The 2 Types of Exercise for Belly Fat | DrEricBergDC

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okay so this is the second video here’s

the basics of how it works there’s

basically two types of exercise high

intensity and low intensity this would

be sprinting to be walking yoga

stretching this is playing basketball

interval training hopping Stairmaster

hardcore and this is very low so you’re

barely breathing you actually can’t go

with the pulse rate because if the

nervous system is broken your pulse rate

might be low but you’re huffing and

puffing so I’d rather go based on your

own subjective feeling how hard it is

and how go by your breathing basically

so low intensity workouts you can

actually talk to someone while you’re

walking comfortably here you can’t

you’re huffing and puffing okay so this

is called without air because it’s

called anaerobic without air because

you’re actually burning more sugar and

I’ll explain in a second this is called

aerobic exercise now people get

confusion because there’s two

definitions of aerobic one is aerobic

type workouts which you’re jumping

around high intensity but then the other

definition is the type of exercise that

uses a lot of oxygen so it means aerobic

means with air low intensity so when you

low intensity walking you’re actually

doing aerobic type workouts okay so high

intensity low intensity now both of

these do burn sugar and both of them do

burn fat but let’s start with the low

intensity right here the body will burn

up remember we talked about the sugar

calories being like 1,500 calories all

that’s burned within the first 25

minutes of walking after the 25 minutes

of walking then the person will start

burning fat it’s not a lot of fat but

it’s a little fat it’s still good to do

so people that work out 20-30 minutes a

day really only burn five minutes of fat

burn who had five minutes of actual fat

burning going on so

if you’re going to rock you might as

well walk 45 or maybe 60 minutes okay

there’s nothing wrong with walking in

the beginning because you want to key is

not overtraining the advantage of doing

this is because this is how you would do

stress low intensity workouts are really

better for stress than high intensity

because it’s very relaxing to the body

and you’re increasing a lot of breathing

oxygen without the stress see when you

go through stress you don’t you deprive

yourself of oxygen so this is a way to

get the oxygen into your body and

actually protect your heart

is this is nothing wrong with high

intensity but it has to do with your

ability to tolerate it and handle it

many people don’t have the ability to

handle hard core workout so for everyone

in this program they’re going to start

walking and you’re going to gradually

increase to high intensity over time so

with low intensity workouts you will not

burn any fat for the first twenty five

minutes then after that you will burn

actual fat so in other words let me get

this straight here the first 25 minutes

you’ll burn sugar and then after that

you will burn fat so again if you’re

going to walk walk for at least an hour

all right and I like the idea of working

walking outside and not with headphones

just looking at stuff and relaxing and

having a good time as compared to trying

to think about everything you want to

turn that off a little bit okay now the

high intensity it will also burn sugar

immediately so it’s burning up out of

the sugar but you can’t really do high

intensity for a long period of time

because your sugar will go out and then

this will turn into a byproduct called

lactic acid

okay so sugar turns lactic acid that’s

why your muscles get really painful and

burning because of not lactic acid so

the more sugar that you burn the more

acid you will generate and then acid

decreases oxygen in the body alright so

can you burn fat with high intensity


it only occurs 14 to 48 hours after the

workout during the deep sleep okay so

again the most fat that you can burn

with all exercise is really right here

high-intensity I’ll show you how to do

it in a little bit but but it doesn’t

happen right away it’s delayed when

you’re sleeping if you’re sleeping and

there’s certain barriers that occur that

stop you from doing that but the point

is that depending on what you’re doing

and depending on the intensity intensity

is really the key thing between

everything and this fat is burned

through hormone interaction anyone can

burn sugar but the burn fat takes a very

specific condition in the body and we’ll

get into the next video but I just

wanted to show you the difference

between high intensity low intensity and

how it works