The 8 Foods That Negatively Impact Your Skin Health | DrEricBergDC

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let’s discuss the eight worst foods for

your skin so typically if a person has a

skin problem they may go to a

dermatologist right and they get a

diagnosis and then they get a treatment

maybe a some type of steroid cream or

something to reduce inflammation or

maybe they don’t they might just cover

up the skin problem with some type of

makeup or use some type of cream or some

type of remedy today I’m going to talk

about some real common

things that people ingest that cause the

problem so then you can avoid it it’s

not normal to have all these skin

problems right and so if your

biochemistry is messed up or your

hormones are altered

um the thing to focus on is what you’re

inputting into the Machinery into your

body all right so let’s start from the

top number one you have low fat foods

okay let me explain this and this

relates to some of the other points as

well but 50

of your cells I’m talking about the

membrane of your cells

especially in the skin are made out of

saturated fat

so we’ve been told so many times to

avoid saturated fat and we replace those

with other types of fat or go low fat

and that is one way to make your skin

look very unhealthy saturated fat is

totally okay to eat as long as you don’t

add all the other things that come with

it like sugars and things like that and

also if you can digest the fat too if

you have your gallbladder removed for

example that might be an issue so in

which case you just have to take some

bile salts but also what is in fat you

have all the fat soluble vitamins which

are really important for your skin you

got vitamin A which is a essential for

your skin you have vitamin D very

important as an anti-inflammatory

vitamin E is an important antioxidant

you have also vitamin K and number two

is of course the obvious sugary Foods if

you have acne and you want to get rid of

your acne

most of the time all you have to do is

get rid of the sugar because the sugar

increases the insulin and Insulin

increases androgens that enlarge your

sebaceous glands the oil glands that are

involved with acne and it includes the

obvious stuff like don’t drink your

sugars and I’m not just talking about

sodas I’m talking about like juice like

fruit juices the worst it’s just your

pure sugar it’s all pasteurized which is

sterilized it’s equivalent to drinking a

soda just take a look at a diabetic what

kind of skin do they have they have a

lot of issues with skin not just on

their face but throughout their body in

their lower ankles they have these

little black and blue spots they might

have this pigmentation issue around the

the neck area the folds of underneath

their arms sometimes they have a higher

incidence of polycystic ovarian syndrome

where they have more acne they get a

higher incidence of skin tags brown

spots because of all the oxidation

that’s occurring with the high sugars

number three grains and the thing that

they make out of grains called alcohol

some people are going to disagree

they’re like oh yeah whole grains are

really good for the skin really so what

part of that grain is good for the skin

is it the gluten that ends up creating

bowel issues that then creates all sorts

of problems with your skin psoriasis

eczema even other autoimmune diseases on

the skin itself you got lectins in these

grains and not to mention they’re they

turn in the sugar and and that will

increase the blood sugars and create

those other issues we talked about in

number two grains are also high in

omega-6 fatty acids omega-6 fatty acids

are inflammatory and so they’re not good

for your skin they’re not good for your

gut your skin is a really good

reflection of your liver if you have

poor skin chances are your liver is not

doing well number four which kind of

relates to number three vegetable oils

now it sounds like you take these

vegetables and you’re squeezing them and

making this healthy oil but really it’s

a grain seed oils or just seed oils in

general that’s how they make the

vegetable oils so that would be the corn

oil the soy oil the canola oil the

cottonseed oil these are really badly

processed they have solvents in them and

they create inflammation of your skin

and they compete for the omega-3 fatty

acids which you need as an

anti-inflammatory because if you look at

like a really important uh food for your

skin people say well salmon you know

things high in Omega three fatty acids

cod liver oil well guess what if you’re

taking omega-6 they compete so there’s

competition so you’re not going to get

the absorption of Omega-3 number five

processed protein as in soy protein

isolates or even hydrolyzed soy protein

now you’re going to see on if you do a

search on Google like oh yeah it’s

really good for the skin well I know

firsthand just dealing with a lot of

