Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Dissolve Kidney Stones | DrEricBergDC

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kidney stones can be devastating I mean

severe pain so for those of you that had

a kidney stone or are interested in

preventing a kidney stone this video is

for you I’ve talked a lot about kidney

stones but I have not emphasized this

one really important factor based on a

recent uh study that I just read which

is actually very fascinating and it’s

including a very simple thing to your

water and that is called apple cider

vinegar mostly apple cider vinegar is

acetic acid and so the question is how

does acetic acid influence or help you


Stone okay now when we’re dealing with

kidney stones we’re dealing with um

mainly what’s called calcium oxalate

Stones okay but there’s other Stones too

you can have a uric acid Stone you can

have stones made from other things but

mostly it’s calcium oxalates so I’ve

done videos in oxalates oxalates are in

a lot of different foods especially in

the ketogenic diet they’re high in

almonds they’re high in spinach and

chocolate and Kiwis and then you have

another factor of calcium in the urine

which can be a genetic weakness a

genetic mutation

or quite a few people who have kidney

stones and or a tendency to get

osteoporosis they may have a genetic

problem with their Gene that they just

are releasing a lot of calcium in the

urine so typically the scenario of

kidney stone you have

High oxalates you have a high calcium

and you also have low citrates okay

citrates now you might think Citrus like

lemons and limes things like that and

you’re correct but your body also makes

citrates okay and the great majority of

the time if you have a kidney stone low

citrates are part of the problem because

one of the things that citrates do is

they can act as a key later with this

calcium and bind to the calcium

lessening the amount of free calcium to

bind with oxalates so that’s one of the

things that citrates do but citrates are

involved in Industry cleaning agents

because it can actually get rid of rust

off of Steel it’s used to help get rid

of calcium carbonate so it’s a chelator

it can bind with another mineral and you

may have taken Biology and learned about

what’s called the Krebs cycle which is

this biocom chemical Pathway to help you

make energy or ATP another name for that

is called a citric acid cycle so citrate

or citric acid

is very important in ensuring that you

don’t get kidney stones so yes you can

start to consume more lemons or limes

and that’s what I recommend in the

morning when you drink your water and I

usually drink a pretty big glass it’s


I don’t know maybe 20 ounces something

like that and I’ll fill it up with water

and I’ll put lemon juice just because

kidney stones do run in my family and

the other thing is just having more

fluid right if you have more fluid you

can dilute the urine because

when you get a kidney stone you have

what’s called a supersaturated situation

so too concentrated but if you’re

drinking at least 2.5 liters of water or

other fluids you can prevent the

formation of kidney stone

and you can also add the lemon juice in

there I mean if you have kidney stones

or developing a stone you should be

consuming like a lot of lemon juice I

would say maybe

I don’t know four to six ounces a day

and that can be either from actual

lemons or lemon juice but if you’re just

preventing it you can just do you know a

little bit of lemon like the lemon juice

from one lemon or you can do like a

tablespoon of lemon juice you also want

to add the apple cider vinegar in there


from a genetic level and actually it’s

an epigenetic action which is above your

genes okay and I’m mainly talking about

the genetic problem with this

calcium situation in your urine you have

too much calcium in your urine

you can control that and curb that by

adding apple cider vinegar because what

that’s going to do it’s going to cause

the reabsorption

the significant reabsorption of citrates

so you won’t lose them you’ll keep way

more citrates in your urine preventing

the formation of the oxalates to the

calcium now there is also other things

you can do too you can add some

additional citrates from either

potassium citrate or magnesium citrate

which can be found in various

electrolyte powders and then drink one

or two or even three of those a day and

you just may find out you no longer have

a kidney stone now apple cider vinegar

has so many purposes if you haven’t seen

my recent apple cider vinegar video and

how it can greatly boost your energy I

put that video up right here check it
