How To Boost Dopamine Levels With Keto (Ketogenic Diet)? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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I’m back again and today we’re going to

talk about how to increase dopamine

doing keto what is dopamine it’s a

neurotransmitter neurotransmitter is

very similar to a hormone but instead of

traveling through the blood it travels

to the nervous system okay so it

transmits communication dopamine is

produced with various parts of the brain

one specific part called a nucleus

accumbens okay so it’s deep inside the

brain and it’s involved they don’t know

exactly what it does but it’s involved

with motivation drive and reward okay so

they found that if they destroy this

structure you lose your motivation your

drive and the reward system is affected

and what I’m talking about with reward

system I’m talking about like the

pleasure centers of the body you see a

lot of problems with this nucleus in the

brain when used with drug addiction and

people that are addicted to

carbohydrates so what happens when

people take drugs for example is it

triggers this little nucleus in the

brain this little Center this nerve

bundle which then increases dopamine it

makes them feel better right and then so

it comes up and it comes down and now

they have started getting withdrawals so

they need it again and so they do it

again and they do it again every time

they do it it creates more of a

dysfunction and you need more and more

drug to create the same effect so

dopamine is involved with these basic

drives okay let’s say you have a certain

appetite for a doughnut for example and

you see this incredible chocolate

doughnut and has in you’re envisioning

it has a certain texture to it certain

taste a certain feeling it’ll give you

this great pleasure and then you start

consuming it and then you get this

wonderful feeling for about a minute and

it drops down right the more you start

consuming it the less pleasure you get

over a period of time to the point where

that pleasure eventually starts turning

into no pleasure and then eventually

pain because you have all these side

effects from the sugar but over time

when you lose the function of this

little nucleus and you start developing

dopamine deficiencies you lack that get

up and go mojo

okay you become apathetic apathy is

right down there with depression you

don’t care anymore

people that are depressed they’re just

not motivated they don’t have the drive

they don’t have pleasure alright so now

let’s circle back to Quito what does

Quito do with dopamine Quito helps you

normalize insulin okay at Laura’s

insulin now what’s the connection

between insulin and dopamine insulin has

a huge role in regulating dopamine this

is why people initially like the

carbohydrates because they feel so much

pleasure from it because it stimulates

dopamine at first okay but the more you

do it chronically you start developing

insulin resistance so that means that

insulin is unavailable to you so there’s

a lot of different receptors for insulin

in the brain so the more you try to

elevate insulin over and over and over

by doing the carbs for example you’re

going to create a lowered amount of

dopamine so from a food angle if you

have a history of consuming a lot of

carbohydrates chances are your dopamine

might be pretty low because you have

insulin resistance so going on keto

drops the carbs you start healing in

some resistance and you start

reestablishing your dopamine centers so

a lot of times people will take a drug

for depression they’ll take a drug that

recycle serotonin okay that’s a

different neurotransmitter and many

times it just doesn’t help people so I

did a video on this recently where I

talked about a lot of the research

that’s done especially with psychiatric

drugs what they do is they only include

the ones that are positive and don’t

include the negative ones the ones that

either have complications or don’t work

so you’re really getting an alteration

of the facts of what these medications

really do and the effectiveness as well

as the safety as well it’s not exactly

what they publish because they’re

they’re not putting in all the data they

put in only what they want you to see

and of course if it doesn’t work the

person’s labeled as treatment resistant

depression okay sounds very scientific

and of course they’ll give you new

medications for that or electric shock

therapy now as a side now what’s

interesting about that is that my


Jonathan amore this attorney has won

more cases against the FDA than any

other attorney so right now he’s

involved in a huge battle with the FDA

and electric shock therapy in trying to

change the classification of ect

now what’s interesting is the FDA has

never received not one single clinical

trial from the manufacturing companies

that make electroshock devices which

show that they’re safe were effective so

hopefully you’ll be very successful

inhaling that because to shock someone’s

brain with Aldus voltage when really you

can just fix this right here with that

completely unnecessary

so dopamine is involved with addictions

it’s involved in depression it’s

involved with insulin resistance also

there’s other causes of depression one

is chronically fatigued if you’re

completely exhausted because you’re not

sleeping or some other reason you’re

going to be depressed it’s very

difficult to be depressed when you have

tons of vitality and health and energy

okay number two when you have blood

sugar problems when your blood sugar

drops and let’s say you’re not on keto

you can develop anxiety you can develop

depression why because your brain gets

first dibs on glucose okay so if you

don’t have enough glucose to the brain

it suffers and you start having all

sorts of problems with dopamine and

other neurotransmitters and again just

to summarize low dopamine will create

depression as well so if you’re new to

my channel and you don’t know much about

it click the link down below and really

learn how to do keto that healthy way

thanks for watching

hey before you leave I just wanted to

give you a little quick history on some

of the books that I wrote this was one

of the first books it’s called dr. Berg

body shapes it was my attempt at writing

about body types what was very

interesting about this book is I

actually did all the images myself don’t

ask me why they look actually not quite

as professional as some of the image

that I have in the new book but anyway

this is my first attempt right here

called dr. Berg’s body shaped diets and

then I wrote a book more extensive

called the seven principles of fat

burning I don’t even have a copy anymore

actually because it’s outdated the next

book I put about a thousand hours into

this one right here called a new body

type guide major updates on the body

types I put a lot of energy into this

it has professional images graphics all

sorts of things now the problem with

this book is it doesn’t really describe

what this is really about body types are

only a small portion of what’s in this

book and that’s why I changed the name

to the healthy keto plan okay if you

happen to have this book you don’t

really need this book because there’s

some only very very minor updates but if

you don’t have this you need to get this

one right here this book goes into every

single detail that you would ever want

to know about it goes into the seven

principles of a burning goes into

hormones the body types the basic keto

plan it goes into in a minute fasting I

talked about the ten fat burning

triggers and blockers in that burning

strategies with a lot of details in

every single chapter I go into body

issues that interfere with losing weight

there’s very few people that just have a

weight problem they have a lot of body

issues whether it’s sleeping problems

stress problems inflammation menopause I

cover that extensively in this book then

I talk about how to get rid of stress

and I show you a technique then I get

into exercising and then I have a lot of

really good recipes in this book as well

so this is a good reference guide on my

website if you get this book you get

this one free it’s called healthy keto

and then fasting this is the shortcut a

quick guide to this book and the reason

I created this book is to have you

within 45 minutes learn how to do keto

okay in a minute fasting exactly what

you need to do then you can fill in the


with this book right here so right now

I’m doing a special if you get this book

you get this one totally free or you can

go to Amazon and get these individually

so I just want to clarify the difference

between this book and this updated one

right here if you don’t have this you

need to get this right here that way you

can get the exact correct information to

do it healthily