The #1 Vitamin Deficiency Behind Vertigo | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about how to

figure out if you have this very

specific type of vertigo

and what to do about it and it’s called


paroxysmal positional

vertigo this is the type of vertical

that will make you feel like you’re

spinning okay when you’re not spinning

so the word benign means not dangerous

the word paroxysmal means a sudden

increase of a symptom and the word

positional means something related to

motion of your head and vertical means

feeling like you’re spinning when you’re

not really spinning so in this video

we’re just going to name it B ppv and

this is the number one cause of

dizziness and what’s normally causing

this condition is a calcium Crystal that

is broken off and it’s in the canals of

the inner ear the ones that are

controlling equilibrium and keeping

things balanced so this little piece of

calcium crystal is kind of floating in

there and it’s interfering with the

little hairs and it’s giving you this

Sensation that is um not correct it’s

like you’re moving when you’re not

moving or you’re spinning when there’s

no spinning going on so later in this

video I want to talk about why this

calcium is there in the first place and

how to get rid of it but first let’s

talk about how to figure out if you have

this condition and what side it’s coming

from is the problem on the left side or

the problem on the right side so in this

first test to determine if you have it

and what side it is this is called the

Dix Hall Pike test but you’re going to

basically do this maybe on your bed or a

table with a pillow okay and you’re

going to quickly lower your body in a

Supine position so you’re laying face up

and you can have a pillow underneath

your upper back so your head can tilt

back because you want your head extended

like 30 degrees

backwards over the horizontal so you

want this pillow underneath your

shoulders so the first thing you’re

going to do is you’re going to turn your

head to the right about 45 degrees okay

now if you truly have this bppv you will

experience not just dizziness that you

will experience the stigmas now that’s a

condition where your eyes can move back

and forth horizontal vertical or they

can rotate but if you have nystigmas as

well as dizziness chances are you have

this condition now this does help to

have someone observing you to tell you

if that’s happening but maybe if there’s

no one around maybe you have a a mirror

and you’re looking at your eyes but just

realize too before you do any of these

tests check with your doctor make sure

you don’t have some type of cervical

spine problem where you can’t rotate

your neck very much so that’s my

disclaimer okay so once you’ve done this

to the right side then you’ll repeat

this exact same procedure looking to the

left side and so you’re usually going to

find one side that’s going to be

involved so let’s pretend the problem is

on going to the right side okay then

we’re going to do the next part and this

is more of a treatment so what we want

to do is we want to create different

motions to slowly move this little

calcium Crystal

out of this canal okay that’s the goal

of this procedure and it’s called the

Epley maneuver and you would do it on

whatever side that you have this problem

with okay so we’re pretending it’s the

right side so first thing you’re going

to do okay is you’re going to turn the

head to the affected side so we’re going

to turn it to the right side okay about

45 degrees and extend it about 30

degrees and you’re going to hold this

position for about one minute now

chances are you are going to experience

symptoms when you’re doing this okay so

after a minute of holding this position

now you’re going to turn your head to

the opposite side

about 45 degrees and hold that position

for one minute now what you’re doing is

you’re slowly dislodging this calcium


through this canal with the intention of

pushing it out to the other end okay now

what you’re going to do is you’re going

to roll on the shoulder and maintain

your chin tucked down to your shoulder

and so you’re going to be looking

downward at a 45 degree angle and you’re

going to hold this for about 30 seconds

again the reason why we’re doing this is

to allow this little calcium Crystal to

keep moving through the canal and the

last thing you’re going to do is you’re

going to sit up with your head kept

rotated with your chin tucked toward the


and then you’re going to slowly rotate

your head back to normal now hopefully

this calcium Crystal has moved out of

this little canal and you feel much

better this particular treatment should

only be done once a day and you’re going

to keep doing it until your symptoms

resolve okay so what’s really Behind

These calcium crystals building up

that’s the next Topic in a 2020

systematic review and meta-analysis

they found some really interesting

association between

bppb and a vitamin D deficiency in this

review those people that had that

condition were twice as deficient in

vitamin D as the rest of the group you

see vitamin D helps in the absorption of

calcium and this calcium is dislodged in

the lymphatic little tubes in the inner

ear so obviously it didn’t get absorbed

so we have a more concentrated calcium

in that area and chances are this is due

to a vitamin D deficiency vitamin D also

helps in the transportation of calcium

as well in another study I found there

was a 5.5 times more likely risk of


bppv and yet another study I found that

bppv was substantially decreased if the

person took more vitamin D now in

another study I found bppv was 23 times

more likely to occur if someone was

deficient in vitamin D 23 times that’s

crazy so apparently vitamin D is the

answer for this condition I will say

there were some studies that did not

show that this condition had any problem

with vitamin D deficiency in the blood

and I understand I think the reason for

that is this there is a genetic

component to this problem many many

people have a problem with

the vitamin D receptor now a person

could have a situation where they have

normal vitamin D in the blood

but not in the tissues because of the

receptor is downgraded because of some

genetic mutation just because someone

has a normal vitamin D level in their

blood doesn’t always tell you the whole

picture I mean this also relates to

other things like insulin resistance

when some people have insulin resistance

they might have high insulin in the

blood yet very low insulin in the cells

this is why many symptoms of even

diabetes are related to a deficiency in

insulin even though they have this

massive amount of insulin in the blood I

mean the same thing goes with cortisol

the stress hormone too a person can have

this high level of cortisol in the blood

yet have all the symptoms of a cortisol

deficiency right I mean cortisol is

supposed to get rid of inflammation why

would they end up with this huge amount

of inflammation when they have high

amounts in the blood well now you know

the problem is in the receptor so the

same thing with vitamin D you can’t

always go with what’s going on in the

blood so what what am I recommending as

a solution I’m recommending you do

vitamin D and I’m also going to

recommend you add vitamin K2 because

vitamin K2 is also involved in

transporting calcium out of soft tissue

so this is what I would do instead of

taking a daily dose of vitamin D3 and K2

I would do this I would take five days

of that dosage and take it all at once

because both of these vitamins vitamin

K2 and vitamin D are fat soluble so

they’ll get absorbed in the body and

they’ll get slowly released when your

body needs it but there’s some

interesting data that shows that if you

do sometimes take your vitamin D

erratically or not every day

consistently there’s a little bit better

results so what does this mean well you

would take

50 000 IUS of vitamin D3 so if you find

vitamin D tablets in 10 000 IUS just

take five of those okay hopefully you’ll

also find one that has the K2 in the

right ratio and the right ratio meaning

for every 10 000 IUS of D3 you want a

hundred micrograms of K2 so in this

situation you would take 50 000 IUS of

vitamin D3 and 500 micrograms of K2 and

basically you just take this dose once a

week now just because vitamin D is so


I created another video to show you all

of the reasons why you might be

deficient and what to do to overcome

that and I put that video up right here

check it out