed so you’re going to

grind the grain expose it to air light

whatever and expect them to be preserved

I don’t think so now this is interesting

when this one expires the refine grain


2024 so another year it’ll sit on the

Shelf incredible so

wow it’s definitely preserved all right

so now what’s in this spread here let’s

take a peek whole grain flour


sugar vegetable oil okay so we have some

wonderful vegetable oil that’s coming

from vegetables let’s take a look at the


soybean oil

okay so that’s soy oil

so we put the soy all in here that’s

omega-6 fatty acids and let’s see what

else the gluten they put the gluten in

there and then they put a little vinegar

in there natural flavors citric acid

okay so that’s what’s in bread here one

slice is 21 grams of carb and the fiber

is three grams again eleven percent

that’s not really that much so we have

wheat we have Rye we have spelled quinoa

you have corn you have rice you have

oats all of these are grains and even

popcorn is considered a whole grain so

we need to break this down to figure out

what is in these whole grains that are

so healthy is it the Fiber Well there’s

not a lot of fiber okay so like we’re

talking three grams per serving size not

much is the vitamins and minerals well

apparently whole grains only give you

about 10 percent of your required

nutrients 10 percent

I wouldn’t call that nutrient dense and

the other point is that when you deal

with whole grains you have phytic acid

phytic acid is in the bran and phytic

acid blocks the absorption of minerals

so zinc calcium iron interesting but

there’s no phytic acid in refine grain

so you’re not going to have any problem

with that of course you’re consuming

these synthetic kind of Elemental

minerals which are like rocks or Metals

which is a lot different from minerals

that are like plant-based minerals now

the question is well maybe there’s

phytonutrients like flavonoids or

polyphenols things like that in here

well the problem is when they’re exposed

to air and oxygen things like that a lot

of these phytonutrients are fat soluble

so they’re going to go rancid really

fast maybe the benefit is the protein

how much protein is in here

oh well we got seven percent

four grams okay four grams not a lot

okay four grams and it’s not even

complete protein let’s see if there’s

any protein in um refined grains yes

there is

three grams okay we got a little bit how

about in this bread right here we got

four grams but of course it’s not

complete so again please explain to me

what is it in these grains maybe I’m

missing something with fiber vitamins

minerals protein phytonutrients now this

is what you need to know about the

studies regarding grains okay there’s

three key points here and I’m not going

to get two into it I’m going to put some

links down below if you’re more

interested but the majority the great

majority of studies done on grains are


whole grain okay products two refined

grains okay they’re comparing these two

and obviously the whole grains are going

to be healthier than the refined grains

right but they’re not comparing eating

whole grains to not eating whole grains

they’re really comparing the whole

grains to the refined grains and those

people who are consuming uh whole grains

are probably a little more health

conscious they’re probably not smoking

as much they’re probably exercising more

they probably have a better lifestyle

because the great majority of these

studies are observational which means

it’s all based on a questionnaire and

you have to get people to remember what

they ate and last I don’t know how long

the problem with the studies is very

very weak it’s not credible and that is

because there’s just so many other

variables that it could be and they

could pretty much manipulate the study

and make it look whatever they want it

to look like so there’s a tremendous

amount of bias in observational studies

and a lot of these studies are industry

sponsored so again you really can’t

trust those studies like even some of

the studies in the Blue Zone parts of

the world where people live a longer

life for someone to say that it’s

because of the grains they’re living

longer you can’t prove that well it

could be the the fish it could be that

they don’t snack as much it could be

less stress life now in 2017 the Cochran

um Group which is in very large

independent group of scientists who

review studies evaluated nine random

controlled trials and basically it came

out to this there’s not enough evidence

to say that consuming whole grains will

reduce your risk of heart disease so it

is true that if you’re consuming maybe

oatmeal it may decrease your cholesterol

but you can’t then conclude that it’s

going to reduce your chance for heart

attacks because the cholesterol went

down you can’t say that but if we’re

looking at the low carb studies okay

which I’m going to put down below

that would be a study that omits this

Frame and in this next video I’m going

to show you the benefits for the heart

your liver your arteries blood sugar

diabetes by eating foods without grains

Okay backed up by hardcore research so

check it out I put it up right here