patients who have gone on diets with the

soy protein isolates and you’re

consuming something very unnatural a

highly processed

super low-fat plant-based protein that

I’ve noticed that a person may benefit

from maybe some weight loss but man when

they lose weight they don’t look good

dries out their skin their hair they

look older I’m talking about this diet

which is low carb it’s called Ideal

Protein they use very poor quality

proteins and that’s what soy protein is

it’s a lower quality

not very bioavailable protein I mean

maybe it might be good for Animals

certain animals like horses and things

like that if they need more protein

because it’s a legume I mean horses are

not carnivore they’re vegan and so are

cows and sheep and goats but when humans

start doing this

processed protein powder there’s some

side effects if you look at the side

effects from soy protein isolates you

get bloating

skin problems skin allergies headaches

indigestion fluid retention obesity and

I’m not kidding that was one of the side

effects as well as diabetes I mean look

it up very interesting I recommend doing

a quality very natural protein like eggs

Fish seafood grass-fed Meats things like

that but eggs especially the yolk is

really really high in vitamin A it’s a

great source of protein do you realize

that there’s more protein in the egg

yolk per volume than there is in the egg

white interesting all right number six a

lot of people have skin problems due to

milk and even whey protein powder why

because this milk is meant to grow an

animal and then when you consume it or

products with milk

sometimes those hormones can affect the

sebaceous gland and give you problems

with your acne so milk may be a problem

for you next one on the list is low

antioxidant Foods okay like let’s say

you don’t consume any vegetables or

you’re doing white bread or you’re doing

processed food or you’re doing junk food

all of those don’t have antioxidants and

the antioxidants in the food that

normally comes with healthy food not

just vegetables but even grass-fed Meats

have antioxidants as well all of that

protects the skin against damage like

from the Sun from pollution all these

things and even from eating sugar and

when you’re out in the sun and you don’t

have enough these antioxidants you might

be at risk for getting uh skin cancer

and more problems with the skin so it’s

the antioxidants that protect the skin

and number eight gut Flora destroying

foods that would be like the artificial

sweeteners sterile foods like box Foods

canned foods pasta moisturize you know

juices and other Foods refined Foods

soups things like that things that have

a long shelf life when you destroy the

gut Flora you end up with rosacea that’s

that red cheeks and your skin does not

look that great and so your microbes

live on uh fiber and so a wide variety

of different uh plants like salads

combined with protein would be a really

good combination for helping your skin

so the variety of vegetables in your

salad also increase the diversity of

microbes which can help you so when you

have this low-fat process

plant-based protein powder and think

it’s really good for your skin

you might want to think twice the skin

does really well on higher amounts of

fat lower amounts of sugar nutrient

dense with lots of phytonutrients now a

couple other things that can really help

your skin I’ve talked about this in

other videos fasting fasting increases

autophagy autophagy cleans out the old

damaged cells of your body and

rejuvenates your skin and other tissues

in the body fasting also increases the

diversity of your microbiome which is

interesting the sun is good for the skin

as long as you don’t get burnt you need

that vitamin D for the skin and if you

ever see people that don’t get any sun

the skin does not look that healthy so

you want to get some sun but not to the

point of being burned cod liver oil is

my go-to supplement it has not just

vitamin A which is essential for the

skin but omega-3 as well and vitamin D

all together whereas fish oils don’t

have the vitamin A only the omega-3

fatty acids stress reduction very

important I have noticed people have

skin problems just by going through a

lot of chronic stress so do what you can

to eliminate the stress and also to

counter that I would do more exercise as

well that can help release a lot of the

built up stress that you have and of

course the obvious things like decrease

smoking smokers usually have aged skin

and people who drink even the wine it

ages the skin prematurely so this should

give you a good starting point to really

have healthy vibrant skin so you don’t

end up at the dermatologist’s office and

you don’t have to cover up different

skin problems now I have another video

on what foods to eat to prevent wrinkles

and if you haven’t seen that one I put

it up right here check it out